
She really doesn't want to get tangled up like this any more. It's a knife to stretch her head and a knife to shrink her head.

It's really bad to find out and get rid of the situation as soon as possible, so it's covered by the clouds, and I can't feel the real situation.

"I want an answer." Han Mengjun stared at him closely.

Just one result, enough.

As long as it is clear, she will not have any expectations or fantasies in the future.

Huo Chendong frowns at Han Mengjun.

For the first time since they met, she had such a violent emotional reaction in front of her.

He looked at her eyes curiously, but saw the tears in her eyes.

He was stunned and said, "Mengjun, what's the relationship between us? Shouldn't you be very clear? You're drunk today. When you wake up tomorrow, nothing will happen. "

Dong Dong's words didn't play a role of appeasement, but stimulated Han Mengjun.

She smiled and tears fell down her face. She said excitedly, "yes, our relationship, of course, I know that we are not contractual relationship?! Accompany you to act It's hard to say. We're just trading. You pay for people, and I'll collect money to do things for you, isn't that it? "

Han Mengjun is really sad. He only feels that his heart is hurt like a needle.

She desperately grasped Huo Chendong's hand, not knowing that her fingernails had cut his hand.

Huo Chendong frowned at her.

"In your mind, am I the kind of woman who can solve it with money?"

"Do you have to say that about yourself?" Winter cold asked, "so say yourself, you will feel better?"

Of course not!

"Or do you think you are?" Winter asked.

No! She's not!

Han Mengjun shook his head and covered his face.

Huo Chendong sighed, slowed down and said, "you're drunk. Let me take you back..."

"Huo Chendong, are you different to me? If not Why did you come here as soon as I called? "

Unbearable pain and bitterness came out from the bottom of her heart like a cage that trapped her.

She's really sad, she's in pain.

These days, the more contact with Huo Chendong, the more difficult it is for her to control herself.

Huo Chendong is a very good person, considerate, no shelf.

He would talk to her gently, worry about her ideas, and share her worries and difficulties.

He cares about her, understands her difficulties and thinks about her from time to time.

Most importantly, he repeatedly came to save her when she needed it most.

She has never felt protected and cared for. These She felt it all in Huo Chendong.

Because of this, she realized that she was not alone. At least there was someone in the world who cared about her.

She cherished the feeling of being cared for and wanted to be cared for more.

She knew in her private heart that it might be nothing but illusory and false, but she just couldn't get rid of these illusions.

And the warm atmosphere of the Huo family, the feeling of the family, made her envy and hope.

In particular, Su Mian, from her heart, saw herself as a family, cooked porridge for her to drink, and spoke to her gently.

Every time when she went to the Huo family for dinner, Su Mianmian would specially prepare some of her favorite food.

For the first time, she felt that she had lived in other people's hearts, and for the first time, she felt that she also had relatives.

This feeling is so precious for an orphan.

She really hopes that she can really become a part of it and continue to enjoy this precious affection.

Because of this, she knows that she and Huo Chendong are unlikely to cross a gap between them.

But she still fell into it, uncontrollable, even unwilling to jump out of her private heart.

There's even a sense that even if it's a dream, it has to be done all the time.

But today I heard Guo Ziyan's words. Although many of his words are untrue, many of his own imaginary words.

But some of them are real. The identity gap between her and Huo Chendong is so far away that it's hard to cross.

She sometimes even thought, is it because she has become an international movie, the distance between the two people will be close?

But the beginning of her relationship with him was a contract.

Even if she works hard, there is such a contract, there is no possibility between the two.

She felt really sad and felt that she could not face Huo Chendong's acting any more.

It's like dancing on the edge of a knife to play an opponent with someone you loveBecause she was too depressed before, when Han Mengjun drank wine and had the courage to drink, she dared to say these things to Huo Chendong. If she was sober, she would not dare to say them at all.

"Huo Chendong, do you like me?! Can I have a good time? If you don't love me, push me away! Let me go! I don't want to go on this painful tangle! "

"Han Mengjun, you are drunk!" Winter said.

This is the time! He still refused to answer positively.

Han Mengjun sneered loudly and said, "in fact, you can ignore me completely. If it's just a trade, what does my life have to do with you? Why are you helping me, Huo Chendong? "

Huo Chendong: "..." He narrowed his eyes slightly, which was very dangerous.

Han Mengjun burst into tears. She shook her fist and smashed it on Dongdong's chest.

"Why don't you tell me the truth? Is that funny for me? "

Winter is still silent, perhaps really do not know how to answer.

Han Mengjun felt his head more dizzy, and there was a rush of anger up his head.

"You say, tell me quickly. Do you really want to go on like this

She cried a little crazily, and from time to time she hit him with a little fist.

Dongdong has no choice but to take this drunk woman. When he was about to force her away, he saw her eyes closed and suddenly fell back.

"Be careful!"

Dongdong is scared. How dare you delay? Step forward, stretch out your hand to hook her waist and go back to the area.

Han Mengjun lies in his arms, his face is calm, his breath is smooth, he seems to be asleep.

Huo Chendong: "..."

So many annoying words, just fall asleep?

It's really

Dongdong sighed, rubbed her head and murmured, "what's the relationship? How can I tell you? In fact, I don't know what I think

He picked up Han Mengjun and continued to walk to the parking lot. He didn't walk for two steps and suddenly saw aben rushing over.

"Huo Shao, I'd better send Mengjun back." Aben looks at Han Mengjun anxiously.

Is this girl crazy? How can she drink so much when she knows she's light?

Fortunately, I met Huo Shao today. If someone else Aben couldn't help shivering and didn't dare to think about it any more.

Dongdong looked up at him and said lightly, "you can also get in the car. I'll take you two back."