Chapter 64

Name:A Divine Farmer Author:
C64 – You Kissed Me This TimeFollow current novels at

Zhang Xiaoloong described the atmosphere as imbued with death Qi. While Yang Jingjing couldn’t perceive this death Qi, she did notice a lingering desolate scent.

Despite the warmth within the greenhouse day and night, it emanated a forlorn aura, lacking in vitality.

Upon their return, a subtle herbal fragrance permeated the air, so faint that one could hardly detect it upon careful sniffing.

Yet, this barely perceptible aroma breathed new life into the greenhouse instantly.

Not limited to the greenhouse, the once barren lands now seemed less lifeless, offering a glimmer of vitality.

What sorcery was at play? Could the Nine Dead Soul Returning Grass King truly wield such enchantment once planted?

Yang Jingjing remained skeptical; the transformation seemed too swift. Upon closer inspection, she noticed some clues scattered on the ground.

The revelation dawned upon her. No wonder the land didn’t feel entirely desolate; tender shoots were emerging from the soil, hinting at nascent growth.

Similarly, the desolation extended beyond the greenhouse; small blades of grass peeked through the barren earth. Yet, their scarcity made them easily overlooked.

Rather than dispelling her doubts, this discovery further perplexed Yang Jingjing. The Nine Dead Soul Returning Grass King, now nestled in a corner of the greenhouse, appeared remarkably at ease, even thriving more than atop the mountain.

Recalling how scarce weeds were before the Nine Death Soul Grass King’s retrieval, Yang Jingjing pondered the sudden proliferation. Could this plant truly alter the purported death Qi?

“Have you noticed the changes here?” Zhang Xiaoloong’s voice interrupted her thoughts.

Startled, Yang Jingjing rose to her feet. She had come to meet the supervisor and had momentarily been captivated by the greenhouse’s vitality. It was time to address her purpose. “Xiaoloong, I didn’t mean to neglect you yesterday. At night, I just...”

But to admit she had been waiting for him to arrive might seem overly forward.

Realizing this, Zhang Xiaoloong chuckled. “I acted hastily yesterday. Have you eaten yet? You mentioned returning home for a while. I can drive you there later.”

Yang Jingjing nodded, pondering over his words. “I understand...”

Zhang Xiaoloong assumed she comprehended him finally, preparing to exhale in relief. Yet she continued, “So, you’re not ready to commit and want to explore with other attractive girls. To figure out who suits you best, correct?”

“Ahem, ahem, ahem...” Zhang Xiaoloong was thoroughly subdued.

Yang Jingjing smirked mischievously, rolling her eyes. “So, who’s first on your list? Yaru or Sister Xiaoya?”

“Fine. As long as you don’t resent me. Didn’t someone offer to escort me home?” Zhang Xiaoloong began, but she cut him off.

Stretching her arms lazily, revealing her enticing curves, Yang Jingjing yawned slightly, exuding a hint of temptation in her languor. Her seductive allure stirred the deepest desires, tantalizingly satisfying them.

Zhang Xiaoloong knew she did it intentionally, but faced with such a pleasing sight, he couldn’t possibly rebuke her after benefiting, could he?

Finding Yang Jingjing striding ahead, he had no choice but to trail behind. Unexpectedly, she halted abruptly and turned around.

Zhang Xiaoloong couldn’t halt his steps in time, leaning forward and grazing her delicate lips.

“You initiated the kiss this time,” Yang Jingjing said shyly, closing the distance to peck Zhang Xiaoloong. “I’ll make you fall for me!”

With that, she turned and dashed off.

Zhang Xiaoloong licked his lips, reveling in the sensation. Despite his attempts to compose himself, his body’s reaction couldn’t be suppressed.

Undoubtedly, if Yang Jingjing remained as alluring as yesterday, he’d easily succumb to her allure again.

Such feelings couldn’t be quelled at will. True calmness would only come when the storm subsided.

Yet, what use was tranquility then?

It seemed he was destined to endure this envy-inducing torment. Unsure whether to feel joy or resignation.

Exiting the greenhouse, he noticed another woman besides Yang Jingjing.