Han Mengjun's mind is not so complicated, she just wants to do her own thing.

She knew that all that she had now come from the winter.

You can't be too arrogant and narrow-minded. No one knows whether you will fall from the sky like this tomorrow.

So, she will cherish what she has.

Looking at the busy staff outside, she thought about the changing world for a while, then turned back to the lounge and continued to do the preparations before the shooting.

About half an hour later, she heard a knock on the door.

Han Mengjun put down the script.

How can someone come here at this time?

"Honey, I'll have a look." Since Mengjun was abducted last time, Ben has been a little nervous.

Ben went over and opened a crack in the door. There was a sweet looking girl standing outside. She was not very old. She was very cute.

Even then, Ben was very nervous.

"You are?" He asked.

"Hello, my name is Mumu. Is sister Mengjun there?"

Mu Mu is a new substitute actress. She has many rivals with Han Mengjun to take the place of Bai Qiang.

It's just that she used to wear makeup on TV before, which will make her face clean. Ben didn't recognize it for a while.

When he knew the identity of the visitor, he leaned over to let her in.

"Hello, sister Mengjun. I'm Mumu. Please give me more advice on today's shooting!" Mu Mu reaches out to the dream king.

Han Mengjun looked at her outstretched hand and then smiled. He put on her hand and shook it gently.

"Hello, Han Mengjun."

Han Mengjun looks at mu in front of her with a smile, and subconsciously feels that she should be a good person to get along with.

In fact, Han Mengjun has seen the information about Mumu before. This girl's experience is similar to hers, all of which are climbing up after a little bit of suffering.

Maybe they should be able to get along well.


Later facts also prove Han Mengjun's guess that the two get along well, and the whole shooting process is also exceptionally smooth.

Unexpectedly, before the scheduled time for the final shooting, all the shots were completed.

"It's night tonight, everyone is not drunk!" The director made a direct order.

When everyone heard it, they began to cheer.

The director specially found Han Mengjun and said with a smile, "Mengjun, I know you don't like to participate in this kind of celebration, but this time you must participate. As a leading actor, if you don't take part in the party, it seems that there's something wrong with it? "

Han Mengjun is helpless. She really has no idea about the so-called green killing feast.

She really wants to sneak away. In fact, she is very homestead when she is not filming.

"Don't you even give me face?"

"The director is exaggerating." Han Mengjun said with a smile, "I will be there on time."

"That's good." The director smiled and patted her shoulder, hurried to tell others.

Looking at the back of the director, Han Mengjun is helpless.

Han Mengjun didn't know about the feast. Because she's never been famous, the plays she's been involved in before, even if there's a green party, don't include her.

As for the play of the first big fire, she was still young at that time. At that time, her thoughts were totally blurred. Because of the reason of drinking, few people went to her for trouble at that time.

But this time It's all different.

Therefore, she is full of uneasiness at the moment and always feels that tonight will not be so easy to endure.

At seven o'clock in the evening, Han Mengjun arrived at the scene of the feast.

When she went in, she found that it was full of people.

The room reverberates with soft and cheerful music, which makes people feel relaxed and relieved after entering.

Han Mengjun looked at the past and found that today there are many famous brands to attend the green killing feast, even those she had never seen before.

"Sister Mengjun, are you here?" Mumu comes up and laughs and holds her hand.

"You came early, too?" Han Mengjun smiled at her.

"Mengjun." At this time, the director's voice came from the stab.

As soon as Han Mengjun looked back, he saw the director walking towards him with two glasses of wine. He handed over one of the glasses. "Come on, take it. I'll take you to meet some people."

"Well, thank you, director." Han Mengjun took the glass with a smile, nodded at mu, and walked with the director towards several people standing nearby.

Along the way, when people come to say hello, they will stop and meet them occasionally.In this case, Han Mengjun has no choice but to drink honestly.

After the director took her around, Han Mengjun was drunk and didn't know how much he had drunk.

Where did she go through such a scene, she did not know how to refuse. Especially when the red fried chicken came to toast, she could not refuse.

One or two to go, the wine is more and more to drink, the head is more and more chaotic, as if someone in the same drum, stuffy, uncomfortable.

Looking for an opportunity, Han Mengjun found a secluded corner to sit down and planned to have a rest and take a breath.

Just as he sat down, Han Mengjun felt that the sofa next to him was sinking, as if someone had sat down.

She looked back and saw a face with a big smile.

Guo Ziyan?! Why did he come here.

"Brother Guo?"

"I didn't expect you to remember my name." Guo Ziyan laughed.

Han Mengjun rubbed his eyebrow and let himself sober up. She smiled and said, "Brother Guo is joking. Who in the circle doesn't know you?"

Not only because he is very red, but also because of his little hobby.

Guo Ziyan is a famous martial arts superstar. Although he is not the most handsome, he has a special heroic atmosphere, as if he was born for Kung Fu movies.

Therefore, he is not only very popular in the mainland, even in the international arena, he is still very famous.

Everyone called him Brother Guo.

However, he has a very bad habit, a special lust, which is almost known outside the inner circle, but because of his fame, many women are willing to give it up.

Of course, these are all private rumors. As for whether they are actually like this, no one can be sure.

"Mengjun, you really have potential. I've seen a scene you made. It's really wonderful. "

Guo Ziyan raised his glass to Han Mengjun with a smile. "Here, I'll give you a toast."

Han Mengjun's face is bitter. He can't drink any more.

She grabs the glass and whispers in her heart. Then she looks up and smiles to meet Guo Ziyan.

"Brother Guo, I'm just a new man. Everything is still in the learning stage. In the future, I will rely on Brother Guo to raise more points. "

"That's natural." Guo Zi extended his hand to clap Han Mengjun's left hand on the sofa and said, "if you need any help later, don't mention it to me at any time."

"Thank you, Brother Guo." Han Mengjun said thanks with a smile.

"By the way." Guo Ziyan suddenly gave a light cry, as if he thought of something. He clenched Han Mengjun's hand and said with a smile, "I really have a good idea here."
