Han Mengjun heard the white rose this time seems to help her talk, immediately prepared.

The progress between them can't pass, but it's all behind her.

What does it mean to say all of a sudden?

Sure enough, after the director heard Bai Qiang's words, he could not continue to scold Han Mengjun.

He said, "take a twenty minute break and continue shooting later."

As soon as the director's words were finished, a Ben hurriedly put on a down jacket for Han Mengjun to wrap himself in, and sent hot cocoa to her, saying, "first drink something to warm your body."

Han Mengjun silently promised, then overheated cocoa sat down, quietly drinking.

For today's event, she is very lost and very sad. She has to bear it even though it is not her own fault. This feeling is really not good, but she has no way at all.

Looking at her appearance, Ben was also very angry. He whispered in Han Mengjun's ear and asked, "honey, have you ever offended Bai Qiang? How else would she have been targeting you? "

Han Mengjun looks confused and shakes his head after thinking.

"No, I didn't know her before." She is just a little newcomer. How could she know such a big person as white rose.

"Well, the ads in the back are mostly shot separately. Your opponent's plays are not many. You can bear it for a while these days. The name of white rose is there. We don't have much to take advantage of it. "

Han Mengjun nodded quietly, "I know how to do it. You can rest assured."

At this time, Bai Qiang's assistant came over and looked at Han Mengjun haughtily and said, "Han Mengjun, Bai Jie asked you to come over."

Ben picked up his eyebrows and said, "this is about to start shooting. I don't know what's the matter with sister Bai? If I need anything, I can go... "

"What are you talking about?! Our sister Bai is looking for Han Mengjun, not you. "

When Han Mengjun heard Ben scolded, he immediately stood up and said coldly, "what do you say?"

Her eyes were cold and murderous.

The assistant was scared. She stepped back and said, "what do you want?" Han Mengjun's eyes were so terrible that he wanted to kill her.

"Say what you just said again." Han Mengjun said coldly, "you apologize to Ben."

Ben knew that Han Mengjun was holding grievances for him, and he was very moved. However, he did not forget his agent's identity. They are not able to fight against Bai Qiang.

He had to think about Han Mengjun's star path, even if he wanted to tear the little bitch's mouth!

Hum! Who is a sissy?! Your family are all sissy!

"Come on, dreamer, let's not be angry for such a person." Ben pulled Han Mengjun and said, then turned to look at the assistant and said, "we'll go there later."

The assistant stammered, "Bai and Bai are waiting."

"Sorry!" Han Mengjun said angrily.

"I'm sorry!" Said the assistant at once.

I'm afraid of evil.

After Han Mengjun saw her apology, he recovered his expressionless face.

Ben rubbed his forehead feebly.

Forget it. It's a little assistant anyway. If you offend me, it's OK.

"Lead the way." Said Han Mengjun.

"I'll go with you." Said Ben.

Han Mengjun shook his head and said, "it's OK. I'll be back soon. Wait for me here. If I don't come back after ten minutes, you can find me."

Ben nodded and watched Han Mengjun and his assistant leave.

I don't know what's going on. There's always an indescribable uneasiness in his heart.


Ben has been staring at his cell phone almost all the time. After ten minutes, he stands up and goes to the lounge of white rose.

He reached out and knocked on the door, saying, "Miss Bai, I'll look for my dream gentleman."

As soon as Ben finished speaking, the door suddenly opened.

A woman in her thirties said, "who are you? Someone has found our side. "

Ben's heart leaped. He smiled and said politely, "excuse me, I'm sorry to disturb sister Bai's rest..."

"Let him in." The voice of the White Rose came from inside.

The man turned on his unhappy side and let Ben in.

When Ben went in, she saw that the white rose was finishing her hair, and her stylist was finishing with her.

"Sister Bai, I'm sorry to disturb you. I'm here to find Mengjun."

Bai Qiang smiled and said, "you are Han Mengjun's agent. How can I find your artist here?"

Ben was more upset when she said that.

He replied, "sister Bai, didn't you tell the assistant to come to find Mengjun? She... ""What are you talking about?!" The woman said angrily, "we didn't go out today. Who went to find your artist?"?! Funny! Someone has found this way. "

How could it not be?!

Ben looked around in a panic, but didn't find out that he came to find Mengjun's assistant.

"Just Clearly someone came here, she said, sister Bai is looking for Mengjun, so Mengjun went out. "

White rose smell speech, smile to say, "my people are all here, you see, who just went to you?"

Ben replied, "the person who is looking for me is not in it, is not..."

"Ha! Do you come here to pick things? While saying that we have invited your entertainer to leave, we also said that the person who invited her out is not here! "

"Swallow." White rose smiled and shouted, "this colleague may be too nervous."

"Hum, sister Bai, you are good tempered." The swallow pushed Ben hard and said, "our white sister is going to make a film soon. She needs to change clothes. You need to go out quickly."

It's very tragic that a man in Ben is not as strong as her. He is about to be pushed out and shut up. Ben shouts, "sister Bai, if you have any news about that man, you must call me. My phone number is 138xxxxxxx..."


When the door was closed, the swallow poohed and said, "where are the things from? It's white sister's good temper! Such a person, according to my idea, should be kicked out! It's true. In my opinion, 100% of them are playful. Who knows where they went with whom. It's not like this has never happened. What can't little stars do for the sake of being famous? "

"Swallow, forget it. The new man is not sensible. We don't have to worry about her." Said the white rose.

"Sister Bai, you are so kind! Just when I was filming, the new man made mistakes all the time, which made you stand all the time. It would be better. I don't know where to go? Do you have to wait? What... "

"Let's go. Don't let the director wait." Said the white rose.

This performance of the white rose, in front of all people to get a very high impression.