Chapter 220

Name:Academy's Genius Swordsman Author:
Chapter 220


[Translator Peptobismol]

[Proofreader Demon God]

Z-Zafia? Instructor Navirose?

Adeshans eyes widened. She couldnt believe it, even as she saw them. The sudden appearance of Navirose alone was surprising enough, but what truly astonished her was Zafia standing beside her.

Ronan, what whats going on? How did Zafia come to the North?

I wrote a letter to His Majesty. Someone needed to set things right in the North.

Ronan explained what had happened a few days earlier. He had requested the Emperor to amend the terms of the Blood Pact to allow Zafia to come to the North.

No matter how much he thought about it, there was no one else but Zafia who could stabilize the mess Barka had made in the North. Adeshan marveled, clasping his hands together.

Incredible Then what about Instructor Navirose?

Shes here to watch over him. Cant have him causing trouble for no reason.

Naviroses grumbling could be heard even from here. It seemed she had been dragged along while enjoying her vacation.

But it was unavoidable. There were only a few individuals in the Empire who could monitor someone like Zafia and attempt to subdue him if necessary. Watching the two approaching figures, Ronan swallowed hard.

Hope she wont suddenly charge at us.

He was in quite a predicament. Much had changed since he wrote the letter.

Barkas atrocities were more gruesome than he had imagined, and somehow, Ronan ended up killing both Zafias brother and son at the same time. Of course, the son was already dead, but still.

Lost in thought, he found himself unexpectedly close to the two. Zafia was the first to shake hands.

Nice to see you, Ronan.

Long time no see, Zafia.

Its been a while since Ive stepped on this land. What should I say Thank you

As Zafia was greeting them, his gaze lingered on the Weartiger boy being carried by Ronan. Ronan. Adeshan squinted her eyes shut.


Much has happened.

Zafias face hardened. Ronan handed Aradans body to him without a word.

Take him.

Zafia silently accepted his sons body. Aradan seemed quite big to Ronan, but seeing him in Zafias hands, he appeared just a boy. After a moment of silence, Zafia spoke.


Sure thing. Can we step aside for a moment?

It seemed they needed to talk alone to discuss Aradans death properly. Ronan fished out a bunch of letters from his pocket that he found in Barkas lab.


Recognize the paper?

Zafias eyes widened for a moment. The handwriting behind the parchment was his own. After a brief silence, he spoke.

Doesnt matter. Speak here.

All of it? Really?

Its in front of my son. I wont let anything slide if you miss even one detail.

Zafia growled. Ronan had forgotten for a moment that he was originally this kind of guy. Sighing deeply, he showed him the letters.

Alright. Lets start with this guy named Jaeger. So

The rest of the three listened intently. Ronan explained everything that had happened since he arrived in the North. His journey with the Carabel merchants, meeting with Jaeger and his death, the brutal pursuit by Barka Turkon, who turned out to be the real villain, and more.

Was Barka really that corrupted.

Zafia muttered to himself. He listened to Ronans story surprisingly calmly. Of course, his fur bristled as if it could shoot out at any moment.

Ronan revealed everything, excluding the information about the Savior and Elysia. Even the fact that he was accused of plotting a rebellion and that Barka was a Bishop of Nebula Clazier, which was extremely dangerous information.

Suddenly, Navirose, who had been silent, spoke up, her hand on the hilt of her sword.

Then now, are you absolutely sure hes not involved?

Im sure.

Ronan affirmed. However, Navirose wasnt asking him a question. A wildfire-like fierceness surged over her shoulders. Jaipa, who had been silent, nodded his head.

Its just as it says in the letter.


Only then did she take her hand off the hilt of hersword. As her intense aura momentarily dissipated, Ronan and Adeshan breathed a sigh of relief.

Anyway, thats what happened.

Ronans explanation soon came to an end. A heavy silence descended, dreadful and oppressive. Zafia remained silent, stroking his dead sons ears.

I see.

Contrary to Ronans worries, Zafia didnt express anger nor blame him. Abruptly, he turned his back. Aradan cradled in his arms.

Ill bury my son and return.


Whatever Navirose was about to say, she stopped herself. It might have been against principles, but she didnt try to stop Zafia. Zafia halted in his tracks.



Ronan tilted his head, and Zafia spoke.

Thank you. I wont forget.

Zafia resumed walking. Ronan grimaced at the thought of how dirty he felt. With no one speaking, only the sound of the wind and Zafias footsteps fading away could be distinctly heard. The first to break the silence was Navirose.

So much has happened. Im glad youre all safe.

Well, yeah. How have you been, Instructor?The most uptodate novels are published on n0velbj)n((.))co/m

I went to the South once. The summer there is oddly tepid. I didnt expect to be sent to this freezer as soon as I returned.

For some reason, her skin seemed a bit more tanned. From then on, the three engaged in light conversation.

While Zafias situation was unfortunate, one couldnt remain gloomy forever. Navirose, who had been asking questions, suddenly began unbuttoning her coat.

Whew Even though its Heiran, its hot walking like this. Ive layered too much.

Navirose was wearing three layers of thick leather clothing, as she was sensitive to the cold. Grumbling, she started unbuttoning her coat. As the front loosened, the trapped heat inside surged up.


Oh, uh, no. Nothing here either.

Adeshan replied, trembling. No matter how much they looked down, apart from the distant surface and icebergs, there was nothing to be seen. With each flap of the griffins wings, her bangs mercilessly tangled up.

It had already been half a day since they started roaming the skies. Absolute darkness had descended over the Northern Sea. While the stars were indeed visible, the Aurora, like the one in the Sea of Ghost, was nowhere to be seen.

It would be nice if we could see the Aurora If youre tired, let me know. We can take a break on an iceberg for a while.

Th-Thank you. But Im still okay.

They still hadnt found Aurora Skar or whatever forge they were looking for. With lights scattered across the glacier, it was supposed to be easy to find, but judging from the lack of even a hint of light, they seemed to be wandering quite far.

Ronan, riding the griffin, glanced back at Adeshan. She was still burying her face in his back with her eyes tightly closed. A sense of guilt crept up on him. He had ended up putting her through all sorts of hardships, when he had brought her along only as a guide.

Im sorry for making you suffer so much. Finding the forge isnt easy either.

Oh, no Im fine. Thanks to you, I was able to resolve my past grievances, and I actually enjoyed it.


Hearing that, Ronan chuckled wryly. It was astonishingly kind. It was hard to believe she was someone who possessed one of the most dangerous powers in the world.

If youre so kind, youll end up losing out in the end. To become a General, you need to have a ruthless side too.

Is that so? But what can I do? It was still nice.

Thank you for saying that. I also enjoyed traveling with you, Sunbae.


Adeshan laughed. Her voice echoed as she still had her face buried. Memories of their time together came flooding back one by one. Looking back, he had spent a lot of time with her since starting his second life.

Shes truly a good person.

Kind, beautiful, and smart. She even had the perseverance to face hardship without backing down.

Most of all, being with her was as comfortable as being at home. Had Ronan ever felt this way about a woman before? Probably not.

While Ronan was lost in various thoughts about her, the dark sky above suddenly brightened. He called out to Adeshan who was behind him.



Open your eyes and look up quickly.

Wh-Why all of a sudden? Did you find it?

Not exactly. But hurry up. Dont be scared.

Ronan urged her. There was no other choice. Adeshan, crying out, lifted her head.

Woooah Huh?

Her eyes widened. A green shimmer, reminiscent of an emerald, enveloped everything. It was the Aurora, a natural phenomenon unique to the North.

However, the scale was completely different from what they had seen in the Sea of Ghost last night. If the Aurora they saw when they met Elysia was like a simple linen curtain hanging in a cabin, what they were seeing now was no exaggeration to call it a grand and splendid curtain that adorned the halls of a palace. Adeshan exclaimed in awe.


Its breathtaking.

Yeah, really!

She forgot her fear of heights and began to look around. The night sea where the Aurora descended was more beautiful than any scenery she had ever seen in her life.

Ronan turned his head to look at Adeshan like that. The Aurora pouring down from above bathed her face in a surreal hue. Her fluttering hair in the wind was beautiful.

Shes pretty.

Adeshan waved her hands as if trying to catch the Aurora. One hand was wrapped around Ronans waist. Suddenly, Ronan felt a tingling sensation in his chest.

Whats this?

It was a sensation he had never felt before in his previous life. It felt exhilarating yet somewhat uncomfortable, and the feeling grew stronger as time passed.

Although he was quite confused, it seemed he knew what he had to do now. Quick thinking was his forte, after all. Ronan opened his mouth as he gazed at Adeshans profile.



Adeshan turned her head. At the same time, Ronan reached out with both hands, lightly grabbed the back of her head, and pulled her towards him. Adeshans eyes widened.


It was completely different from when she had done the artificial respiration. Warmth could be felt through their pressed lips. The taste of blood lingered on his dry and cracked lips. Ronan stared at her with narrowed eyes.

It lasted for less than three seconds, but it felt like three months to Adeshan. Finally, Ronan released her lips and chuckled softly. Time, which had stood still for Adeshan, began to move again.

Ro-Ro-Ro-Ronan What what was that just now?

Stammering with both hands covering her mouth, she struggled to speak. Her body was so relaxed that her voice didnt come out very well. Warmth still lingered on her lower lip, touched by her fingertip.

Adeshans face was so red that it seemed it would burst at any moment. Ronan, who was quietly observing her, kissed her lips again.

Ah Ahhh

This surprise attack was fatal. Adeshan, completely relaxed, collapsed onto the griffins back. The shock was too great for her to restrain her body any longer.

I I did it because youre beautiful.

Ronan laughed. The Aurora, curving to the south, seemed to be a signpost guiding them on their way. The griffin, flying silently, roared.


After that, the two didnt speak for a long time. As they flew for about an hour following the Aurora, an unfamiliar object appeared in Ronans sight.


The surface of the massive glacier gleamed with a silvery-blue hue. It wasnt a natural occurrence but rather magical lighting. Ronans mouth gaped open in astonishment.

Found it.

It was definitely Aurora Skar. Ronan turned the griffin towards the glacier. As they approached, they noticed that the summit of the glacier had been flatly cut. It looked like a runway built for flying mounts. Ronan spoke.

Were landing, so hold on tight.


It was their first conversation after the kiss. Adeshan silently wrapped her arms around his waist. As she rested her face on his broad back, she turned her head to the side. The Aurora, blazing in the sky, caught her eye.

The surreal and beautiful sight made her wonder if she was still dreaming. Adeshan, who lightly touched her lips, smiled bashfully.


It wasnt a dream. The griffin, gliding slowly, landed on the runway made of ice. The rhythmic sound of hammering could be vaguely heard from inside the glacier.


[Translator Peptobismol]

[Proofreader Demon God]

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