Chapter 672

Zhao Wenya didn't like being said stingy by her daughter. "You're married. It's reasonable that you should honor me. Only Dabao has lucky money. Come back to me for lucky money when you have a child."

"Hum!" Lu Yexin had nothing to say, so he couldn't help humming.

It's a pity that there is no way to play mahjong.

Maybe god knows they are three short of one. When they were depressed, someone rang the doorbell. The servant looked at the door and his eyes lit up when he saw someone coming.

"Why do you all look at me like this? It makes me a little scared!" Shang yuenian just walked in and found that several women in front of her looked at her like they wanted to eat her, which made her want to step back.

She is Lu Beiye's cousin. She just came over after having a reunion dinner with her family. She thought she would see a large and harmonious family. As a result, she found such a strange scene as soon as she came in, which frightened her very much.

Lu Yexin stood up and walked up to Shang yuenian. "Cousin, you're just in time. You're waiting for you to play mahjong. He already pulled Shang yuenian to sit on the mahjong table and didn't give her a chance to run.

When everyone is together, they begin.

Shang yuenian reacted from his stupidity at the beginning, and then he was proud, "play mahjong with me, then you have to give more blood."

"Cousin, who is bleeding is not sure." Lu Yexin is very proud of his military division.

Shang yuenian looked at the people around Lu Yexin and didn't speak. She already knew about Lu Yexin and Qin Yue. She had been there when she was engaged. She only knew that he was a soldier, but she never knew that he would play mahjong very well? So I didn't take it to heart.

In contrast, she is more worried about Qiao Nuan and Lu Beiye. However, she knows that her cousin plays mahjong very well. Although Qiao Nuan plays mahjong again, Lu Beiye, a military division, is not much worse.

"Cousin, you have to let me." while looking at the mahjong in your hand, he talked to Qiao Nuan.

Looking at the mahjong in front of him, Joe warmed up and said, "I... I won't, you let me."

Hearing this, Shang yuenian was happy. She thought Qiao Nuan would be better. It was easier for Lu Beiye to guide. Unexpectedly, she wouldn't. It seems that she is destined to win today.

Don't talk, play mahjong seriously and win more. It happens that she is short of money recently.

The Lu family spent the whole afternoon at the mahjong table. Several women were responsible for playing, while the men around them were responsible for giving advice. The whole afternoon was a leisure and happy time, and laughter came from time to time.

Compared with the lively and happy here in Lubei night, the coldness over Bo Liang is particularly obvious at this time.

He and Mi Ziqing have been hiding in a villa area in Jiangcheng. At this time, there are laughter from time to time in the surrounding villas, and there are occasional firecrackers. Only the villa where he and Mi Ziqing are located is very quiet.

"Bo Liang, it's time for dinner." Mi Ziqing came out of the kitchen. She had just cooked some dishes.

Both of them went to the table for dinner, and none of them spoke. If it weren't for the sound of firecrackers outside, I'm afraid no one would believe that this is the Spring Festival.

Mi Ziqing felt a little lonely while eating. Although she had no family before, she also had many friends. She spent the Spring Festival with them every year. She would also have a little regret, but she was happy most of the time.

But now, Bo Liang himself is a silent person. Even in this festival, he is still silent and terrible.

Maybe she finally couldn't stand this quiet atmosphere. Mi Ziqing put down her dishes and chopsticks and looked at the person in front of her, "Bo Liang, do you think we are still living a normal life now?"

She hasn't been out shopping for a long time. Even if she goes once in a while, she must be surrounded by people arranged by Bo Liang. Such a life is really not what she wants.

"Why isn't it a normal day? I think it's very good." Bo Liang eats the food and doesn't understand why miziqing said such words at this time?

Mi Ziqing seems to have forgotten that Bo Liang was born such a cold person. Even if it was the Spring Festival, it was just an ordinary day for him, and there was no fluctuation in his heart.

"OK? Really? But I feel very lonely. Listen to the lively voices outside and look at the quiet appearance in the villa. It's really easy to drive people crazy." she has had enough of such days.

After waking up every day, she has nothing to do. She won't agree to what she wants to do. Even if she wants to go out, she should inform him in advance. At this time, she is like a bird imprisoned in a cage and has no freedom.

She knows what Bo Liang is afraid of. She is just worried that Lu Beiye will find his current residence. She is just afraid that Lu Beiye will kill him all.

However, it is clear that they can leave this place and go to any place without Lubei night power, so that they don't have to worry so much, and they won't even think so much about going out like now.

Mi Ziqing's words finally moved Bo Liangqing, put down his dishes and chopsticks, and looked up at the person in front of him, "do you think you can't stand it?"

"Yes, I admit I can't stand it. Can't we leave here? Far away from Lu Beiye, there's no need to worry about what he finds." for her, this is the best way now. She doesn't have to hurt anyone, and she doesn't have to worry all the time.

However, she still underestimated Bo Liang's hatred for Lu Beiye, "no! I haven't done what I want to do yet. I can't go now."

"Bo Liang, you..."

"When you decided to follow me from the beginning, you should have thought of such a life." he was almost merciless and did not open his mouth to comfort. "If you have had enough, you can leave at any time. I don't think Lu Beiye will embarrass you, a weak woman."

Mizi Qing can leave at any time and return to her normal life.

But he can't. They are different after all.

"I......" Mizi Qing wanted to say something, but she couldn't say anything.

She doesn't want to live like this, but she never wants to leave. She has long regarded Bo Liang as her husband and her own man, and will never leave.

After taking a look at Mi Ziqing, Bo Liang stood up and left the villa, leaving Mi Ziqing sitting alone at the table, at a loss.

After a long time, she held back her tears, picked up the dishes and chopsticks and ate. Although she couldn't feel the taste at all, she had to eat.


Night comes

The night of new year's Eve is more lively. The night has just come, and the fireworks in the sky have not stopped.

Dabao plays hard alone. Lu Beiye occasionally goes to accompany him to set off fireworks and occasionally comes back to command Qiao Nuan's mahjong.

"Madam, dinner is ready." the servant said to Zhao Wenya and began to bring the food to the table.

After the first game, Zhao Wenya took the lead in standing up, "well, don't fight, eat first."


Qiao Nuan and Lu Yexin agreed. The only thing that has an opinion is Shang yuenian, because she lost the worst, "sister-in-law, Yexin, I'll come with you after dinner. I don't believe I can't win back."

She thought she must be the one who won the final victory, but because young and Lu Yexin had people around them as military teachers, she and Zhao Wenya lost the last, and she was the one who lost the worst.

Not only does she love her money, but most importantly, she won't let go of her reputation.

Qiao Nuan and Lu Yexin looked at each other, and they both laughed, "OK, we will accompany you to the end, but we don't know if you have so much money to lose."

Throughout the afternoon, Shang yuenian lost nearly 100000, while Zhao Wenya lost 50000 or 60000. Qiao Nuan basically won the money Shang yuenian lost. Lu Yexin naturally won his mother's.

"Don't worry, even if there is no cash, I can write a debit note." she must win her money back. If she lost so much at once, will she live?

As they spoke, they walked to the table and soon sat down to eat.

"I'll call Grandpa." Lu Beiye turned and walked to the old man's room. Because of the old man's body, it was more appropriate for Lu Beiye to go, and Qiao Nuan didn't follow up.

The family were waiting for the landing Beiye to push the old man out, but after a while, Lu Beiye and the old man didn't come out. It was the servant who was originally responsible for guarding the old man who ran out first.

"Call the doctor quickly!" the servant who ran out quickly told another servant.

After a moment of stupidity, the servant who was informed called the doctor. The Lu family has a family doctor who is specially responsible for the old man's condition, so it is most appropriate to inform him at this time.

After they were stunned for a while, Qiao Nuan reached out and grabbed the servant in charge of taking care of the old man, "what happened? Why did you call a doctor?"

Qiao Nuan has a bad feeling in his heart. It should be said that everyone has a bad feeling at this time, but they can't believe it and don't want to believe it.

"Young lady, old man, he... He can't wake up!"

He has been guarding the door of the old man's room. If the old man needs it, he will call him. He has been guarding the door all the time. He didn't follow in until Lu Beiye went to ask the old man to eat just now.

Who knows, Lu Beiye called several times and the old man didn't wake up, so he hurried out to call the doctor.

The servant's words made everyone worried and hurried to the door of the old man's room, with anxiety on their faces.

Everyone went upstairs, but Lu Muren was still sitting where he was. He couldn't react at this time. In fact, he didn't want to believe it. In the afternoon, Lu Weihan told him the truth. As a result, the old man couldn't do it at night.

Is this to make him regret all his life?