Chapter 221

Name:Academy's Genius Swordsman Author:
Chapter 221


[Translator Peptobismol]

[Proofreader Demon God]

The griffin slowly made its descent, landing gracefully. The runway carved from the glacier shimmered faintly in a pale white hue. Ronan, the first to step off, thudded his feet on the ground.

Wow, its really ice.

Even stepping on it himself, he couldnt believe it. He wondered how they had come up with such a crazy idea. After patting the griffins head, he reached out to Adeshan.

Come on, get down.


Adeshan, hesitating, took Ronans hand. It was a small kind gesture that was common even before, but now it felt different. Ronan, seeing her with her head down, asked with concern.

Whats wrong? Are you hurt?

N-No, its nothing.

Adeshan replied, avoiding eye contact and lowering her head further. She felt happy and embarrassed, yet also a little shy. Unlike her, who still felt like her face was about to burst, Ronans attitude remained as casual as ever. After what he had just done.

Hes definitely had a lot of relationships other than me.

Even though she knew she couldnt help it, she felt a little resentful. While she had never even had a crush, let alone a relationship. Of course, Ronan was going through his own struggles.

Oh man, this is serious.

Once he started to become conscious of it, she began to look beautiful. Despite pretending to be indifferent, after their kiss, he remained in this state. In a way, it was more serious for Ronan, who had never felt the emotion of love for another person even in his two lifetimes.

He wanted to confirm the touch of each others lips or even check their texture, but it couldnt be done. He had to focus his attention elsewhere. Taking a deep breath to calm his emotions, he looked around.

By the way, where do we go in?

There was no entrance visible on the vast ice plain. However, judging by the rhythmic sound of hammering coming from below, there was undoubtedly a forge inside. Raising her head, Adeshan spoke.

Lets take a look around. It might take a while

Sure, that sounds good.

Ronan nodded. They needed to find the entrance quickly to prevent the griffin from freezing. Suddenly, a loud, gruff voice sounded from behind the two.

Whats this, visitors?


For some reason, the voice sounded familiar. Both Ronan and Adeshan turned almost simultaneously. Standing about twenty steps away, a man a head taller both of them was dressed in a sleeveless shirt.

Who are you?

Wow, what luck to stumble upon this place while sailing the seas.

As if in awe, the large man muttered to himself. He held a large bucket in each hand. It seemed more like he had stumbled upon them while working rather than coming to greet them. He spoke:

Its cold here. Let me guide you to the entrance.

His kind demeanor contrasted with his rugged appearance. The large man was about to turn away. Ronan, who had been scrutinizing him closely, raised an eyebrow.

Wait a minute, arent you Dydican?

How do you know that name

Staring intently at Ronan, the large man dropped the buckets. Thud! A transparent liquid, the purpose of which was unclear, spilled out with a gurgle. The large mans eyes widened as if they were about to pop out.

Oh my goodness, Ronan?

Thats right.

It became clearer as he looked at the man, who was staring at him incredulously. The mans identity was Dydican, the werewolf blacksmith from Gran Cappadocia. He was the eccentric inventor who created a machine that could turn a moment into eternity.

How long has it been? I heard rumors that you completed your mission and returned.

Its been a little over two years. Youve grown a nice beard.

Haha, suits me, doesnt it? And whos this lady with you after such a long time?

Umm, hello

Adeshan, who had been standing quietly, bowed her waist and greeted him. Dydican, whom they had seen after a long time, was in a human form.

With his beard grown ruggedly, his naturally intimidating appearance seemed somewhat softened. It was truly a strange reunion. Ronan gave his arm a friendly pat.

Anyway, why are you here? What about Gran Cappadocia and Lord Dolon?

Dolon said it would be a good experience. He sent me to learn for about two or three years and then come back. The sense of time is like that of the long-living races.

Dydican shook his head in disbelief. But judging by the smile on his lips, he didnt seem to have any complaints. He picked up the buckets and turned around.

Anyway, follow me. Ill take you to our master.


These flames are produced by special ore as fuel. Theyre much hotter than regular flames.

Even though there was considerable heat, it was surprising that the ice didnt melt. Around the furnace, about six blacksmiths were each working on their own tasks.

Some were hammering, while others were tempering newly forged blades by plunging them into the ice. Dydican approached a woman standing with her arms crossed, gazing at the furnace.


Dydican called out, but there was no response. She wore wide pants and a daring outfit that covered only her chest.

However, she didnt particularly exude sensuality, perhaps due to her short, closely cropped hair and impressively thick forearms, reminiscent of a mans. Her muscular back was adorned with a tattoo of a dragon.

Thats amazing.

Even without weapons, she seemed capable of handling ten men at once. Seeing her demeanor, Ronan understood why Dydican was being respectful despite his usual arrogance. Dydican cleared his throat nervously.

Um, Master. Ive brought guests.

Dydican, is it? Guests, you say?

Yes. Theyve come to find the most skilled blacksmith in Aurora Skar. They are also the benefactors who got rid of Jaegers soldiers.


The woman finally turned around, revealing a set of well-defined abs. Her features, in contrast to her wild physique, were rather beautiful. Dydican gestured toward the woman as he spoke.

Ronan, this is my master, Katan. Shes the best blacksmith in Aurora Skar.

I wont deny it. But how could such younglings save us?

Well, you see

The woman called Katan coolly acknowledged herself as the best blacksmith. Dydican briefly explained the truth of the events he had heard from Ronan. She, who alternated her gaze between Ronan and Adeshan, let out a small sigh.

Hah, it seems to be true. To have such energy at such a young age Please forgive me for calling you youngsters based on appearances alone.

Its okay. You apologized quickly, and Im used to such treatment.

Thank you. As Dydican mentioned, my name is Katan. I sincerely thank you for rescuing our fellow comrades.

Katan extended her hand for a handshake. Ronan, without much thought, shook her hand, feeling somewhat startled. It felt like touching tree bark rather than a persons hand, due to the stubborn calluses and scars.

There was a reason for her confidence.

Ronan chuckled softly. With just one handshake, he could somewhat gauge Katans level. She was undoubtedly an incredibly skilled blacksmith. She spoke again.

Well, now tell me what youve come for. Seeing as you came at such a time, it doesnt seem like an ordinary matter.

Its not particularly urgent but lets start with this.

Ronan, who was rummaging through his pouch, suddenly handed her an elegant envelope. It was a letter of recommendation written by the elders of the Festival of Swords. Katan whistled as she read the recommendation letter.

Wow, its been a while since Ive seen a recommendation letter like this. Its the first time Ive seen the old bastards of Heiran give such high praise.

What does it say?

Its a sight to behold. Im sure youll feel flattered when you read it, so read it on days when you feel your self-esteem is low.

Katan chuckled. It seemed to be filled with heartfelt gratitude. After returning the recommendation letter, she spoke.

I really need to work hard on this. Its about time the black man arrives, so lets start as soon as he leaves.

The black man?

Yeah. Theres a guest who always comes around this time. I saw earlier that the weapons he commissioned seemed to be finally completed, so lets start by handing those over.

Ronan raised an eyebrow at the unfamiliar term. He was about to say something when a palpably ominous and intense aura flashed behind him.

What the hell?

Every hair on his body stood on end. An oppressive feeling that could never be felt in daily life weighed down on his shoulders.

Are you okay?

Ronan? Whats wrong?

Adeshan and Katan raised their eyebrows. The blacksmiths continued their work as if nothing had happened. Ronan, having caught his breath, spoke up.

Are you two not feeling anything?

Hmm? What do you mean?

It seemed that everyone else except him didnt feel anything. While it was understandable for Katan, it was strange that the sensitive Adeshan didnt feel anything either. At that moment, a strange voice came from behind Ronan.

Hey, is what I commissioned ready yet?


[Translator Peptobismol]

[Proofreader Demon God]

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