"Mengjun, you are not interested because you have never played..." Guo Ziyan walked towards Han Mengjun step by step!

Han Mengjun was not that kind of person with good temper. She accompanied her smiling face all the time this evening. When she got here, there was no one left, and she was too lazy to pretend.

She said, "can't you understand people? I said I would not go! "

Guo Ziyan's face was not good when he was rejected and slapped repeatedly.

"Han Mengjun." He said coldly, "what else do you put on in front of me?"

Han Mengjun is silent and stares at him fiercely.

"I heard that you are Huo Chendong's girlfriend?" Guo Ziyan said and laughed, as if he heard a big joke, "others may believe it, but unfortunately, I just happened to know such a person around Huo Chendong."

In Han Mengjun's heart, there is a clattering, which is not good.

This old lecher has a lot of abilities. He even knows the people around Huo Chendong.

Don't know what?

"I know Huo Chendong doesn't have a girlfriend at all. Don't think I can't guess the felicity between you. Haha, acting is just like eating and drinking water for you, isn't it? " Guo Ziyan said while approaching Han Mengjun.

I didn't expect Guo Ziyan to make a guess and tell me the story.

I don't know if he really knows, or Yes, but no matter which one, it's very unfavorable for her at the moment.

Han Mengjun pastes in the gun then, stealthily takes off the high-heeled shoes, grasps in the hand.

She thought, it's a big deal, the last headline!

It's a good topic, isn't it?

Guo Zi, seeing that Han Mengjun did not speak, knew that he had guessed it.

He said with a smile, "Han Mengjun, although I don't know the specific plans of you and Huo Chendong. But one thing I'm sure of is that you're not his girlfriend at all. "

Han Mengjun stares at him, stares at him to get closer, explodes his head!

"Tut Tut, these eyes are beautiful." Guo Ziyan tries to touch Han Mengjun's hand and says, "since you are not his girlfriend, you don't have to worry about offending him at all. We'll have a good time tonight. I'll leave that part to you. "

When Han Mengjun was about to beat him, he caught his hand in turn.

"Do you really think I didn't see your little movement?"

Han Mengjun frowned, and her wrist was seized by Guo Ziyan, unable to exert any strength at all.

He easily took the high-heeled shoes out of her hands, let them be thrown aside, and said with a smile, "you have a strong temper! This is good! It's more delicious to play with. "

"Let go of me! If not, I won't be polite to you. "

"Ha ha! I'm so scared! " Guo Ziyan laughed loudly and said, "young man, please don't fight with your future."

Han Mengjun saw that he couldn't push him away, so he changed his tone.

"Brother Guo, I'm really sorry. I don't like your way of playing. Would you please give me your hand?"

Guo Ziyan was really unhappy. He narrowed his eyes and smiled coldly. "Han Mengjun, what do you put on in front of me, and what kind of music do you put on? You can still be innocent if you are in this circle? "

His voice suddenly sharpened, "or, do you really think you can go to Huo Chendong?"

He suddenly reached out his hand and pinched Han Mengjun's chin. He pinched it very hard, as if he could see that her chin began to turn blue.

"What's your status? Can you enter Huo Chendong's eyes? Their real aristocracy can't look up to the people in our performing arts circle. The actor is the actor. He can't get on the stage. Han Mengjun, you'd better have some self-knowledge. Don't be so stupid to push the chance to your side away. As long as you're here tonight! This role is yours! "

Guo Ziyan coldly raised Han Mengjun's chin, forcing him to look at himself, "why give up the rare chance for a man who plays with you?"

"Is it?" Suddenly a sarcastic voice came from the stab.

Han Mengjun body a shock, along the voice to see the past, will see Huo Chendong a face light smile came.

"You seem to know me well, sir." Dongdong's eyes narrowed and his steps tightened. He said with a smile, "I'm curious about you, too. I'd like to have a good chat with you."

Guo Ziyan's subordinates' unconsciousness.

"Brother Dong!" Han Mengjun cried out wrongly, pushing aside Guo Ziyan and running to Huo Chendong's side.

She has never thanked Huo Chendong in this way.

If If he doesn't come, she really can't imagine what kind of situation she will encounter!

No, no if!

Because Huo Chendong is here!

"Don't be afraid." Dongdong grabs her hand, shoves it behind her, turns around and looks coldly at guoziyan in front of her.

It is obvious that Guo Ziyan didn't expect the sudden arrival of winter and winter. The whole person didn't think it was very good.His face was particularly ugly, as if he had been painted black.

However, it was the big brother in the performing arts circle who soon recovered his composure.

He smiled and reached out to Dongdong and said, "Hello, Huo Shao, I'm Guo Ziyan."

Dongdong glanced at him lightly, but did not shake hands with him.

He just said in a very strange tone: "I just heard you say that you seem to know my inner thoughts very well, and I am very familiar with How, do we know each other? "

"No, no, you heard me wrong." Guo Ziyan naturally did not dare to admit it. "Today is the first time I've known Huo Shao."

Han Mengjun has been used to the acting of the people in this circle. She grabs Dong Dong's clothes with strength.

All the time, Han Mengjun is calm and a little cold in front of Dongdong. This is the first time that she is so fragile.

He reached out and patted her on the back of the hand and said, "Mr. Guo, isn't he? I am always a gentleman. I don't like to see women in trouble, especially my women Can you understand that? "

Guo Ziyan's face was ugly again. He smiled and said, "I think Mr. Huo misunderstood what? I just happened to meet Han and Miss Han here By the way, Huo Shao, I'm sorry, but I have something else to do. I'll excuse you first. "

He nodded to Dongdong, trying to maintain his original dignity and pride, and left around Dongdong.

However, Dongdong didn't stop him from going.

But it's not over yet. After flirting with his woman, it's over?

Is there such a simple thing?


Besides, he is also interested in the people he talks about.

Who is so bold, dare to sell his news in private!