On the way, Huo Xingxing, a lively girl, was so tired that she fell asleep as soon as she got on the bus.

Huo Chendong looks back at her and raises the temperature in the car by two degrees.

He felt a line of sight, looked up and saw Han Mengjun looking at himself thoughtfully.

He said with a smile, "I only know today that you have such a good relationship with my sister."

Han Mengjun looked at him, smiled and said, "I just hope you don't think I'm meddling."

In any case, it's between brother and sister. As an outsider, or a person who is bought to act with money, she really doesn't have the qualification or identity to manage the affairs between them.

Deep down, she was a little nervous.

"No." Dongdong smiled and said, "but in fact, I want to thank you for this matter today. Maybe a girl can understand her mind better. "

These are what he ignored before. He just thought he grew up with Huo Xingxing and knew his sister well.

But he forgot that the baby he held in his arms had grown up and had his own thoughts.

There will be a big gap between men's and women's ideas.

As time went on, it became more and more difficult for him to understand Huo Xingxing's mind.

Han Mengjun's appearance wakes up this point, and wakes up Dongdong.

After all, how should he care about Huo Xingxing? He also has a new understanding in his heart.

It's all thanks to Han Mengjun. If it wasn't for her, maybe the conflict between him and Huo Xingxing would be more intense today. So Not good.

Star is his favorite sister, all he does is hope she can be happy.

That's what he wants to see.

"If the stars have any careful thinking in the future, I hope you can help to persuade her more." Dongdong said with a smile.

Today's event will never be the last time. Dongdong feels that she needs to prepare for the future. Otherwise, maybe the little girl will find a senior to date while she is not paying attention.

Han Mengjun is not joking when he sees Dongdong.

This man's brother-in-law control may not be cured.

"Good." She thought and said, "but I think you should give her more freedom."

"I will." Dongdong said with a smile, "you know I've always been a good talker."

Ha ha da.

Han Mengjun tactfully put out his mind and did not make complaints about Huo Chen Dong.

Dongdong smiled and said nothing.

Half an hour later, the car arrived at Han Mengjun's home.

As Huo Xingxing is still sleeping, Han Mengjun whispers goodbye to Huo Chendong.


Dongdong nods and watches her go upstairs before driving to see Huo Xingxing leave.

Just after the car started, Dongdong glanced back and said with a smile, "star, when do you want to sleep?"

Huo Xingxing sat up with a smile and a little embarrassed to spit out his tongue.

As expected, it's still elder brother. I found her pretending to sleep.

She grabs the seat back in front of her and stares at Dongdong with gossip on her face. She asks, "brother, can I ask you a question?"

Dongdong smiled and replied, "if I say no, don't you ask?"

"I will still ask, but I think you will agree with me."

"Say it." Dongdong always has a good temper with Huo Xingxing.

Huo Xing turned his eyes and asked, "brother, do you like sister Mengjun or not?"

"You little girl, you are too much in charge." Dongdong smiled and said, "the most important thing for you now is to go to school. Don't worry about other things."

"In fact, I think you should like sister Mengjun. If you don't like her, you won't say that much to her. "

Dong Dong has had several affairs with his girlfriend before, but she has never seen him say so much to a woman with such a pleasant face and soft voice.

But it's a little different here.

So say! Elder brother must have thought about sister Mengjun!

Even if not like it is good!

The more Huo Xingxing thinks about it, the more he thinks his guess is right.

Winter and winter: "..."

"Don't look at you smiling at everyone at ordinary times, big brother, but if you don't think you are the one, you won't give up so much thought for her." Huo Xingxing said, then he leaned up towards Dongdong and said, "in fact, sister Mengjun is really a very good person..."

"All right." Dongdong interrupts her. "I have my own discretion. You don't have to worry."

Dongdong smiled and didn't give Huo Xingxing the chance to continue the topic.

As for what he thinks in his heart, maybe he is the only one who knows.……

Although Han Mengjun's public service advertisement was temporarily stopped because Bai rose was caught.

But it is also because of this matter, which has been widely concerned, which is also a blessing in misfortune.

Originally, public service advertising has done a lot of publicity. In this way, Han Mengjun's public service advertising has become the top of the hot discussion list.

Along with that, Han Mengjun, the leading actor, also rose with the tide, and his fame was very strong.

At first, it was only three thousand fans, but now it has soared a hundred times, with three hundred thousand fans.

On the topic list, Chen, the low-key goddess Han Mengjun, is also on the topic.

For Han Mengjun, this is not only the increase of micro blog fans, but also the attention of all aspects.

After entering the factory that day, the director found Han Mengjun. He said with a smile, "Mengjun, did you come so early today?"

"Yes." Han Mengjun smiled, raised the costume in his hand, and said, "I'll come and prepare it in advance to find out how it feels."

"Mengjun, you are really dedicated." The director is satisfied from the heart.

As a director, he has seen too many stars, all kinds of people, but such as Han Mengjun is very rare.

Although she has some fame, she is not proud to be a servant. Moreover, she has real acting skills and people can suffer hardships.

Every time she started shooting, she would come to prepare in advance, never making any difference.

No one can do this.

The director really appreciated her at this time.

He smiled and said, "OK, then I won't disturb you. It's going to start shooting again soon, and the replacement actors will be in place today. Then you can get in touch with each other. After all, there will be a lot of rival plays. "

"I will. Don't worry, director." Han Mengjun smiled and nodded.

"I'll be busy first. If you need any help, just let me know." The director seemed very polite.

People in this circle are all human spirits. He saw that Han Mengjun would be very popular in the future, so it is necessary to have a good relationship with her.