Chapter 65

Name:A Divine Farmer Author:
C65 – Don’t Have Any Thoughts about Her

“Isn’t this the chief’s sister? Come, take a look at the greenhouse,” Yang Jingjing exclaimed, cuddling the little wolf like a puppy as she conversed with the woman, wearing a smile.

The visitor was none other than Lee Xiulian. Upon spotting Yang Jingjing, she expressed mild surprise. “Indeed, such a rarity in the village. I’ve been eager to see it for some time. And Reporter Yang is also here.”

By now, word had spread through the village about Zhang Xiaoloong hosting a prominent reporter from Beijing. Not only was he cultured, but he also possessed a striking resemblance to a television star.Read latest chapters at Only

Many young men frequented Zhang Xiaoloong’s home when idle, hoping for a chance to sneak a glimpse of this beauty.

Regrettably, this beauty seldom ventured out except when in the company of Zhang Xiaoloong’s family. Even if she did, most attempts at conversation with her were futile.

“Are you looking for Xiaoloong? He’s inside,” Yang Jingjing remarked, noting the woman’s interest extended beyond just the greenhouse.

“Elder Sister Lianzi looking for me?” Zhang Xiaoloong emerged, noticing Lee Xiulian’s peculiar expression.

“Nothing of great importance,” Lee Xiulian replied, feeling a bit self-conscious under their gaze. “It’s just that I believe you should construct this greenhouse. It’ll soon be ready for vegetable cultivation. The greenhouse spans ten acres, inside and out. You seem capable of managing it without additional help. Besides, I have plenty of free time at home. It’s an opportune moment to engage in some activities here.”

Zhang Xiaoloong pondered briefly. While he was willing to assist, it couldn’t be without compensation. However, he had no intention of hiring extra help.

Even if he did consider hiring, he’d require someone young and robust. Lee Xiulian, with her delicate complexion and lack of labor, wasn’t suitable.

Nonetheless, he couldn’t outright refuse her offer. Ignoring her persuasion and their familial relationship would be improper, given her status as the village chief’s relative.

“Elder Sister Lianzi, I haven’t made a decision yet. If needed, I’ll hire someone. It’s premature; the seeds haven’t been sown. It’s a bit early to discuss this,” Zhang Xiaoloong explained before reassuring, “Rest assured, if I do hire, you’ll be my first consideration.”

Hiring someone would be convenient, but it required funds. Zhang Xiaoloong hadn’t earned a penny yet; he still owed debts. He could manage the task himself without spending additional money.

After Yang Jingjing’s cautionary words, she realized she had no authority to demand anything. They weren’t officially a couple, so he had no obligation to abide by her standards.

With a coy glance and a flicker of her long eyelashes, Yang Jingjing added a hint of allure, “If you’re interested, you could seek out Yaru or call me. Perhaps I’ll rush back immediately...”

“Isn’t it simpler to solve this closer by? Why make things so complicated?” Zhang Xiaoloong sighed inwardly, tempted to engage in argument.

Yang Jingjing fell silent, unable to retort. Though she recognized it as jest, her dissatisfaction lingered.

“Fine, just remember, if you don’t leave now, you’ll miss the last bus,” Zhang Xiaoloong quipped, ushering her out with a smile.

Peering through the glass, Lee Xiulian observed two young men departing on bicycles.

Their easy camaraderie hinted at a deep bond, suggesting an ambiguous relationship.

Lee Xiulian never entertained comparisons with these young women, knowing she couldn’t compete at her age. Yet, a tinge of envy crept in as she imagined encountering Zhang Xiaoloong in her youth—a mere fantasy.


Riding the bike, Yang Jingjing traveled toward the city road. Despite the rough journey, she hesitated to disembark.

Though she vowed never to part from Zhang Xiaoloong again upon her return, she doubted her family’s reaction if she confessed her intentions.

A sudden fear gripped her: would refusal mean never seeing him again?

Furthermore, Zhang Xiaoloong hadn’t explicitly expressed a desire for companionship. How could she justify her return to her family?

Yet she remained resolute; she wouldn’t waver just because he defended her from those hooligans.

Alone in the greenhouse, Zhang Xiaoloong was startled by heavy breathing emanating from within.