Han Mengjun didn't think much about it. She thought that Huo Chendong brought her out to act.

As a dedicated actress, she naturally wants to perform hard.

Since entering the cafe, she has been looking at winter with a loving look.

Winter suddenly a look, not from the heart again sigh.

Even love can act like this.

People like her live under masks every day. Which one is the real one?

"Where is the media?" Han Mengjun is close to Dongdong and asks in her ear.

However, if outsiders look at it, it's like two people are kissing.

Huo Chendong smiled and replied, "let's sit down first."

Then he pulled Han Mengjun to the side of the couple and sat down.

Han Mengjun is feeling strange. She is a star at all times. Shouldn't she stay away from people at this time?

Do you mean to let passers-by find out that they are dating?

After Han Mengjun sat down, he casually looked aside, and found that the girl was familiar.

“……” Isn't this Huo Xingxing?

Opposite Huo Xingxing, there is a boy who is about as young as her. He is wearing a white shirt. The whole man looks very clean and sunny.

Han Mengjun looked up at Dongdong. Dongdong smiled at her innocently and said in a low voice, "I can't think of such a coincidence."

Han Mengjun: "..." What a coincidence!

She is sure that Huo Chendong came here on purpose!

No wonder I found such a place.

She looked at Huo Xingxing sympathetically.

Huo Xingxing looked at the boy in front of him with bright eyes, and didn't notice the two people nearby. She looked at Huo Chendong's face again, and found that although he was smiling, the smile seemed to be more hostile.

She couldn't stand turning her eyes and said, "aren't you so bored?

His brother-in-law control is really shocking!

actually, during this time, Huo Xing had a good relationship with her, and make complaints about what she had done in winter and winter.

Han Mengjun thinks it's very rare that Huo Xingxing doesn't grow crooked.

Huo Chendong just raised her as a daughter. Anyone who wants to get close to Huo Xingdong has lost his ruthless PS.

Poor Huo Xingxing, crying with Han Mengjun, said that when he was 18 years old and didn't have ten words to say to the boy, it was heartbreaking.

Huo Chendong looked at her and said with a smile, "I can be more boring."

Then he raised his hand and shouted, "waiter, come here."

Huo Xingxing hears the sound, turns around and sees that it's winter and winter. All of a sudden, the whole person is scared to be silly.

She got up and knocked over the water glass.

The boy on the opposite side said quickly, "star, are you ok?"

"Big brother, big brother..."

The poor star was chattering.

"Star, I didn't expect to see you here. Since we met by chance, let's sit together." Dongdong said, pulling Han Mengjun to the stars.

Huo Xingxing is like a rabbit drenched by the heavy rain. The poor one is shaking all the time. He lowers his head and dare not speak.

Han Mengjun couldn't see it anymore. She said, "brother Dong, we still don't disturb them."

"Excuse me?" Dongdong asked with a smile, "how can I use this word? Huo Xingxing, tell me, what are you doing? "

"I, I......" Huo star stutters.

He said, "Hello, I'm the senior of Xingxing. We're here to talk about the campus sacrifice today."

"Did I ask you something?" Cold winter said.

Huo Xingxing saw that Xuechang was treated coldly in winter and winter. He couldn't help standing up and said loudly, "elder brother, you are really overbearing!"

Star never spoke loudly to Dongdong. This time, it was her first revolt.

The smile on Dongdong's face was closed. He asked, "Huo Xingxing, pay attention to your speaking attitude!"

Huo Xingxing is afraid of Dongdong from his heart. Hearing Dongdong's roar, all the courage gathered in a moment is gone. She cried and said, "I'm just having a meal with the schoolmaster. Brother, how can you even care about me?! Can't you just give me a little freedom? "

This is the heaviest speech of star for 18 years.

"Eat? Why are you the only two for dinner? " Dongdong said, "Huo Xingxing, if you don't want me to tell my parents, you will go home with me now."

"I won't go back!" Huo Xingxing shouted angrily.

"Enough! Don't mess with me! "

"I won't go back!" After Huo Xingxing finished speaking, he ran to the door.

Han Mengjun stopped Dong Dong, and she said, "I'll go and see her."She was afraid that they would quarrel again.

Dongdong frowned, hesitated for a while, then nodded.


Han Mengjun ran out anxiously, but did not see Huo Xingxing.

Just about to run away to look for it, there was a burst of tiny crying in my ear.

When she looked back, she saw that there seemed to be a touch of pink behind some large potted plants placed outside the cafe.

That's the color of Huo Xingxing's clothes.

Han Mengjun walked over slowly, poked the leaves of the potted plant and looked at it. It was Huo Xingxing indeed.

She sat next to the wall, holding her knee, and buried her face in the middle of her knee. She sobbed like the voice of a small animal after it was injured. She was very aggrieved, which made people hear it and feel sad.

Han Mengjun had no choice but to walk, put aside the potted plants, went to Huo Xingxing and sat down next to her.

"Star, will you stop crying?" Han Mengjun reached out his hand and rubbed her head as he said, "if there's anything, let's solve it together."

Huo Xingxing raised his head and said, "I didn't mean to..."

"Not on purpose what?" Han Mengjun asked immediately.

"I didn't mean to say that to big brother." Huo Xingxing is very sad.

Big brother is for her good. How could she not know.

It can be said that she was brought up by brother Dong, who is more like a father to her.

"I, I just want to meet new friends. But I didn't expect that elder brother would I was too angry to say that. It's not my heart's truth. It's really not Will big brother be angry? "

Huo Xingxing's words are incoherent, but Han Mengjun has understood them.

Although the little girl was so strict in Dongdong's management and complained in her heart, she still liked Dongdong very much and respected her big brother very much.

So, just after saying those words to Dongdong, she was also very sad.

Han Mengjun sighed and said with a smile, "stars, in fact, I envy you very much."