Chapter 673

Without much thought, he also raised his feet and went upstairs.

When Qiao Nuan and others rushed to the old man's room, Lu Beiye was holding the old man against the head of the bed. He could see that he was very sad and worried at the same time.

"Ah ye, Grandpa... How's he doing?" Qiao Nuan walked up and opened his mouth with some worry.

Because of Qiao Nuan's voice, Lu Bei thought again at night. Seeing that it was Qiao Nuan, tears flashed in his eyes, "why hasn't the doctor come yet?"

"Hurry up." Qiao Nuan turned his head and looked at the servant at the door. Since he wanted to call a doctor, it showed that there was room for redemption.

After a while, the doctor arrived, squeezed through the crowd and stopped by the old man's bed.

Seeing the old man, the doctor first tried his breath. Although this action aroused Lu Beiye's strong dissatisfaction, he had no way. He was not sure. How did he know whether people were dead or not?

The old man still has a faint breath. The doctor breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly brought an oxygen ventilator to the old man. Then he said to Lu Beiye, "it's less night. The old man's situation should be sent to the hospital. He can get better treatment in the hospital."

There is only a simple oxygen absorber here, and there is no other equipment.

"Immediately ask the driver to drive to the door and warm up. You call Lin Zeyi and ask him to get to the hospital within ten minutes." at this time, he only believed in Lin Zeyi.

"OK!" Qiao Nuan took out his cell phone and called.

Lu Beiye picked up the old man and walked directly to the door, while the doctor followed behind, holding an oxygen ventilator. At the same time, he was afraid of any accident on the road.

Qiao Nuan and Lu Beiye left together. Zhao Wenya and others were left in the room. They looked at each other one by one. Then they left one after another and drove to the hospital in different cars.

Everyone left, including Lu meren. He thought he hated the old man and wanted to live a day when he died.

But in the afternoon, after listening to what Lu Weihan said, he had some regrets, and at this time, he was a little sad.

The old house of the Lu family, which was originally bustling, suddenly quieted down. The freshly prepared food still smells delicious. However, no one has the heart to taste it.

In the car to the hospital, Qiao Nuan sat in the co driver. The doctor and Lu Beiye held the old man in the back seat. The driver drove the car. Qiao Nuan was very worried all the way and kept urging the driver to drive faster.

Lu Bei was serious at night and couldn't see joy and anger. "Dr. Zhang, can you tell me that Grandpa's situation is still saved?"

He doesn't want to give up, he just wants to be prepared.

"This..." Doctor Zhang was very embarrassed. He was afraid that Lu Bei would be dissatisfied when he told the truth.

"To be honest, I just want to have a psychological preparation. Anyway, I will try my best to save." Lu Beiye knew Dr. Zhang's concerns, so he spoke directly to dispel his concerns.

Hearing what he said, Dr. Zhang hesitated for a moment and then said, "night, since you have said so, I won't hide you. Even if the old man is sent to the hospital, he will continue his life at most, but it won't last long."

"Even with the best doctors and equipment, is the result the same?"

Lu Beiye still had expectations. When he had lunch at noon, he looked at the old man's spirit. He thought that the old man must be able to persist for a long time.

But as a result, this happened in an afternoon.

"Yes, even with the best doctors and the best equipment," Dr. Zhang said with certainty, almost without any hesitation.

He is the doctor in charge of the old man's condition, so he knows his body very well. It's not easy to survive today.

However, even if the doctor said so, Lu Beiye still didn't understand, "but he was fine at noon. Why did he become so serious for such a while?"

"It should be that the old man's wish has been fulfilled. He must have wanted to see a family reunion before. Because he hasn't waited until that day, he has been holding on. Until today's new year's Eve, he sees a family reunion, so he will be full of spirit at noon, but become like this at night."

"This is what people often say, shine back."

Dr. Zhang is not sure, but most of them are.

After hearing what he said, Lu Beiye understood that the old man had been waiting for a family reunion. The most important person was Lu Muren. He must be waiting for Lu Muren to come back. Although he didn't say a word to Lu Muren, he was satisfied.

The car soon stopped at the gate of the hospital. Because it had been notified long ago, there were doctors and nurses waiting at the gate with a stretcher, and Lin Zeyi naturally stood out.

Originally, his family was just having dinner. When he saw Qiao Nuan calling, he thought she was talking about happy new year, but the result was not at all. He hung up and rushed over.

"Push into the operating room." after the man was picked up by Lu Beiye and put on the stretcher, Lin Zeyi immediately ordered that there should be no delay at this time.

A group of people ran to the operating room of the hospital. When they got to the door of the operating room, Lu Beiye was stopped, "Zeyi, give it to you."

"Don't worry, I'll try my best."

He can only say that he tried his best, but he can't give any guarantee. After all, the old man is not a young man. Even if he has no pain, at his age, his physical function has already reached the limit. This day is a matter of time.

Lin Zeyi turned and walked into the operating room. Qiao Nuan and Lu Beiye waited in the corridor at the door of the operating room. Before long, Zhao Wenya and his party also rushed over.

Seeing them, they all walked over.

"Sister in law, how's grandpa?" Lu Yexin opened her mouth. She knew that Lu Beiye must be in a bad mood at this time, so she didn't dare to ask him, but Qiao Nuan.

Looking at the worried look on everyone's face, Joe warm sighed and said, "we don't know the specific situation yet. Don't worry. Sit and wait."

Qiao Nuan said so. No matter how anxious they were, they had to sit down first and keep looking at the light in the operating room. They prayed that the old man was all right.

Lu Beiye, who had buried his head, raised his head and looked at Lu Muren with strong dissatisfaction.

In fact, he knew that Lu Muren was right. To be exact, he also achieved the old man's wish, but if he didn't do those things and let the old man angry and disappointed again and again, maybe the old man's health would be better.

He was stared by Lu Beiye, and Lu meren didn't care. At this time, his heart seemed to follow everyone and care about the people inside.

"Don't worry, Grandpa will be fine." she didn't know how to comfort Lu Beiye, and her words could only be so boring.

Lu Beiye didn't speak. He had been waiting for the end of the operation. He hoped Lin Zeyi would bring him good news, but thinking of Dr. Zhang, he knew that this opportunity was very small.

Half an hour later, the lights in the operating room went out. Lin Zeyi came out and took off his mask. His face was a little ugly. "The patient's body has reached the limit, and there is nothing we can do in the hospital. The patient has woken up. Go and say the last word to him."

Lin Zeyi felt guilty. In the end, he still failed to save the old man. He just woke him up and could say goodbye to his children and grandchildren.

In this way, it's like a knife into everyone's heart. Lu Weihan and Zhao Wenya almost fainted. Lu Bei can barely support himself at night, but Qiao Nuan knows that no one is more uncomfortable than him.

Watching Lu Beiye stand up and walk into the operating room, Qiao Nuan goes in with Dabao.

Although the old man is not her own grandfather, Qiao Nuan has long treated him as his own grandfather. Now he is no less sad than anyone.

"Grandpa." Lu Beiye saw the old man and knelt down directly by the bed in the operating room.

The old man who was treated knew that he didn't have much time, but his spirit was also good at this time. "North night, don't be sad. Everyone has to experience birth, old age and death. Grandpa is just another place."

In fact, the old man looked very open. He had expected this day, so he was not very reluctant.

"Grandpa Zeng, where are you going?"

Dabao on one side is still young after all. He is not very clear about the concept of death, so he naturally feels strange when he hears the old man's words.

He can feel that his parents are in a low mood, including grandparents. They are very sad. Is it because grandpa Zeng is leaving?

The old man stretched out his hand and greeted Dabao. "Grandpa Zeng is going to a far away place. Although grandpa Zeng is gone in the future, Dabao must be obedient and not too naughty, you know?"

"I don't want grandpa Zeng to leave. I'll make money for you to spend in the future." Dabao also felt uncomfortable, and tears flowed down in an instant.

Dabao's words made everyone in the operating room very sad. The old man looked at everyone. In fact, he was very satisfied. His whole life was full of children and grandchildren. What else to regret.

"Xiao Nuan, I'll give it to you in the future."

"Yexin, your wedding grandpa can't see it, but the wedding gift I prepared for you is in the cabinet in my study. You can get it yourself at that time."

"Qin Yue, I gave my granddaughter to you. You have to take good care of me. If she is bullied, I won't let you go."


The old man gave everyone an order. At the end, everyone was in tears. The old man himself was a little out of strength.

It seems that he didn't see the person he wanted to see. Some losses flashed in his eyes.

At this loss, Lu Weihan saw clearly. He knew what his father was thinking. "Dad, Muren, he has something to say to you."

Then he drove everyone out, and he himself came to Lu Muren. "Dad still thinks of you until he dies. What should he say? I think you know, Muren, don't let yourself regret it all your life."

Then he took him in, and Lu Weihan turned and left. He thought that the two people should have a good chat.