Chapter 80

Name:A Noble Marriage Author:水木龙
When Anna woke up, she felt very worried for a moment. She saw that there was no one sleeping beside the bed.

She got up and was about to open her mouth to anuska and ask Karenin, but the bedroom door had been pushed open.

The morning sun came in and the golden dust was flying in the air.

Her husband, the man she was worried about, was standing by the door, well dressed. I saw her wake up and walk slowly towards her.

Anna was relieved.

"When did you come back last night?"

She saw that she was in bed, and Karenin was not wearing the clothes of yesterday.

"Did you bring me back? Alexis. " Anna asked again.

Karenin went to his wife, who did not sit on the edge of the bed. Now that he got up, Karenin's reason reminded him not to covet the warmth of the bed.

But he pulled up a chair instead of looking down to talk to his wife, someone he loved.

"When Anna asks questions, as long as it's not a negotiation confrontation, it's best to ask them slowly one by one. And I will answer you one by one He said.

Anna laughed, slightly tilted her head, and her curly hair was naturally dishevelled because she had just got up. She raised her hand, and the SILK PAJAMA sleeve slid down to her elbow against the white and tender skin, but the client suddenly didn't know the lazy beauty, and she just folded her cheek and stroked the hair at the corner of her mouth.

"Well, I'm listening."

If there was no temptation, Karenin's eyes were unconsciously focused on somewhere for a while, but he quickly took back the control of his mind.

"I came back at about twelve o'clock last night. Yes Karenin answered his wife's question completely, and then he said, "and you, Anna, I asked vorobev to tell you you don't have to wait for me. These things will never be less. "

"It won't do you any good to keep waiting for me." He said the reason earnestly and told his wife not to do such a useless thing next time, although, for him, waiting for someone really calmed his tired heart. But on the whole, the harm to wife's health in essence is always greater than that little spiritual comfort.

However, the wife of a senior official obviously does not think so, or her jumping mind is always easy to go elsewhere.

"Pajamas?" She bit her lips, a little timid in her eyes, and swept her husband with great certainty.

Even if Karenin could control his expression and movement with his strong sense, his body was more honest, so even he could not stop a little blush on his face.

But Karenin did not allow himself to escape his shyness by acquiescence. He explained, word by word, as calmly as possible: "Anna, I am your husband. Although I don't know women's skirt very well, I also know that it has too many restrictions on the body. Although you wear it on weekdays and some improvements are made, generally speaking, from the perspective of comfort, pajamas will be more suitable for sleeping. "

After he finished, he saw that his wife still looked at him, lowered her head, and pulled the silk quilt in her hands, and her expression was invisible. He's not sure.

The man couldn't help getting up from his chair and sitting on the edge of the bed, his right hand raised, trying to touch his wife to make sure she felt OK.

But just as the tip of his finger touched his wife's shoulder, he felt a slight tremor.

The smirk was transmitted to him through his fingers.

He took back his hand and became a little expressionless. Because he realized that he was being tricked, and Karenin, to be honest, was a little concerned about it.

It shows how clumsy he is. But the next moment, he forgives his wife again.

Like a little dog, his wife climbed out of the quilt and quickly jumped at him, holding his neck side, curly black hair gently teased his skin there, with a slight itching, but more is familiar with the aroma, and always warm skin.

"My God, you are so lovely, Alexis!" Anna gasped, still smiling.

Karenin's body was naturally stiff and relaxed again.

He raised his hands and hugged his wife gently with his generous arms.

Now, he is neat and clean, the morning bath washed away the fatigue, he did not go to the study as usual to deal with any business, but opened the bedroom door.

In fact, this is totally meaningless. When he woke up, he had looked at his wife's sleeping face for a long time. When he was asleep, he was not much more beautiful than usual, and there was no communication. He should be tired of it. But he just wanted to do it subconsciously. Like a newly grown dragon, he always wants to make sure whether his treasure is well kept in his nest.

For this reason, the dragons will be impatient to spit out fire, and when they think of it, they will suddenly flutter their huge wings back to their Dragon Cave, or they will simply put those babies, those eggs and so on in their mouths, and take them with them wherever they go.Karenin is not a dragon, nor a young adult.

He had no wings, so there was no flapping those little wings back to the hole. He doesn't want to go around, it's ugly. His wife is an independent adult, not a baby, can be put directly in the pocket of a suit jacket.

He himself should also be like a rational adult, after waking up, dressed neatly back to his study, from reading to start his new day.

But no matter how much reason he raised his right foot and firmly changed direction after a pause, all the reason and explanation were meaningless.

"I'm an adult, Anna. I'm not cute." He said. When he first heard this judgment from his wife, Karenin might have seriously thought about it, but now he understands that these judgments are just a kind of emotional catharsis of his wife.

"You are." Muttered his wife. Karenin did not have to look at her expression, but also knew the crooked look.

His expression softened out of her sight, and his right hand gently stroked his wife's back without any desire. It's just, touching, passing on some feelings that he doesn't usually like to say from his mouth.

"You had a drink last night, didn't you?" Anna asked, still not letting go. She felt like a bag of flour, hanging firmly around Karenin's neck. It was a little uncomfortable to tell the truth, but she just didn't want to let go.

"Yes." Karenin sometimes says, "you can't avoid it."

"Ah, of course I understand. You always have a sense of how much you drink Anna insisted, not at all.

"I smell a little alcohol on my pillow." After she finished, she wrinkled her nose again and sniffed the skin on the side of her husband's neck carefully.

"You bathed?"

She finally decided to let go of her husband, but she didn't want to be too far away from him.

Anna raised her right hand and touched Karenin's cheek.

She saw a little blue shadow in the bottom of his eyes and felt a little swelling in his face. Some heartache: "you must be very tired last night, you did not even have time to change clothes to sleep?"

"I slept for an hour, and then I changed my pajamas." Karenin replied that he took his wife's hand and did not want her to worry.

"I'm fine."

"When you get up, I'll ask anuska to change the bed. Now, have you decided to get up? "

"You sleep too little." Anna sighed.

Karenin pointed out: "I usually get up at this time, and the hangover is not an excuse for not going to work. Anna. "

"Yes, I fully understand that Russia needs you, so I'm not going to tie you to bed and let you sleep more." She made a joke.

"I'm going to get up and have breakfast with you before you go to work." She opened the quilt to get ready, but was gently stopped by Karenin.

He did not get up, and he was still sitting on his side.

"What's the matter?" Anna wondered. Then she felt her hand caught by Karenin.

The man lowered his eyebrows and didn't look at her. After a while, the husband said slowly, "I'm not so important that the whole of Russia needs me, Anna."

"If you are for this," Anna smiles and tries to say something, but Karenin stops her.

"No, I just want to tell you. I think I need you. " With that, the husband raised his head, as if half determined. He approached his wife, gave her a kiss, and then left, leaving only a few dull wives.

Anna crawled back into the quilt and let silk be held by her.

She lowered her head again, and this time her shoulders did not shake. When she looked up, she was only flushed with joy.

She felt like a treasure captured by a dragon. At first, she felt a little uneasy. After all, people told her how terrible the dragon was. But she thought that might not be true. In particular, when you really touch a dragon's breath and put your cheek close to its atrium, you will find that its skin may be harder than others, and its temperature is higher, but in some places, you are no different.

And, to be honest, as long as you've been hugged by the dragon and surrounded by the temperature of its flame, you'll find that no one else can get into your sight.

It's strong by nature, and it's incredibly powerful. People fear it, they fear it. The talk is about its power, its horror, its destruction, but no one has ever really touched it.

If Anna had made her marriage to Karenin in the first place with some kind of foolish recklessness, she knew that long before she found out.

Even if there is no previous gaze, as long as she has a world with him, then Anna will always choose to be close to him. Because falling in love with this man is as natural as breathing.

The author has something to say: shuimulong: in this marriage, what I like about Anna is that she did not force Karenin to change, but the latter gradually changed for her. I believe that a good marriage gives people the feeling that they are getting better and better in this marriageBambi's younger brother's love theater

in summer, Bambi is always bitten by mosquitoes

Anna: apply some medicine to your son and sigh that you may be too much like me Cake!

Bambi: it's very painful for him to give up sweets

Bambi's brother heard everything. Later, he made a rule of eating three cakes a day for himself who didn't like sweets.

A week later in the evening, little Bambi's bed.

Brother Bambi: I can't sleep with a pillow in my hand. I want to sleep with you.

Bambi: Yes, I'm used to it, so I smile.

the next morning, Bambi's younger brother stares at his bright arm and the red spots on xiaobanbi's body and frowns.

Brother Bambi:

brother Bambi: liar

Andre in the distance sneezes. , the fastest update of the webnovel!