Chapter 79

Name:A Noble Marriage Author:水木龙
It shouldn't have been like this, but it just happened.

Since the rainy season has come, the shop has been closed temporarily since Mr. Gorman left. Anna hasn't found a shopkeeper yet. Of course, she can't do it herself. Because Anna said that she was not in a hurry, Karenin was not too anxious. Recently, he was preparing for the party. There is a new law coming out.

One day Anna decided to go to the shop with anushika. In order to welcome the rainy season, she had to make sure that the previous repairs were OK, and the other thing was that she left the manuscript there.

She went early because she wanted to get back before breakfast.

At six o'clock, the whole of Petersburg looked more gloomy under the heavy sky. By the time Peter, the coachman, had set up his horse's whip, the big rain would have fallen.

"It's a bit of a terrible rain, ma'am." 'she has always been a calm girl, 'she said. But she seemed to have a natural fear of rainy days.

"It will be all right." Anna pacifies each other.

When they got to their destination, before they opened the door, they heard Peter shouting, "madam, there is a man lying in front of the shop!"

Anna listened, opened the door and anushika held her umbrella.

Although the rain did fall, not only because it was not very far away, it could be distinguished that it was a strong man, but it was worrying that Fang Zheng was lying still.

Peter simply tied up the carriage and ran over. He went up to the man, squatted down, touched and patted each other, and then called to Anna and they said, "man is not dead!"

Anna and anushika are both relieved. Although it is not very difficult to see someone die on the roadside in this era, Anna herself has never seen it.

She and anushika rushed over.

"Madame, shall we save him?" Asked anushika in a low voice.

Anna pondered for a moment and said, "Peter, check his arm or chest for any marks."

Anna, of course, died in the dark, and she didn't mind reaching out to others. However, she had to think about whether treating this person would cause them any trouble. After all, her husband's status is no ordinary person.

"Madame, you don't," anushika wanted to say, but Anna stopped her.

She knew that Peter was trustworthy, but she had to supervise herself. After seeing his wife's calm and unabashed eyes, anushika finally swallowed his words, but she was still somewhat unacceptable, some blushed and slightly turned her head. It was, after all, a man's body, and anushika, though only a maid, was, after all, a superior maid, not the rough maid of an ordinary family. You can laugh with men without pressure.

Anna looks at Peter, carefully checking whether there are any suspicious marks on the man's upper body.

Although the rain and mud make a man's face unclear, the outline of his face and the skin color on his chest suggest that the man is Germanic.

"Madame?" Peter raised his head to confirm. Whether this man is a fugitive or not, there is no mark on his body and no trace of whipping.

"Get him into the shop." Anna said.

Inside the shop, Anna looked at the man sitting on the chair. She frowned a little and then asked Peter, "why don't you wake up?"

Peter shrugged his shoulders: "Ma'am, I think this man has a body and face in addition to a little mud, but judging from the material on his body and the roughness of his hands, he is not a rich family. The soles of his shoes were also worn out. He was not Russian. He should have been here for a short time. Then, "the man stopped for a moment and spread out his hands." maybe he was robbed of money or cheated of money. He didn't have money to eat. He was starving. "

Anna and anushika looked at Peter in surprise. The latter grinned, and his beard was very cute: "because I've been through this before."

Knowing why the man had fainted on the side of the road, anushika went to get the basket.

"Madame, may I?"

"How could you have prepared this?" Anna asked. She knew that anushika would always bring something to eat when she came with her. She had thought that the other party had considered that they would not necessarily go back to lunch, but today she went out and said that she would go back later.

"Yes, sir. No matter where you go, there are some things for you. " Anusika replied.

Anna listened, laughed, and felt like she was going to do something when she went back.

"Give it to him." Anna said.

When the milk is slowly fed into the man's mouth, the latter also begins to have consciousness.

Anna narrowed her eyes slightly and watched her next move carefully.

That pair of long eyelashes blinked, and then opened his eyes, water blue eyes look a little tired confused.

"Where am I?" Asked the man, glancing around in bewilderment. A little confused.Anna was relieved to see the man. "You fainted in front of our shop," she explained with a decent smile

"Oh, yes." The man slowly sat up straight. After hearing Anna's words, he seemed to think of something. He put his right hand on his head, then looked up at Anna again and blinked: "thank you." He said.

Anna saw the man's eyes a little uncontrollable, subconsciously looking at the food, but when he realized it himself, he was still struggling to move his eyes to them.

Now I can add a little more. This is a man with perseverance. And obviously, they had some education.

"Eat something first, and we'll talk about it when you're full." Anna said.

The man listened, some embarrassed, although the face is still some dirty, but the eyes are very pure.

"Thank you, ma'am. Thank you." He insisted on saying this before allowing himself to take the towel from anushika and simply wipe his hands and face before taking the food.

This once again proves Anna's conjecture.

About ten minutes later, the man finally took a sip of tea, and after he was satisfied, he once again thanks them.

"I wanted to remind you to eat slowly," Anna asked

The man laughed. "You don't need to test anything, ma'am."

Anna was stunned.

The man dressed himself and said, "Tom, Tom, Celine, madam. A German veteran. "

"I have no purpose. I'm just looking for my fiancee everywhere."

On the way back, anuska asked, "Ma'am, do you really believe what he said?"

"I don't know. But it's not too hard to offer him a job. " Anna said. She was going to talk about it with Karenin when she went back. In fact, she felt that if there was no danger, she would like to observe.

After Anna came home, she baked some biscuits, which were not too sweet according to Karenin's taste. She estimated that Karenin should be back, but it was not her husband who was waiting for her, but her secretary vorobev.

"Good day, ma'am."

Vorobev was in a stiff uniform. He was a good-looking man. As a secretary, he paid attention to his clothes, so he looked very pleasing to the eyes.

Because it was at home, Anna only wore a light color skirt, dark gold shawl on her arm, dark black hair on one side, only a same color of silk tied up.

Her hair was naturally curly, and in doing so she was much more lazy than usual.

There was a look of surprise in vorobev's eyes. He controlled it well. It was only a few seconds. Unfortunately, Anna was getting down the escalator. And she always liked to look at her husband, especially when he came home from work and went into the hall and looked at her with a slight look.

At that time, Anna always felt as if she had heard some sounds, like a little white butterfly, flapping her wings in the air and pouring out her love.

Therefore, after discovering that it was not Karenin, but vorobev, the disappointment was also caught in the eyes of the latter.

Vorobev said Karenin had to host an official from another province today, and he needed to come and get a document now.

"Can you take me there?" Vorobev inquired, and he laughed. "After all, it's not good for a guest to go in without permission."

"Maybe you can tell me the name of the file, and then you can have a cup of tea here, and I'll get it for you." Anna said.

Vorobev blinked. "It's not that I don't trust you, ma'am, but this document is really important. What's more, if people are not familiar with these things, they are always easy to confuse. "

Anna looked at each other and said slowly, "you are very thoughtful, Mr. vorobev." Then he took the latter to Karenin's study.

On the way up the stairs, Anna answered vorobev's small talk, which was not painful or itchy, and went to Karenin's study. The latter did not delay for a long time. After confirming on the desk, she took a document.

"My Lord, he will come back very late. I suggest you go to bed early."

After vorobev left, Anna went back to her bedroom. She did not take that look to heart, which merely proved that she was right to dislike vorobev, but she did not intend to tell Karenin about it. At least, not at the moment.

Vorobev did nothing to show that he was not a fool.

As the night grew deeper and deeper, the only sound that could be heard on the quiet street was the sparkling sound of the carriage.

When Karenin returned to the manor with exhaustion, the housekeeper told him that Anna had fallen asleep waiting for him in the living room.

Hearing this, Karenin sped up to the living room.

The man's feet stopped, the day's fatigue seems to disappear at this moment in general. After all, people's hearts can't hold on to anything else.Karenin saw her wife half reclined in a soft chair, covered with a blanket. The books were put on the desk.

Karenin frowned, because he knew that this position must be uncomfortable when the other party was sleeping.

Anuska explained in a low voice, "Madame said she would wait for you."

After hearing this, Karenin did not blame the servant, but told the other party lightly that she would go to rest.

Anuska heard the break for the third time, but this time she listened. Now, Madame, because she's not alone. My husband will always take care of her.

After a while, he didn't want to walk up and down in front of Lenin.

"Sleep." He whispered that although he knew Anna had fallen into a deep sleep again, he said it unconsciously.

He took his wife and walked slowly to the bedroom.

The housekeeper, corney, opens the bedroom door for him and closes it when he enters.

In the bedroom, the candlestick has been properly placed, but the careful housekeeper only lit one, which is not easy to wake people who fall asleep.

Karenin put his wife in the bed.

He likes to put her in the middle, which is the safest and most comfortable place.

The softness of the bed made his wife move. Karenin saw that the other party raised his hand unconsciously and felt everywhere.

At first he thought Anna was looking for something, but later found out that she was looking for him in her sleep.

He watched his hand tightly held by his wife, which he could pull away.

Think about what he looks like now!

His weariness, even the smell of tobacco and wine still remained in his hair, and his uniform was crumpled because of these movements, which was an inappropriate appearance that he absolutely could not allow in the past.

But now he didn't care about it.

Karenin just looked at his wife a little distracted. Just looking at it, the restraint that he had always been proud of gradually relaxed.

Because in the quiet candlelight, his wife's face was so flat, and her cheeks were still pink. When she held his hand, a little uneasiness between her eyebrows was smoothed.

How small was the man lying in the big bed, and everything seemed so fragile and precious. Karenin felt as if he had picked up some soft little thing. How could a person like him have such a soft thing? He almost felt at a loss, because he did not know how to take care of each other.

If you are too careful, will it make her feel boring. If not careful, how to protect her from the world's things?

The effects of alcohol are finally beginning to show their effects, making the senior official in Petersburg think a little slower now. In the end, he didn't know what was the best way.

It would have annoyed him, but he decided to leave the issue on the back burner. He will always get along with each other, but before that, he must be like a dragon, firmly guarding his gold coins.

Thinking of this, Karenin stroked his wife's hair with his free right hand. Then he bent down and left a faint kiss on the rose colored lips of the other party, with the smell of vodka.

In the end, he decided to lie by her side.

It belongs to him. Of course, it must belong to him. Because he never allowed to share beds with others.

In this way, the previous patience, and the frown due to patience, were scattered when I held my wife in my arms.

The author has something to say: Little Theater

sister Bambi: brother, I can't sleep

brother Bambi: you're five years old, not three years old. If you can't sleep, you should count sheep instead of flirting with me. Girls should stand on their own.

Sister Bambi: OK,

after half an hour, I still can't sleep. I plan to sneak to xiaobambi's room.

Bambi brother: this sheep has been counted.

Bambi: a little sleepy, but still holding his brother 56 sheep, 57 sheep, 58

Bambi sister:

Bambi sister: girls should be strong, boys can not be strong!? Brother is a big liar! , the fastest update of the webnovel!