Han Mengjun looks like a prince in winter.

At this moment, she seemed to see the fireworks blooming in front of her eyes, her heart beating fast.

She also felt an unprecedented unease.

"Huo Chendong, don't go too far. Come on, let go. " The horse always grabs his right hand and hisses.

"Let go? Are you entitled to ask me to let go? " Winter cold said, "moved my woman, how, still want to do so?"

He directly hit Ma Zong in the face and said in his painful roar: "this time it's just a fist. It's a lesson for you. If there's another time, don't blame me for being rude to you. Go away! "

Horses are always taken away by their own men. They are scared to piss off by Dongdong. They are not in a mess.

At this time, Han Mengjun is standing behind the winter and looking at the man in front of him.

They are close to each other. They can even smell the good smell of Cologne on his body.

I don't know why, suddenly I feel that his back is so tall and generous. Even just looking at him can make people feel very relieved.

No one has ever protected himself like this. That kind of intimate and warm feeling has taken root in his heart, slowly breeding.

Dongdong turns around and takes off her suit and covers her.

Later, he turned his head to look at the director who had just come over, and said in a light tone: "today's advertisement will be shot here first."

After that, he directly led Han Mengjun away, and didn't even give the director a chance to talk back.

Two people returned to the lounge, after Han Mengjun sat down, he was still a little scared. To be exact, he was at a loss.

She has never been so protected. She doesn't even know how she should react at this moment.

Dongdong looked at her and said strangely, "what's the matter with you? You're not very articulate at ordinary times. How come you're so bullied this time and don't know how to fight back?"

Han Mengjun stared at him stupidly. After half a sound, he suddenly said, "brother Dong, thank you."

Winter Leng Leng Leng, didn't seem to think that Han Mengjun would suddenly say thanks to himself so seriously.

"You're welcome. I'm your boyfriend. That's what I should do." Dongdong said and stood up and said, "I think you are tired today. I'll shoot the rest of the advertisements tomorrow. I'll take you back, take a bath and have a rest earlier."

Han Mengjun looked at him deeply, then nodded slightly and said, "OK."


Dong Dong sent Han Mengjun back home, but he didn't know that after a while, the story of saving the beauty just came to Su Mian's ears.

So, he just stepped into the front door, then Su Mian pulled his back foot into the living room and sat down.

Look at Su Mian's face of gossip and his face of investigation. He is as smart as Dong Dong. He soon wants to understand something.

In fact, when he was doing this, he didn't think so much at the beginning. He couldn't see the bullying from the eyes.

At this time, seeing Su Mian's expression, Dong Dong realized later that Ma always seemed to have business contacts with his family. Huoting and Su Mian knew him.

It seems that he filed a complaint with Su.

"Mom, don't worry too much. If you offend Ma, you will offend him. If you do, you will leave. As for business matters, I will find ways to find other partners, which will not have any impact on the business at home. "

"What do you say?" Su Mian's eyes widened. "You think I'm worried about my family's business, so I blame you for always selling to horses?"

It was a complaint.

Dongdong said with a smile, "don't you mean that?"

Su Mian murmured, a trace of dissatisfaction appeared on her face.

"As a child, you are very cute and coquettish. Why do you like to talk so much when you are older?"

"I'm twenty-six, not six." Winter good temper smile way.

But BAABAA seems to be more and more like a child.

Su Mian stared at him and said.

"Mr. Ma, I've heard before that he is domineering and likes to bully girls." Su Mian said more and more angrily, "I still remember that when he had a meal, he even dared to call for a miss, which made uncle take me away on the spot. Just because I don't have much contact, I can't care about others. But now that you've met it today, it's impossible to ignore it. "

When she said this, she was looking right and said: "in winter and winter, you did a good job today, and that horse should always be taught a good lesson. By the way, how do you deal with him? "

She showed a gossipy look, "have you beaten into panda's eyes?" She said angrily, "I don't think a panda's eye is enough for such a hateful person."

Dongdong smiled and said, "it's just a panda eye, but if I meet you next time, I will give you another one for mom.""Ah? It seems that it's not very good. If someone doesn't do something wrong, er How can you enjoy others' panda eyes at will? " Su Mian said with a smile.

"It's easy to find a chance, mom. I remember that." Winter said.

Su Mian smiled and clapped his hand.

"Well, I don't care about that villain. Speaking of it, the more I think about it, the more I fear it. I can't believe it. If you weren't there today, I don't know what terrible things would happen. By the way, how about Mengjun's child? Is she OK? Is she frightened? "

Dong Dong is slightly stunned. For a moment, he doesn't know how to answer.

Are you scared? Like It shouldn't be. If she was such a timid person, she would not have beaten Ma into the hospital before.

But if she didn't get scared, she's lost in her wits today. She seems to have no spirit, and it's not right to look at her.

After thinking about it, Dongdong said, "Mom, don't worry too much. It's OK. She's not that timid."

"I'll be fine if I'm ok. I'll see her tomorrow." Said Su Mian.

Dongdong didn't say anything. She thought that as long as she was happy, she could do whatever she wanted.

Since then, the relationship between Dongdong and Han Mengjun has gone very smoothly. From time to time, Dongdong will take Han Mengjun back to have a meal. Maybe because of the relationship of more times, Han Mengjun's performance in the Huo family is more and more comfortable, and the tacit understanding between Dongdong and Han Mengjun is better and better.

But what Dongdong doesn't know is that in the recent period of time, Han Mengjun was very painful.

She was a little confused and a little upset.

Recently, the relationship with Dongdong has become more and more harmonious, which makes her feel confused and even have some ideas that she shouldn't have.

Always acting, but now she has a feeling that she is too deep to come out.

Many things seem to be different since the last time Dong Dong beat Ma Zong for her.

Han Mengjun doesn't know what's going on. She just knows that her feelings for winter have changed slowly, from perfunctory before to later She knows that this is not right. She and Dongdong will not have any possibility.

However, people's feelings are the most difficult to control, not you want to let go, you want to take back.

What should I do?

Han Mengjun is in a painful tangle, unable to extricate himself.