When the presiding priest announced the miracle of Holly’s design for the clock tower being approved by the Great Saint Martine, the citizens of Ixendahl applauded in unison.

The citizens of Ixendahl had no doubt that the city would recover, thanks to the miracles that had occurred so many times since Hirune’s arrival.

Everyone looked radiant as they waved their hands at Holly.

“Blessed are the stars.”

When Holly spun the scripture and produced the stardust of blessing, everyone’s smiles became even bigger.

“Fu …….”

Holly breathed a sigh of relief, relieved that she hadn’t failed after a job well done.

She glanced at  Hirune, who was sitting in her chair on the platform.

“That was a great verse.”

Hirune waved her hand in a carefree tone.

“Hirune hasn’t fallen asleep, how out of character ……”

Holly walked off the stage in surprise and returned to the stage sleeves, then Hirune slowly stood up.

She was holding a Bible in her hand.

(That’s a lot of people. . …… Hmmm… I wonder if it’s because of my reincarnation that I don’t get nervous when I go out in front of people.)

Thinking vaguely, Hirune went to the front of the stage and looked around the square.

There were thousands of people looking at her.

(Yes, let’s use the Holy Magic of Louder Voice so that everyone can hear.)

Hirune omitted the scripture and used holy magic.

Stardust fluttered and danced behind her.

“Mephistopheles – in the name of the Goddess Sophia, I wish you eternal happiness and peace.”

Hirune said in a solemn tone, just like a great saint.

The air in the central Goddess Square changed to a tranquil one.

She opened the Bible at her own pace and flipped through the pages.

“Bible — Section 2 — The Mare Who Dwells in the Clean Spring –“

Hirune’s thin, clear voice rang out.

It wasn’t often that they got to hear a Great Saint read from the Bible in their lifetime.

The citizens in the crowd stopped chattering at once.

The central Goddess Square became silent.

“The mare gave birth to many children, including a golden calf that looked like light…”

Hirune’s voice rang out thanks to the loudspeaker magic.

She was just trying to stay awake, but her unique phrasing and rhyme scheme took the audience’s breath away.

Everyone in the room forgot that they were in the square and looked at Hirune.

“The water from the fountains is dying, but lush vegetation fills the plains.”

At some point, stardust appeared in the sky above the square, slowly falling like powdered snow.

The people who had gathered there let out a sigh of admiration at the beautiful twinkling lights.

The bell of the clock tower began to sway as Hirune’s voice melted into the air.

There was a sound like the cracking of thin ice, and then the sound turned into a lovely melody, ding, ding, ding.

“Oh,” the people would look up at the clock tower and shout, and the sound of the bells would spread like ripples, echoing off the exterior walls of the buildings in the city and spreading further and further away.”

Along with Hirune’s voice, the sound of the bells somehow transformed into the most beautiful sound they’d ever heard.

“It’s a strange sound. ……”

“Yes, it is. It gives me a pleasant feeling.”

Jeanne and Holly, who were watching Hirune from offstage, said with enraptured faces.

“One day this scene will become legendary.”

Wanda looked up at the clock tower and made the holy seal.

“Oh, …… Martine, …… you see …… the clock tower of Ixendahl has been …… restored by the little Great Saint, …….”

Archbishop Zigitoria was moved to tears and fell to his knees in prayer.

(I feel good. …… ‘m glad I made a nice bell……)

Hirune finished reading the Bible and yawned loudly, feeling sleepy.

When she opened her mouth, her vision became blurry.

“Oh …… I feel so good ……”

She staggered drowsily.


Jeanne, who noticed, jumped out of the stage sleeve and held Hirune just before she fell.

“Jeanne ……The Great Bell of Restful Sleep: ……It sounds so nice ……”

While half asleep, Hirune whispered, and Holly, Wanda, and Zigitoria quickly came up to the stage. As Hirune whispered this, half asleep, Holly, Wanda, and Zigitoria quickly came up to the stage.

“Jeanne. What’s wrong with Hirune? Is it magic deficiency?”

Holly looked into Hirune’s face, understanding everything, and sighed.

Wanda and Zigitoria, who followed her, also breathed a sigh of relief.

“You’re just sleeping, aren’t you? How can you sleep in this …… situation at all?”

Holly looked around the square.

The citizens applauded when they heard the sound of the bells.

After a few moments, the applause died down, and the great bell swayed as if watching over everyone, spinning a beautiful melody.

“Wake up, Hirune-sama. Please get up. Hirune-sama…”

Jeanne tried to wake up the Great  Saint who was fast asleep on the stage.

Then Hirune shouted in a very loud voice.

“Oh, I see the futon there…”

She said.

Because of the effect of the loudspeaker magic, Hirune’s sleep-talking echoed out loud.

The whole square burst into laughter.

“Oh, she’s asleep! “You’re asleep, aren’t you, Hirune-sama? “All hail the Great Saint of drowsiness!” “Hail, Great Sainted One!” Thank you, Great Saint!”

Men and women of all ages were smiling, clapping their hands, and proudly turning their faces to Hirune on the stage.

“Oh, ……, you’re embarrassing me, Hirune-sama. ……”

“What are you doing ……?”

Jeanne and Holly chuckled, Wanda sighed, and Zigitoria laughed softly.

Hirune had completely fallen asleep and was rubbing her face against Jeanne’s stomach.

“If you listen to this, I’m sure Wanda’s sermons will …… disappear and you’ll be able to …… sleep peacefully …… guu……”

The Great bell rang for a while in the central goddess square, and people’s smiles never disappeared.

Volume 2 – The End

Author note


Dear Readers…

This is the end of volume 2. ◦(¦3[▓▓])

How was Hirune’s adventure as a great saint?

I hope you had a relaxing time reading it.

Also, I am very grateful to announce that “Book 2” will be released.

Thanks to everyone’s support.

Thank you so much for your support. ……!

It will be released in the summer.

I’ll make another announcement when the date is closer.

As a bonus to the book, I’ve decided to include a bonus track (the last scene of volume 2 with some additions), which is about the same amount as three chapters of the main story.

The reaction of the people of Diego Village when they hear the Great Bell of Restful Sleep.

The story of Hirune going with Jeanne to get a quilt.

It’s a story a little bit after volume 2.

I’d like to thank you for your support of this book. M (__) m

Volume 3 will be updated as soon as the plot is ready.

Please wait for a while.

“ Reincarnated Saints leisurely trip to another world”