She was walking down the street at night in a daze.

(… tired … sleepy …)

A boss who just yells because of unreasonable clients.

My seniors and juniors were also exhausted, and there was no atmosphere of finding meaning in their work.

They were all overwhelmed by the random things coming at them and exhausted themselves.

I had just surpassed one hundred and fifty hours of overtime in this month alone.

“… fuah …”

Yawns are the only things that come out of my mouth.

The life of Hirune Hanamaki can be summed up in one word: fatigue.

The traffic light flashes and turns red.

(–Healing–I want healing)

I want to take a nap on a futon that smells of sunshine.

I want to pet an animal and get healed.

I want to spend my time in a hot spring at a tourist spot.

I want to sway on a hammock on a southern island and  just relax without thinking about anything.

I want good food to come to my mouth even if I was sleeping.

I want to eat potato chips while watching a movie.

I want to tickle a pretty girl while hanging out in the sun.

I want to sit on the porch of a house, drinking green tea and listening to old stories from my grandparents.

I want to go window shopping for no reason at all.

I want to sit on a hill with a great view and just feel the breeze.

And above all … I wanted to live a peaceful, wonderful and free life.

(… Mom, I’m tired)

The intersection on the way back from taking the last train.

The scenery looked more dull than usual.

I think my mental fatigue reached its peak since the time when my mother, who raised me as a single mom, fell ill and passed away. I had endured the harsh treatment of black companies because I had the purpose of earning medical fees but after losing my purpose, I didn’t know what I was living for.

(No … here … let’s sleep …)

Hirune fell to the ground and closed her eyes.

“I want healing …”

Her words vanished into the night sky.

I felt a sensation all over my body, as if I were floating fluffily, and yet being drawn somewhere.

I have no vision. I can’t tell where I am.

But strangely, it’s not scary.

Even though I don’t understand the situation, I feel relaxed. I’ve been working too hard, Hirune thought to herself as if it was someone else.

“Thank you for your hard work in your daily life.”

A beautiful voice like the strings of a harp was heard.

When she opened her eyes, she saw a beautiful woman with golden hair stretched to her toes, smiling at her.

“… Who are you?”

She wore a jeweled tiara on top of her head, a pure white toga, and an expression of compassion that would make you believe her if she said she was a goddess. Her eyes were an almost absorbing blue.

“I’m the Goddess Sophia. I’ve been watching your life for a long time, Hirune ”

“Goddess … sama? My life?”

“It was a difficult life, wasn’t it?”

The expression of Goddess Sophia turns into a sympathetic smile.

Then, an image emerged in an empty space.

The life of Hirune was projected frame by frame.

“Your mother’s divorce, poor livelihood, unsuccessful relationships … you were a child burdened with loneliness.”

The image of Hirune in a school backpack trudging home alone is shown, and then it switches to a scene of Hirune in a sailor suit arguing with a classmate. The image then jumps to the city. Hirune looks at the latest clothes on display in a show window, and her shoulders slump in sadness.

“Since you became a high school student, you worked part-time every day to help make ends meet … Saved money with your mother, studied hard, and were accepted into a famous university. At that time, I was happy too. You really did your best. “

Hirune, as a high school student working at a cafe chain store.

She looks into her bankbook with her mother and they give each other a high five.

The image of her and her mother hugging each other in joy at receiving the acceptance letter brought a smile to her face.

“Soon after that, your mother’s illness was discovered … You dropped out and worked hard.”


When I saw myself running around in a worn out suit and heeled pumps, I remembered that I couldn’t even afford to buy clothes. I guess you could say I finally saw myself objectively.

“You’ve been willing to face any difficulties for twenty-two years. You were a lovely girl who could find joy in little things and be happy. You were a good-natured person who sacrificed yourself for the sake of others …. Your pure soul may not have been suitable for the earth. ‘

Goddess Sophia gently reached out to Hirune’s head and gently stroked her as if to confirm something important.

(I see … I …  died…)

Understanding this from the way the goddess spoke, Hirune closed her eyes.

When I think about it, it was a tiring life.

It was as if I was always being chased by something.

“It’s all right now. Your soul will become what it should be … “

Seeing the sad face of Hirune, the goddess Sophia smiles and moves her hand.

She strokes my black hair, which I had grown long, very gently, and the inner corners of my eyes grew hot.

“… It’s warm …”

Goddess Sophia strokes my head over and over again.

She comforts me like her own child.

Hirune couldn’t stop crying from the joy of her life being affirmed.

“Please have a better life in the next life–“

When Goddess Sophia kissed Hirune’s forehead, her whole body shone.

“I give you my blessing”

“… Thank you. Um, I can start over …?”

“Yes, of course.”

“… I’m so glad … Goddess-sama … Thank you very much.”

Shaking her golden hair, the goddess nodded.

“Come on, take a look at your new appearance.”

“New …? Is this … me …?”

In the mirror that suddenly appeared was a blue-eyed girl with platinum blonde straight hair.

Is she about eight years old?

Perhaps, because I was crying, there are tears left on her cheeks.

“I also liked your Japanese look, but because I gave you my blessing … you look closer to me. I’ve also lowered your age so that you could receive blessings. Hirune, are you fine with this? I can return you to your original look, but … “

“It’s so cute … and it feels like being wrapped in goddess-sama … It makes me feel safe…”

“Ufufu … I’m glad”

Goddess Sophia happily embraced Hirune.

It looked like a beautiful parent and child hugging each other.

“I’ll leave your memory as it is. I’ll also maximize your aptitude for holy magic. Whenever you have a problem, call my name and pray … I’m always watching over you … “


“It’s almost time. Oh … it looks like you’re going to have a very my-pace personality in your next life …ufufu”

Did she see the future? Goddess Sophia laughed a little.

“I think that’s who you really are.”

The goddess gently pulled away and smoothly stroked Hirune’s hair. The air around her sparkled and stardust danced in the air. When she chanted a scripture, the stardust danced as if blessing Hirune, and the light grew larger.

Hirune started to feel drowsy and her eyelids felt heavier.

It felt good.

“Don’t forget……Even in the other world, you’re still Hirune……You will become your real self……”

“That … what is…?”

“… Hirune … Have a wonderful life–“

As the goddess smiled for the last time, the space they were in slowly faded to white and then disappeared.