In the study, Su is sitting on the sofa with a soft face.

And Dongdong stood in front of her like she made a mistake when she was a child, with her head slightly lowered, and obediently listened to the training. "Dongdong, do you still think of me as a mother?" Su Mian said angrily, "why cheat me? Don't you want to? Will I force you to get married? "

Yes, she knows that she has been in a bit of a hurry in the past two years.

But that's because Dong Dong is too old to think about his personal affairs.

Seeing her children grow up day by day, but there is no news about her life. How can she not be in a hurry.

So, she's a little bit tight, but she's not the kind of person who forces her children to get married.

She has her own love and happiness. Naturally, she also hopes her children can have it all.

But she could not imagine that Dongdong would find someone to cheat her.

These days, she really likes Han Mengjun as a child, and has even loved her as her daughter-in-law.

But today I know that these are fake!

These two people are acting to deceive themselves!

"Dongdong, you really let me down. I think you are the role models of several younger brothers and sisters, and I think the family affairs can be trusted to you. But why Why did you do such a ridiculous thing? "

Dongdong hurriedly walked to squat in front of her, looked up at her, and said softly, "Mom, don't you get excited, OK? In fact, the truth is not what you hear. "

"Are you going to lie to me now?" Su's tears came out.

Dong Dong is scared. He takes out his handkerchief and gently wipes Su's tears.

"Mom, stop crying. Listen to me." Dongdongdundun, and said: "in fact, we just quarreled."

"Quarrel? Dongdong, don't lie to me. If it's just a fight, why do you say that? What kind of contract, what kind of fraud, is it my illusion? " Su Mian shows clearly that he doesn't believe it.

Dongdong sighed and said, "Mom, I'll explain everything to you. Please listen to me, OK?"

Su Mian thought and nodded.

"Well, I'll give you an opportunity to explain."

Dongdong took a deep breath, sighed and said: "actually, I want to pursue her now. There's no other way for me to talk about the contract. Although she may not be my girlfriend now, I have been working hard. I believe that one day, she will become my girlfriend. "

Su Mian was very angry and took a picture on the back of his hand.

"Dongdong, do you want to cheat me at this time? If you are really interested in her, then you can chase her directly. Why make such a contract to cheat me? "

How can this child tell such a lie?

Huo Chendong: "..."

"I know you are lying to me. You deliberately find an actor to be your girlfriend and cheat my feelings. Are you very happy to see me playing around these days? "

Su Mian thought more and more, and felt more and more upset and ashamed.

But also for the feelings of their own pay sad, she is really like Han Mengjun this child.

Dongdong holds Su Mian's hand again and says seriously: "Mom, I admit that I may have some such thoughts at first. But along with getting along, I found that I really like her

Su Mian frowned and asked, "do you really like her?"

Winter and winter are silent again.

"Look at me." Su Mian forced Dongdong to look up at himself and asked, "don't lie to me again. Dongdong, what's more sad for me is the fact that you lied to me. We are a family, and I don't hope there will be any cheating between them. "

"I......" Dongdong opens his mouth and finds that his mood is also a little confused.

"Dongdong, can't we have this conversation?" Asked Su Mian.

"No, Ma, I just don't know what to say. It's a mess in my heart, a mess in my mind, a feeling that I don't know what's going on. "

"Tell me what you think!" Said Su Mian.

Dongdong bowed his head again and said, "I don't know whether I like her or not. In fact, I've never liked anyone. I've figured out what I like. "

How to tell someone something that he is not sure about?

Su Mian Leng Leng, some don't know what to say.

"I didn't expect to have too much contact with her at the beginning. As for the contract with her, it was an accident. She gives me a very special feeling... "

Su looked at him speechlessly.

"Maybe you won't believe it when I say it. In fact, up to now, even I feel strange So, I just said I want to chase her now I didn't cheat you. ""I don't understand." Said Su Mian.

Dongdong looks up at Su Mianmian, and there are confused emotions in his eyes.

"That day, she confessed to me, in fact, I was very happy. But I may not be able to give her what she wants. Because I'm not sure if I really like her, I can't be so blind with her, delay her. "

He is afraid of what Han Mengjun wants. He can't give it to her.

In fact, Huo Chendong doesn't know how to express his love.

Although he grew up in an environment full of love, but he is too precocious, and very rational, such a person is difficult to say love.

So, on the day when Han Mengjun expressed his love to him, even though he was very happy, he thought a lot, which made him unable to respond to her.

But in Han Mengjun's view, his no answer is actually a disguised answer.

Su Mian was even more angry when he said that.

"Silly boy, how can't you figure out your mind now? If you can say that, you must like her, at least you have a good feeling. All feelings need to be managed. When the feelings come, don't resist or think too much. Just grasp them well. "

"So Is that ok? "

"Of course! You should never resist the coming of love. " Su Mian patted him on the shoulder and said, "Mengjun is a good child. You should take good care of this rare feeling and never regret it in the future."

"I see." Dongdong nodded and asked, "Mom, aren't you angry? I'm so old that I don't want to be beaten by my father again. "

The point is, he didn't dare to fight back to hoting.

Su Mian smiled and looked at Dongdong carefully and said, "although I am angry, I am only angry that you lied to me. If you want me to forgive you, go and chase me back
