Ben is going crazy.

The man who just came to look for Han Mengjun seems to be missing. He can't find him.

There was a cold sweat on his back.

"Brother Ben, how about sister Mengjun?" "The director and director are swearing over there," said little P in fear

"What about Han Mengjun? Where have you been? Let everyone wait for her alone?! If it doesn't show up in ten minutes! You told her never to come! " The director scolded angrily, "if she doesn't do it, someone will do it! I've never seen such an unprofessional person! "

"Ben, brother Ben......"

"Stop shouting!" Ben twisted his hair and said, "the dream is gone! I can't find it. The cell phone has been through and nobody answers it. "

"How come it's gone? Sister Mengjun was just here... "

"White rose that little bitch, found a person to call her away, and then I went to find someone, she did not admit it!" Ben doesn't believe she doesn't know.

The more generous it is, the more problematic it is!

The first time Xiaop met such a thing, the whole person was scared to be silly.

She said in fear, "then, shall we call the police?"

"Alarm? Yes, call the police! " Ben suddenly thought of it. He picked up his cell phone and said, "I don't believe it! I called the police! The police come and see if they can fit it! "

"Brother Ben, you are a woman!" Little P said in surprise.

Ben was very angry. He was even more upset by the words of little P. he couldn't help slapping her and scolding, "when are you going to say something messy? Have you ever seen a woman like me?"

Little p was about to reply when he heard a knock outside the door.

"Open the door." Said Ben.

Little p hurry to open the door.

The door opened and Dongdong smiled at them.

He was wearing a light casual clothes, but even so, the noble and domineering spirit that lingered around him spread out without any cover, like a pearl that could not cover up the light, attracting the attention of all the people present.

"Huo, Huo Shao!" Ben was stunned, and then shouted excitedly.

Dongdong was frightened by his voice. After a meal, he said with a smile, "I have something to find Mengjun."

When Ben heard the words, he immediately began to cry. He almost didn't kneel down and hold Dongdong's thigh.

He said, "please don't let Huo be the master of our dream king!"

Small P also wakes up from the light of handsome man, and shouts with Ben, "please don't make a decision for my miss Huo!"

Winter and winter: "..."

Do people around stars need acting skills to be employed?


After a while, Dongdong found out what happened. He said, "when did that man come to find Mengjun?"

"More than half an hour ago." Ben wiped his tears and said, "we dreamer is a naive child. If something happens, I will not survive..."

Dongdong can't help but take a look at him. He says, "nothing will happen. After all, this is a theater. I guess it's a big deal to lock people up."

What Dongdong said is understatement.

When Ben heard it, he couldn't help but shed two more tears.

However, Dong Dong was not interested in watching a man cry. He said, "do you have a computer?"

Little p replied, "yes."

"Take it out and turn it on for me. I want to use it." Winter and winter command.

Little p immediately began to follow the words of winter and winter.

Dongdong stood up, looked around, then suddenly stood on the table and began to dismantle things.

"Huo Shao, what are you doing?" Asked Ben curiously.

"I'm removing the monitor." Winter said.

Then, Dongdong takes the monitor down, touches the watch, and suddenly a piece of wire appears.

Ben and little p stared at him. Like magic, they guessed out the chip of the monitor and installed it in the computer.

Trough! Huo Shao doesn't want to be too handsome!

If she could, she would like to tweet!

Winter hands quickly in the computer keyboard control, after a while, the computer will appear in some pictures.

He turned the computer around and asked, "is this the man?"

Ben looked and said, "yes! This little bitch! "

Dongdong smiled, picked up his notebook and said, "let's go! Let's go to Mengjun. "


Here, white rose hears assistant to say Huo Chendong to come after, immediately in the mind had shouldn't angry mind.

She stroked her hair and said, "it's a little cold. You can send my Chuanbei pear tea to Huo Shao."

After ten minutes, she was told that Huo Chendong came to see her.She smiled smugly, thinking that it was her tea that brought winter to her.

"Hurry up and ask Huo Shao to come in." She said.

When Dongdong came in, the director and two people in police uniform were still at the door.

Even if the white rose is naive, it can see that it's not right.

She was stunned, then smiled and said, "Why are you all here?"

Dongdong looked at her and asked, "are you a white rose?"

It's a bit of a slap.

Not to mention how red the white rose is now, but she and Dongdong have seen each other several times in public places. She has also used Dongdong's hype in private, suggesting that he has chased him.

Of course, at that time, the media was personal and didn't make it public.

This meeting, winter winter this sentence, not on the plain, do not know who is the white rose.

The smile on Bai Qiang's face couldn't stop, she said awkwardly, "I am."

After hearing her answer, Dongdong didn't talk to her anymore. He said directly, "let's catch her."

As soon as he finished speaking, two policemen rushed up behind him.

The people at the scene are all stupid!

What's the matter? Doesn't Huo Shao have a prelude? How can I arrest people?!

"What do you want to do? Why do you catch me?! " Cried the white rose.

"Miss Bai, you are suspected of kidnapping Miss Han Mengjun illegally. You can keep silent, but every word you say will become a testimony!" The police handcuffed her.

"Are you mistaken? I didn't do such a thing! I am wronged! " "What are you still standing for?" said the white rose?! Come and help me! "

At this time, her assistants rushed up and said.

"Can the police arrest people at random? Sister Bai has always been with us! Never been anywhere! Why do you say that some of these don't exist! "

"Yes! You people, with our taxpayers' money, have wronged good people! I'll take pictures of you all and send them to the Internet! "

This is really a pig teammate!

White rose heard that she wanted to take a picture, but also ran Kui shouted, "what do you want to take?! Don't shoot! "

So, this side has become a farce completely!