The next day, after Han Mengjun woke up, he didn't remember anything.

Han Mengjun felt that he hadn't slept so well for a long time, and he didn't know whether he had uttered the truth and let out his troubles, which made the whole person relaxed a lot.

Except for a hangover headache.

"I'll never drink again." She rubbed her forehead painfully, and thought that there was a set of stereo reverberation sound in her head, which was very painful.

Dong Dong!

There was a knock at the door. Aben pushed the door open and poked out his head. "Wake up?"

"Well." Han Mengjun's voice was hoarse.

It's not just a headache. She feels that her throat and eyes are also angry from time to time, which is very painful.

Aben directly opened the door and walked in, sat down beside the bed and handed over a glass of water.

"Drink some water first, will your throat hurt? I've made you sober tea. You'll get up and have two bowls later. "

Han Mengjun rubbed his eyebrows, took the cup and took two drinks. Finally, he felt that his throat and eyes were no longer smoking, not so uncomfortable.

"Did I drink a lot yesterday?" Asked Han Mengjun.

Aben stares round eyes, nods and says, "are you ok? That's not much, that's very much! Mengjun, do you remember what you did last night? "

"Last night?"

Han Mengjun was stupefied. He felt that the reverberation in his brain seemed to be louder, like someone was beating a drum inside.

She tilted her head, held it, and tried to think about it.

It seems that I vaguely remember some things, but I don't remember them in a comprehensive way.

She remembered that when she came out of the bathroom, she met Guo Ziyan, and he gave her a room card to play with at night.

When she was about to take off her high-heeled shoes and pop his head, winter came.

He held her hand tightly, and the warm feeling passed from his palm to her hand, and then from her hand to his heart.

Mingming is so uneasy and scared. He seems to fall into the ice cellar, but at that moment, he feels like a spring breeze, warm and comfortable.

As for the latter She didn't remember very well.

Hazy, some memories, but not very clear.

"Don't remember?" Aben raised his orchid finger and looked unbelievable. The finger almost didn't scratch her forehead and said, "honey, you have done so many terrible things that you can't remember?"

Everything can be forgotten, can this kind of thing also be forgotten??

Ben is always making a fuss. Han Mengjun doesn't take his words to heart.

"I just remember going to the bathroom and Mr. Huo coming to pick me up The back is not very clear. What did I do? " Han Mengjun asked curiously.

She should have done nothing out of line, right?

"My God." Aben couldn't help moaning and said, "you yelled at Huo Shao yesterday and smashed him a few times. Why don't you remember all of them?"

Although he was far away from hearing what she said, her excited expression at that time was clearly remembered.

At that time, he was totally scared, OK?!

"Really?" Han Mengjun glared round his eyes, as if remembering some pictures shouting at Dongdong, but she couldn't remember what he said.

The brain seems to turn into paste in a moment. It's so hard that it doesn't listen to itself.

"Mengjun, your expression is so ferocious and horrible that I dare not approach." Aben called out in exaggeration, "I've never seen you so excited."

He patted his chest, which was a relief, "it was later that you fell asleep, Huo Shao held you out, and I dare to approach."

Han Mengjun covers his face in pain.

"Now there's a hair covering your face?!" Aben turned his white eyes speechless. He leaned over and asked in a low voice, "think about it. What did you say to Huo Shao last night? How do you get so excited? Do you remember? "

It must not be a small thing, just Aben is extremely distressed. What is it, will it affect their feelings?

Han Mengjun was in a daze, and some hazy pictures appeared quickly in his mind.

Her face suddenly turned ugly. Those pictures She thought it was a dream. What? Is it true?

God, if it's true Han Mengjun covers his face and feels the fire is severe.

What face does she have to see Dong Dong again?

She really wants to give herself two punches. Why is the wine so poor?

"Where's my cell phone?" Han Mengjun asked eagerly. She had to make a phone call to find out.

It's very sad to be so unclear.

"I'll get it for you." Aben got up and went to the opposite dresser to take the mobile phone, turned around and came back and handed it to Han Mengjun.

Han Mengjun took over the mobile phone, just opened the cover and saw a message.It's a message from Dongdong.

[you have a good rest. Don't drink so much wine in the future. It will hurt your health.

BEN looked up at it and said, "he's so angry. You beat him last night. You didn't make complaints about it."

Han Mengjun pushed him to one side, silently looking back and forth at the text message, only to return a text message after half a sound.

Sorry to have caused you trouble yesterday. I may say something strange when I'm drunk. I hope you don't mind. ]

what would he say? Are those pictures in my memory true?

She was so upset that she was worried that the picture in her mind would become a reality.

It's just that SMS has been sent for a long time, and Dongdong hasn't replied to it.

Aben asked, "how is it, Mengjun, have you asked anything?"

She didn't dare to ask directly.

Han Mengjun shakes his head. Dongdong's message hasn't come back yet.

Her face tangled, and some tension, the heart can not help began to moan, God, what did she do in the end?

All of a sudden, the message sounds.

Han Mengjun looked down at his mobile phone excitedly, and it was the message sent by Dongdong.

No, you didn't say anything. ]

in a very simple sentence, Han Mengjun was not completely puzzled.

She believed that she had said something, but she couldn't ask anything from Dongdong, which became a mystery and never had a chance to find out.

"I don't know what this brain is going to do." Han Mengjun smashed his head a little sullen.

But it's just one night. How can I forget?

Looking at her expression, aben understood that he could not ask.

He sighed helplessly, shook his head and said.

"Honey, I don't think you should drink any more, otherwise you won't know how many terrible things you will do if you are drunk. Fortunately, huoshao doesn't care..."

Han Mengjun looked at him sadly and thought, does she want to drink?

Can't help but understand?