"Envy me?" Huo Xingxing blinked. She looked at Han Mengjun doubtfully and asked, "why envy me?"

She is so strict under her brother's control. Every friend needs the elder brother to say yes, so she can make one, but none of the male friends. It's not easy. This time, she specially asked for an opportunity to ask the senior to come out and feel the so-called feeling of getting along with the opposite sex

As a result, I was yellowed by my elder brother

QAQ! What is there to admire?!

Han Mengjun smiled and said softly, "stars, do you know? In fact, I always hope to have a brother. When I need help, my brother will come out for me Even if he is usually in charge of me, I would like to. "

She said this from the heart, but not just to comfort Huo Xingxing.

In the entertainment circle, there is no pain and suffering for ordinary people.

Especially in those days when she was banned, she dreamed that someone would come out to help herself, protect herself and help herself.

When she is sad, she also hopes to have a broad chest to rely on.

Even if there is no such thing, or a home can make her have a way out.

That kind of loneliness and no dependence, like a duckweed, like the sense of wandering, and only their own hearts can understand what kind of suffering it is.

So, what she said is the fact that when she saw the doting on Huo Xing in winter and winter, she had some envy in her heart, and hoped that she could have such a doting.

"Sister Mengjun......"

"Stars, in fact, winter is very concerned about you. Maybe he cares about you in such a way that you can't accept it. But He really wants you to live a better life and not get hurt

"I know." Huo Xingxing looked at Han Mengjun in tears and said, "I know that elder brother is for my good, just..."

Just as Han Mengjun said, Dongdong is too domineering. She arranges everything and doesn't give her a chance to make her own decision.

When she was a child, she was ok, but now she has grown up, and she also hopes to have some independent space and freedom.

But Dongdong doesn't think about her idea at all, and still follows her own idea, which makes her a little angry.

Han Huixin feels that Huo Xingxing's mood has stabilized, and he is also secretly relieved.

She held Huo Xingxing's hand and said softly, "star, since you know this, don't be angry with him, OK? Don't let this little thing affect the relationship between your brother and sister. "

You know, not everyone can have this luck. There is a good brother like Dong Dong.

That's a blessing many people can't expect.

"Star, you can try to communicate with brother Dong. I think he is not unreasonable though he is domineering. Maybe he will... "

Speaking of this, Han Mengjun himself can't go on.

Because she suddenly found that these words were too false to believe.

How can such a domineering nature in winter change?

She coughed awkwardly twice, and then said, "this Let's talk about it later. "

The stars burst out laughing.

Han Mengjun saw her smile, also smiled.

She took out the tissue from her handbag and wiped the tears from Huo Xingxing's face.

"Well, stop crying. Look, your eyes are red."

Huo Xingxing felt better. She nodded and smiled.

"I'm sorry, sister Mengjun, it worries you."

She took the tissue in Han Mengjun's hand and wiped the tears on her face randomly. Her mood was really stable.

When they went back, Huo Xingxing suddenly approached Han Mengjun mysteriously and said to her ear.

"Sister Mengjun, I told you secretly that actually I didn't really like that senior."

"Ah?" Han Mengjun looked surprised.

For this date, Huo Xingxing made so many preparations, and after a long time, she didn't like the senior?

Han Mengjun suddenly thinks that Huo Xingxing and Dongdong are very similar, which are not easy for you to guess.

At least if Huo Xingxing doesn't say it, she really thinks that Huo Xingxing likes that senior.

But now, she doesn't understand. Huo Xingxing has spent so much energy for what?

She seems to be a little old. She doesn't understand the little girl's mind

"I don't think he's as handsome as the eldest brother." Said Huo Xingxing in a low voice.

That's what happened.

Han Mengjun smiled and nodded in agreement, saying, "I agree with that."

She still remembered that when she saw Huo Chendong for the first time, there was only one feeling in her heart. It was a waste not to act.

Although there are many good-looking people in the performing arts circle, they are not as noble as winter.Huo Xingxing suddenly let out his anger and said with some grievances, "after this time, brother will surely see me more closely."

Han Mengjun smiled and shook his head slightly.

"Look at your big brother's bullying. You are not 28 years old. I don't think he will let you fall in love early."

They looked at each other and sighed silently together.

For fear of being in a hurry in winter, Han Mengjun did not dare to talk with Huo Xingxing for too long.

She took Huo Xingxing and walked in. At a glance, she saw Dongdong sitting on the chair with cold face, expressionless.

Han Mengjun was stunned and felt that he didn't know him.

Since I met him, Dongdong in her memory is the kind of smiling appearance. She has never been so cold, expressionless and full of momentum. It's frightening to look at her.

However, it's not that such a winter will be strange, it's just another winter.

The same aura is powerful and attractive.

Huo Xingxing is afraid when she sees the appearance of Dongdong. She subconsciously steps back.

Han Mengjun realized that Dong Dong's face seemed to sink again, he smiled and pushed Huo Xingxing forward, and whispered to her, "don't be afraid, it's your big brother, he won't do anything to you."

"Well." Huo Xingxing nodded gently. She walked slowly and stood in front of Dongdong. She said in a light voice that seemed to be almost inaudible: "brother, I'm sorry. I know you're for my good. I didn't mean to say that on purpose. Don't be angry with me, OK?"

She said, and her eyes turned red. It was the first time she spoke so loudly to Dongdong. In fact, it was not easy for her.

Dongdong just looked up at her and suddenly laughed, as if she was OK.

"If you really want to fall in love, wait until you graduate." He said with a smile.

Huo Xingxing looked at him and didn't dare to answer again.

"Why don't you come back? Still making trouble with big brother. "

"No." Huo Xingxing said quickly, "what elder brother says is what."

"Darling." Winter kneaded the head of the stars.

It's just like rubbing a small animal.

Han Mengjun looked at it and sighed. It seems that Huo Chendong's brother-in-law is seriously ill!

I don't know if it can be cured?

"Next time, I won't sit with you on your date. I'll sit at three tables apart. That's my biggest concession!"

In other words, he will follow.

Han Mengjun looked at the smile that he had recovered from his face and felt that he could not make complaints about it.

All right! She is sure that Huo Chendong has no cure!