Han Mengjun's subconscious awareness is inappropriate. Guo Ziyan holds it tightly. It seems that he is imprisoned by others in an instant and has a feeling of breathlessness.

Obviously, he grabbed his hand, but it was like he grabbed his neck. It was very sad.

She tentatively retracted her hand, tried to maintain the smile on her face, and said, "Brother Guo, do you have any suggestions?"

Guo Ziyan didn't seem to notice that Han Mengjun withdrew his hand.

"It is." He still had that kind of friendly smile on his face, as if an elder was instructing the younger generation. He said, "I'm going to shoot a kung fu movie in Hollywood, and there needs to be a Chinese actress in it. I think you are very suitable. Why don't I recommend you to try it? "

Han Mengjun felt sick all over. She moved aside and said, "I'm afraid I can't perform well."

Where is the recommendation?! She's not stupid!

Guo Ziyan stretched out his right hand with a smile, slapped Han Mengjun on the shoulder, and said, "I'm at ease with your acting skills. There is no mistake in introducing you."

He laughs, and his right hand drops down from her shoulder to her waist.

As soon as Han Mengjun's expression froze, he quickly grabbed his hand out.

Guo Ziyan raised his eyebrows slightly.

Han Mengjun let go of his hand as if nothing had happened just now.

She smiled and said, "I'm sorry, I can't make a decision. I have to go back to my agent first Thank you for your kindness. I'm flattered. "

Guo Ziyan naturally won't care, but his lust will not die. Once again, he reached into Han Mengjun's back and touched her back, saying.

"You're welcome. I always like to mention new people."

Trough! Why doesn't this dead wolf die?!

Han Mengjun can't bear it any longer. She stands up fiercely.

At this time everyone looked at her.

Naturally, she couldn't say anything. She smiled and said, "Brother Guo, I'm sorry. I want to go to the bathroom, OK?"

"Of course, go." Guo Ziyan nodded in good temper.

Han Mengjun smiled and turned to the bathroom.

Guo Ziyan looked at her back with disordered steps and a smile on her lips.

"See when you can be reserved." Guo Ziyan's special obscene smile.

He saw more tricks like Han Mengjun, who wanted to refuse and welcome them, but he was still obedient to him.

Although Han Mengjun is special, he is still a new man or a woman, who can escape his palm?

Han Mengjun stumbled to the bathroom and washed his face with cold water. Finally, he was a little sober.

She leaned against the washstand and rubbed her eyebrows. Her mind was in confusion.

"Guo Ziyan!" Han Mengjun frowned.

She didn't expect that Guo Ziyan would take a fancy to himself, and that he had the necessary look at his potential when he left.

She knew exactly what that look meant.

It's disgusting.

If she used to be, she would not be red anyway. She took off her shoes in minutes and smashed him in the face.

But now Naturally, she has to think about it for the future.

Guo Ziyan is still very important in the circle. He can't be tough with him.

Han Mengjun thought about it and took out his cell phone to inform Ben. But when the finger is about to touch the call key, it stops.

She suddenly thought of a very important thing, a Ben is not enough identity, definitely not Guo Ziyan's opponent.

Even if Ben came, it would not help. I'm afraid it will make things worse.

Thinking of it, she shrank back and became a little upset.

Half a time later, she took out her cell phone again and slid open a person's number.

She quietly looked at the number, took a deep breath, and finally made up her mind to dial the number.

After the phone was connected, Han Mengjun suddenly regretted it.

Why did she make this call?!

What identity does she use to make this call?

When she regretted wanting to give up, the phone was connected.

"I'm Huo Chendong."

Han Mengjun's heart leaped, and she said, "Mr. Huo, I'm in a bit of trouble here. I wonder if you can come and pick me up?"

As soon as he had finished speaking, Han Mengjun heard his own voice.

So fierce, so uncontrolled.

Calling Huo Chendong is her helpless choice. In fact, she has no assurance at all.

If he refuses

Is that really a general shame!

"Well, where are you? I'll be right there." Dongdong agrees.

Han Mengjun breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that the big stone on his shoulder finally slipped off, and people were also relaxed.She whispered out her address and hung up without saying anything.

Han Mengjun holds the mobile phone and smiles. After he installs it, he goes out.

When the door opened, a smell of smoke that was not pungent came from afar.

As soon as she looked back, she saw Guo Ziyan. He leaned against the wall with one foot resting on the other.

With a cigarette in his right hand, his eyes are drifting, like smoking, like waiting for someone.

Han Mengjun's heart suddenly clenched and scolded an old lecher. She hid in the bathroom and didn't let it go.

She silently turned a big white eye in her heart!

Guo Ziyan noticed that Han Mengjun had come out. He turned his head slightly and smiled at Han Mengjun.

"Mengjun, are you out?"

"Brother Guo, why are you here?" Han Mengjun smiled reluctantly, and the uneasiness in his heart expanded infinitely.

Huo Chendong has not been able to come yet. How can she refuse Guo Ziyan to maintain the face of both sides?

In short, let him not be angry!

She took a step back uneasily, and did not know if it was a coincidence. There was no one in the corridor of the bathroom where people usually go.

Guo Ziyan came over with a smile, stood in front of Han Mengjun, grabbed her hand directly, and said, "Mengjun, take this."

She felt as if she had been stuffed with something hard, square.

Although Han Mengjun didn't look down, he could tell from his appearance. It should be something like a card.

"This is the door card of my room." Guo Ziyan quickly gave Han Mengjun the answer. "How about having fun tonight?" he said with a mean smile

Han Mengjun cold face, backhand will return to his hands, his people also follow a step back.

"Brother Guo, I don't quite understand what you mean. I have something else to do later. I may not be able to accompany you. "

Guo Ziyan made another step forward.

"What's the hurry? Today is a good day to celebrate the killing. Don't be such a wet blanket. At that time, there will be some good friends, and I will introduce you to you. "

Han Mengjun is still a face of resistance, voice cool said: "I'm sorry, I'm really not interested in this kind of play, Brother Guo, you don't need to prepare my share."