In Han Mengjun's very obscure resistance to Dongdong at a certain distance, Dongdong seems to be unaware of it at all.

On Han's last day of filming, he even asked his secretary to send snacks to all the staff, as well as a shopping card to the supermarket chain owned by Holly's group.

With such a big hand, it is obvious that Han Mengjun is the woman of Huo Chendong.

"Honey, you are so handsome!" Ben said excitedly, "when he did this, I believe no one would dare to bully us again. Hum. "

At last, he gave a proud snort.

Han Mengjun sipped his mouth and said, "let's go back." She didn't want to talk about it.

Ben was stunned and said, "don't you eat? Huo Shao prepared lunch. "

"No, I'm a little tired. I want to go back to sleep."

"Then I'll give it to you!"

"No, I'll take the company's car back. You can play with them."

Since the trend of Han Mengjun's rise, the company that doesn't take her seriously has provided her with an extra life assistant and a driver.

"All right! Honey, be careful on your own! "


Maybe this time is too tired. Han Mengjun fell asleep after he came back yesterday.

Until the next day was awakened by SMS.

She opened her eyes for a while, then she took her mobile phone to have a look.

"My mother has arrived at your door. Please open it."

What is this?

The wrong person.

She threw her cell phone to one side and then lay down for a while. She was so hungry that she got up to look for food.

Ding Dong!

The sudden doorbell frightened her.

Who will come here so early?

Han Mengjun put down his water glass and opened the door.

When Su Mian's appearance came into view, she was completely stunned.


It's too late to think about it. Han Mengjun opens the door.

"Good morning, auntie."

"Good morning." Su Mian smiled. Looking at Han Mengjun's pajamas, she said with an apologetic look, "I'm sorry, because I'm so anxious, I came here early in the morning to disturb your rest."

"Why?" Han Mengjun smiled and shook his head. He replied, "please come in."

"OK." Su Mian agrees with a smile and steps into the room with Han Mengjun.

Just stepped into the porch, Su Mian was stunned.

She looked at a few pairs of men's shoes on the shoe rack at the porch, with a look of amazement on her face.

In my heart, I can't help but murmuring, how can there be men's shoes here?

Look at the style and size is not like the shoes of winter, is Han Mengjun living with other men?

Thinking about this, Su Mian's face is not very good-looking.

"It's like a boy's shoe. Is it your brother's?" Su Mian asked clearly.

Han Mengjun, who is so smart, naturally guesses what she thinks from Su Mian's sudden face. If it's someone else, she doesn't want to explain.

But now she is still taking Dongdong's money and the contract has not expired. Naturally, she can't let Su continue to think and misunderstand herself.

"Aunt Su, this is my agent's shoes," she explained

"Agent? Do you live with an agent? "

Han Mengjun nodded.

"Agent is a man, after all Is it inconvenient? " Su said softly.

When Han Mengjun heard the words, he immediately smiled and said, "there will be no inconvenience. My agent likes men. He has been out with his family for a long time."

Ben is a careless person. He never conceals his sexuality.

"That's it!" Su Mian smiled awkwardly.

Han Mengjun looked at Su Mian's expression and said, "although his sexual orientation is different from others, he is my good friend, and I think it's just a personal choice."

Su Mian hears the words and laughs, "don't be nervous, I can understand. I've seen such things over the years Children. "

For her, that person can't be her son's rival.

Han Mengjun is relieved to see that Su Mian is not struggling with this problem.

Su Mian walked in with a smile.

Han Mengjun's residence is a small two bedroom, although small, but the decoration is very warm. The overall tone of warm color system makes people feel very worried at a glance.

She came all of a sudden, but the house was very tidy.

Su Mian saw everything in his eyes and was extremely satisfied.

Although it's just a few small details, it can really reflect a person's heart. These things in front of him can't be fake.Han Mengjun is really a child worthy of love.

"Mengjun, I brought you some chicken porridge. I cooked it myself. You can drink more." Su Mian smiled, opened the heat preservation box he brought, poured out a box by himself, and put it in Han Mengjun's hand.

The box in the hand is not big. It's warm in the palm.

The chicken porridge is cooked in place. It's thick and fragrant. It's hard to get in through your nose. It instantly surrounds you, leaving you nowhere to hide.

Han Mengjun looked at the chicken porridge in his hand, and he was in a trance.

In the eyes of others, it may be just a bowl of simple chicken porridge, which can be made in an hour. But for her, it carries more than just a bowl of chicken porridge.

She represents Su Mian's heart and sincere devotion.

What's more, this is the first time someone has made something specially for her.

Few people know that she is actually an orphan and has never received any care from her childhood.

For her, the most important thing is to live, others, she dare not expect.

She had never thought that someone would care about her like this one day. She was a bit at a loss.

"Thank you, aunt." She choked.

Although it's just a bowl of chicken porridge, it's a powerful shock to her.

The eyes began to turn red and hot involuntarily. Han Mengjun bit his lower lip and tried his best to resist the surging sour feeling. He swallowed the tears at the edge of the eyes.

She grabs the spoon, picks up a spoon, puts it in her mouth, and chews it slowly.

The aroma of rice and the taste of chicken are perfectly integrated. As she chews, the unique taste slowly spreads out in her mouth and fills the whole mouth.


After all, the tears were unable to hold back, breaking the line and falling into the chicken porridge, melting it, and then being eaten by Han Mengjun.

It's salty tears, but it tastes sweet when it's eaten.

Su Mian didn't expect to cry after eating chicken porridge. He quickly pulled the tissue box on the tea table and took out two pieces of paper and handed them to him.

"Mengjun, what's the matter with you? Is porridge not delicious? "