Huo Chendong sends Su Mian back to his bedroom. He feels his cell phone and wants to call Han Mengjun.

I don't know why, he wants to hear her voice now.

When she just separated, her desperate eyes made his heart hurt.

He wanted to tell her what he had not been able to say before

Just, when Huo Chendong dials the past, Han Mengjun's mobile phone has been turned off.

It was already more than one o'clock in the morning.

He smiled and decided to go to her house tomorrow to make it clear.


The next day.

When Han Mengjun put the last thing he needed to bring into the box, aben came in from outside.

He looked at his luggage and asked, "what can I do about this house, Mengjun? Do you want to continue renting?"

"Back off." Han Mengjun thought for a moment and said, "anyway, we can only come back after half a year, and the rent has been paid quite wastefully. We'll find another house when we get back. "

Aben thought about it and thought it made sense.

He said, "OK, let's do that. I'll take you to the car first, and I'll come and accompany you after I've cleaned up the house and other things in a few days. "

This time, Xiao P went with Han Mengjun first, and aben, as a broker, had a lot of finishing work to do.

Han Mengjun said with a smile, "OK, I'll wait for you there."

Two people look at each other and smile. They are about to start a new battlefield. They see expectation and fighting spirit in each other's eyes. Tomorrow will be better!


When Han Mengjun left for an hour, Huo Chendong's car came.

When he arrived, he saw that some workers were carrying things and the room was mostly empty.

What's going on?!

What about people?!

Huo Chendong takes out his cell phone and dials Han Mengjun.

Still shut down.

He was stunned and walked slowly to the door of Han Mengjun's room.

Is that the way to go? I didn't even say hello.

He looked at the rest of the things at a loss. The feeling of loss and gain could not be suppressed from the bottom of his heart.

"Eh? Isn't this Huo Shao? " Aben came up with a surprised face and asked, "how are you here?"

Huo Chendong turns around, grabs aben's arm in a panic, and asks, "where is Mengjun?"

"What a pain! Huo Shao, will you calm down? " Aben looked at his arm in fear, grinning his teeth in pain, and tears would come out. He said, "my arm, please let me go first, OK?"

Winter frowned, let go, asked again: "you say quickly, where did dream gentleman go in the end?"? Why has she been unable to get through to her phone? "

"No way? Maybe I forgot to charge it? We have been busy packing these two days. " Aben rubbed his arm and asked strangely, "don't Huo Shao know? Mengjun has made a big movie. He will go to Xiling for half a year. "

Dong Dong's face turned black after hearing what he said.

Ben saw that Han Mengjun didn't say anything. He quickly added, "Mengjun is probably too busy at this time. I thank Huo Shao for her care."

Dong Dong is not interested in listening to him, he asked.

"And where is she now?"

"I think it's near the airport." Aben raised his wrist to look at his watch and said, "no, it should have arrived at the airport. It's about half an hour before the plane takes off."

It's so little time for him!

Dongdong turns around and leaves.

Ben rubbed his shoulder and shouted loudly, "Huo Shao, it's too late. Even if you hurry now, you can't see the last side of Mengjun."

Dongdong hears the words and turns to stare at him.

"It's going to take an hour at most from here!" What are you staring at?!

Anyway, you can't catch up!

Huo Chendong smiled and said, "how can you know if you don't try?"

With that, he didn't care what Ben thought anymore.


"Young master, what can I do for you?"

"Uncle Chen, do me a favor and stop a plane to Xiling."

“……” Chen CE said speechlessly, "why do you call me every time I find a problem Well, who let me watch you grow up? I'll help you. "

"Thank you Uncle Chen."


At this time, Han Mengjun has been on the plane, she is in a serious script, reciting lines.

Suddenly, a sharp bell woke everyone in the plane.

"Dear passengers, I'm very sorry. Someone reported that there were contraband in our plane. In order to cooperate with the police investigation, please stay in place and wait for our further notice...""How could this happen?" Little p showed a frightened expression and said, "sister Mengjun, are we going to be ok? I don't want to die! I'm still young and haven't found a boyfriend... "

Han Mengjun is also a little shocked, contraband?

How was it brought up? Didn't the customs check it out?

"Don't be afraid. The plane hasn't taken off yet." Han Mengjun appeases Xiaop and himself.

I hope nothing will happen.

After a while, several airport police with real guns and nuclear bombs suddenly came up, and they watched the passengers one by one.

Little p held Han Mengjun's hand in fear.

When the police walked all the way to Han Mengjun, they suddenly stopped.

One of them asked, "are you Han Mengjun?"

Han Mengjun had some accidents. Although he didn't understand why they wanted to find themselves, he nodded.

"It's me."

"I'm sorry, you brought some contraband, so you have to come with us now. Please cooperate."

"How could this happen? We will never bring contraband. Are you mistaken? " Xiaop stood up in shock and stopped in front of Han Mengjun, saying, "besides, we have passed the customs safely."

"I'm sorry, we need to check. Please come down with us." Said the policeman deadpan.

"No, I can't let you take sister Mengjun away like this. How do I know if you are bad? " Although small P is afraid, but still very brave in front of Han Mengjun.

"Please don't interfere with our work."


"Little p, it's OK. I'll go with them. " Han Mengjun patted Xiaop on the shoulder, comforted her and said, "don't be nervous, it's OK. So many people watch me being taken away, and they dare not do anything to me. Maybe it's just a misunderstanding. I'll explain it and it's OK. "


"It's OK."

Han Mengjun smiled at Xiao P, and then got off the plane with the policemen.

After getting off the plane, Han Mengjun took the airport pick-up car with the policemen.

After a while, the car stopped.

Han Mengjun got out of the car with the police and walked into a room.

After entering, she found that the light in the room was very dark. There was a man sitting in the room. He had his back to the door and could only see his back.

It's just that the back is a little familiar!


The gate was suddenly closed, which scared Han Mengjun.

The light in the room suddenly dimmed. There was only a small desk lamp in front of the man. What she saw was not very clear.

It was so strange that she was very worried.

Han Mengjun said uneasily, "Hello, do you misunderstand anything? I can't get on the plane with contraband. If you doubt it, you can check my luggage again. "

"No need."

Han Mengjun was stunned. How could this sound be familiar to him.

This is not

"Han Mengjun, you stole my heart."

It was Huo Chendong.

Han Mengjun stares round eyes, can't believe looking at the person who turns slowly.

Trough! It's really him!

Han Mengjun can't help scolding in his heart. What the hell is he doing?

"Huo Chendong, what are you going to do? Is that funny for me? " She shivered with anger.

When she was just forced to get off the plane by the airport police, she was really scared and nervous. After a long time, it was just a joke of him?

"Mengjun, if I don't, I can't let you stay."

What is that?!

Han Mengjun said angrily, "what are you doing here? Watching you play with me? "

She is so angry now that she can hardly calm down.

Huo Chendong could not help wondering that her hair would stand up when she was angry.

Is this really too much for me?

All blame Chen Ceshu, also say what girls eat this set, the more cool handsome the more domineering the better.

How could he forget that Uncle Chen chase sister-in-law Chen for more than 20 years before he gets married.

Huo Chendong sees that Han Mengjun is going to leave. He quickly reaches for her hand and says, "I'm sorry, don't be angry."

Han Mengjun just wanted to leave, and then found that her hand was pulled by Huo Chendong, but she could not earn it.

"You let go!"

"Listen to me first."

"Let go of me first, and then listen to you!"

"Listen to me before you let go!"

Han Mengjun: "..."

She looked up at Huo Chendong's eyes, and found that his eyes were very persistent, and there was the heat that she could not understand, her heart leaped.It seems that the hope that is finally silent has been irrigated and revived.

"What do you want to say?" She asked.

Huo Chendong said with a gentle smile, "how about being my girlfriend?"


"What did you say? Say it again! " Han Mengjun asked with a frown.

"Han Mengjun, let's have a serious relationship this time! For marriage. "

Han Mengjun looked at him with wide eyes and made sure she didn't hear him wrong. She asked incredulously, "didn't you say no? How... "

"I didn't refuse you, never." Dongdong sincerely said, "I'm sorry, I don't have the experience of love. I don't know what I like. I'm afraid I can't give you what you want, so that day you said that I didn't respond to you immediately, but that doesn't mean I don't like you..."

Han Mengjun listened to him finish these words, suddenly cried out, she squatted down, holding the knee to cry.

Huo Chendong is scared. He squats down and asks in a panic, "Mengjun, you..."

Han Mengjun covered his face and said, "I'm just so happy!"

Huo Chendong relieved, smiled and said, "I'm sorry..."

"I'm not sorry." Han Mengjun fell down in Huo Chendong's arms, hugged him hard, and said, "it's so nice that you can like me!"

Huo Chendong's heart was softened by her words.

He didn't know what to do. He didn't know how to coax her.

But in fact, she doesn't need to be coaxed at all.

Such a good girl, cleverly let his heart all soft.

He took her back and said in a low voice, "please give me more advice, Mengjun."

I will spoil you.

"Well, more advice!" Huo Chendong, you will be my man!

Love is a flower that blooms in their hearts.

It's just beginning

In the future, it will be better.

(all the fanwais in the plan have been written. Thank you for following up till now. If you still want to see fanwai, please leave a message to Xiaohuo. Cubic meter ^)