Dongdong saw the white rose run out completely and asked with a smile, "can you say now?"

White rose now where there is a line of actress's appearance, she looked at winter and winter, still doing dying struggle.

She bit her lips and showed her pear blossom with tears. She said pitifully, "I really don't know what's going on? Did Huo Shao misunderstand something? "

At this point, she won't admit anything.

Once admitted, she was done.

"It seems that you are not clever." Dongdong shook his head.

The police looked at her contemptuously and said, "everything you did was filmed by the monitor. My advice to you is that you'd better find a good lawyer."

Hearing the words, the white rose suddenly sat on the ground.

She looked up at Dongdong and begged, "Huo Shao, I didn't do anything. I just asked people to lock her up and teach her a little lesson..."

"You tell me the address, and I can think of keeping it out of the press." Winter and winter smile coldly.

White rose thought about it, and then said an address.

After listening to Dongdong, he said, "by the way, I'm talking about consideration..."

The implication is that he will let the major media report it.

"No!" The white rose cries painfully, "Huo Shao, you said! You can't do this to me! "


The place where Han Mengjun was detained is a utility room, where the props are stored by the props group.

When she followed the man into the room, she had been on guard all the time. Unexpectedly, the man was so strong that he cheated her into the props room, then fell her to the ground and shut the door immediately.

After Han Mengjun got up, the door had been locked, and the phone had no signal, so he couldn't get out.

She kicked the door hard.

Results in addition to kicking their feet pain, there is no egg use.

She sat in the middle of a pile of props.


What's the matter with her recently?!

Since she agreed to be Huo Chendong's contractual lover, she has been encountering some strange things. It's amazing!

Is there any strange atmosphere in Huo Chendong?

The more Han Mengjun thinks in this direction, the more he thinks that Bai Qiang's time is related to Huo Chendong!

Maybe it's the peach blossom debt he provoked!

If not, it's hard to understand why she's targeting a new person like this!

"Bastard Huo Chendong!" She scolded angrily.

At this time, the door was suddenly opened.

She was completely frightened.

Dongdong came in, holding his chest in both hands, and said with a smile, "it seems that you have good energy! You can also curse. "

How could he have appeared?!

Han Mengjun looked at him in astonishment.

Dongdong smiled, and he came to her step by step, squatted down, reached out and pinched her face, and said, "isn't it a surprise? Feel like you're dreaming? "

Trough! What a bad taste this man is!

Han Mengjun suddenly woke up. She reached out and clapped his hands, saying, "Why are you here?"

"I'll help you! If not, you don't know when you will be locked up! " Winter laughs.

“……” Han Mengjun stood up, leaped over him and walked forward.

Is that shy? What a strange personality!

Dongdong sees Han Mengjun's ears are red, smiles and says, "ah, xiaojunjun, why don't you talk?"

This is the evil taste of winter and winter. The more people ignore him, the more he likes to flirt.

After a few steps, Han Mengjun adjusted her mood and the expression on her face. She turned around and asked seriously, "tell me the truth! Is the white rose the peach blossom you provoked? "

Dongdong smiled and said, "are you jealous?"

"You think so!" Han Mengjun replied, "Huo Shao, I am innocent because of you. How can you compensate me?"

It's her decision! It's also her way back. Since it's impossible, then she will cut off everything completely.

Just about money, not about Feelings.

Dongdong listens to her words, a tiny one Leng, replies, "today's matter, is I did not handle well, you rest assured, I will compensate you. Are you doing anything tomorrow? "

Han Mengjun suddenly failed to reflect how the topic changed so quickly.

She frowned and thought for a moment. She replied, "I think it's going to be filmed tomorrow."

"I don't need to shoot tomorrow. The director has something to do. I'll give you two days off." Return to the road in winter and winter.

Han Mengjun: "..."

"If you're OK, well, let's go out on a date tomorrow." Winter said.

Han Mengjun was very surprised. He thought to himself, which play is this?"Why should I date you when I'm free? I don't have enough to hold on?! "

"I'll make it up to you!"

Han Mengjun flipped his eyes and said, "I don't want such compensation!"

What kind of compensation is that?!

Dongdong said with a smile, "the media hype is almost over. We have to date each other and give them some substantive evidence."

Other words, Han Mengjun can also refuse, once involved in the contract, she will suddenly wilt.

Dongdong looked at her expression and said, "don't you dare to date me? Are you afraid of falling in love with me? "

“……” Han Mengjun immediately wanted to be trampled on the tail of the cat, she jumped up and said, "what are you talking about?!"

"Why do you react so much?" Dongdong is surprised.

Han Mengjun sipped his lips and said, "OK, see you tomorrow!"

Her reluctant appearance also made Dongdong feel a little puzzled.

When did he find a date like this?


The next day, winter came as promised, driving with Han Mengjun to the dating place.

When he got to the place and looked at the coffee shop in front of him, Han Mengjun was stunned for a moment.

In her opinion, in her capacity of Dongdong, she would definitely find a more advanced place for dating.

But the coffee shop in front of you is in the downtown area. Although there is a style in the decoration, but It seems that there is still some gap with Huo Chendong's identity.

What do you think, it's more like a place for students to date?

Is the media better here?

She looked around quietly and asked Dong Dong in a low voice, "did you call the media?"

Where are people? Why didn't you see it?

Dongdong smiled and said, "don't worry, I've arranged everything."

Han Mengjun nodded and said nothing.

After getting off, Han Mengjun immediately enters the role, holding Dongdong's arm, a gentle smile on his face, like a little woman in love.

Dong Dong was shocked by her reaction. She felt that the performance of this woman could not be better.

Two people enter the coffee shop, when see clearly inside the situation, Han Mengjun once again froze.

Because the coffee shop is almost empty, only a couple sitting in the distance.

So many positions are reserved for the media?