Chapter 26 26: A New Plan....

Name:Accidental Ascendance Author:

Cedric walked down the grand corridor of the palace, his steps somewhat mechanical as he navigated the path to the throne room. His mind was a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions, still trying to process the sudden revelations that had come his way. The encounter with Dizzy, the truth about Alenia, and the weight of his newfound responsibilities were all weighing heavily on his mind.

As he replayed the recent events in his head, he was lost in a deep inner monologue, his thoughts echoing loudly within the confines of his mind. "Dizzy is our child? How is that even possible? And Alenia... a princess? Everything's changing so quickly, and I'm not sure how to handle it all."

Lost in his contemplation, Cedric didn't notice the small figure in front of him until it was too late. He bumped into someone, causing him to stumble slightly. He quickly regained his balance and turned to apologize, his words catching in his throat as he took in the sight before him.

Standing in front of him was a petite girl, her features strikingly unique. Her cloak was a deep black, contrasting with her silver-hued black hair that flowed from beneath a witch's hat. Her eyes, a vivid shade of purple, held an intensity that seemed to pierce through Cedric's very soul.

Cedric cleared his throat, his cheeks slightly flushed from embarrassment. "I'm so sorry, I wasn't paying attention to where I was going."

The girl's eyes widened as she stared at Cedric, her expression a mix of surprise and confusion. She seemed taken aback, and a faint sheen of sweat formed on her brow. Cedric could sense her nervousness as she took a hesitant step back, as though she had just stumbled upon something unexpected.

"I can't sense your mana," the girl murmured, her voice tinged with a mixture of awe and trepidation.

Cedric blinked, not quite comprehending her words. "My mana? Wait, are you a mage?"

The girl's grip on her staff tightened, her knuckles turning white as she seemed to be assessing the situation. She leaned slightly away from Cedric, wariness evident in her stance. "How... There shouldn't be anyone like you in this age."

Cedric tilted his head, genuinely confused by her reaction. "I'm not sure what you mean. Are you hurt or anything?"

The girl's gaze remained fixed on Cedric, her eyes narrowing as she observed him intently. "Your name. Tell me your name."

Cedric raised an eyebrow but complied. "Cedric Montclair."

The girl's eyes widened further, and Cedric could sense a shift in the air around her. Black mana began to swirl and coil around her, forming an almost suffocating shroud. It was as if the very essence of darkness was drawn to her presence. She spoke, her voice tinged with an otherworldly resonance, "So, you're his descendant. I see."

Before Cedric could react, the black mana enveloped the girl completely, obscuring her form from view. The air crackled with an eerie energy, and for a moment, it felt as if reality itself was warping around her. Then, as suddenly as it had appeared, the black mana dissipated, leaving nothing behind.

Cedric blinked, unfazed by the spectacle. "Yep, I am officially numb to surprises at this point."

With a shrug, he continued on his way to the throne room, his steps purposeful and his mind still spinning from the encounter. As he pushed open the doors to the throne room, he couldn't help but mutter to himself, "Let's see what other surprises this day has in store."

The grand doors of the throne room swung open as Cedric entered, his steps measured and his expression composed. As he crossed the threshold, the room seemed to hold its breath, the tension palpable. Nobles, resplendent in their regal attire, stood lined up along the sides of the room, their eyes fixed on Cedric with a mixture of nervousness and curiosity. The memory of Cedric standing over a fallen noble, a symbol of power shattered, still lingered fresh in their minds.

Cedric's gaze swept across the room, taking in the sea of expectant faces. He moved with a purpose, his destination clear—the imposing throne at the far end of the room, flanked by Reia, who stood with a warm smile that belied the gravity of the situation. She dipped into a graceful bow as Cedric approached.

"The king and princess will be here shortly," Reia announced, her voice carrying a note of reassurance.

ραndαsnοvεl.cοm Cedric offered a small nod, his lips curving into a faint smile. "That's alright. Who am I to demand anything from royalty?"

With those words, he took a moment to survey his surroundings. The opulent decorations and the air of authority that hung heavy in the room reminded him of the weight of his new role. However, his keen eyesight caught a fleeting movement by the window—a small figure darting through the air.

Dizzy, the tiny fairy, flew outside the window, and Cedric's expression shifted to one of mild tension. He hoped that no one would notice her presence, especially not the watchful eyes of the nobles. He shot a stern look in Dizzy's direction, trying to signal her to stay hidden. However, as he did so, his gaze inadvertently fell upon a particular noble.

The noble in question came from a lesser-known family, his magical abilities unremarkable. He owed his position at the court to a debt the king's family had owed his own. As he felt Cedric's intense gaze upon him, he began to mentally unravel.

"He's looking at me. Does he sense that I know something?" The noble's thoughts raced, his heart pounding in his chest. "No, that's impossible. He couldn't know."

Unaware of the noble's inner turmoil, Cedric continued his attempts to signal Dizzy away. His focused expression was misinterpreted by the noble, who believed Cedric was beckoning him closer.

The noble swallowed nervously, his hands trembling as he took hesitant steps toward Cedric. His mind raced as he frantically tried to make sense of the situation. "He knows! If I don't go, I'll definitely die..."

As the noble approached Cedric, the young mage's tension seemed to intensify, his brow furrowing in frustration. From the noble's perspective, it appeared as though Cedric was preparing to strike. However, Cedric's actions were a desperate attempt to communicate with Dizzy, his subtle movements inadvertently exacerbating the noble's fear.

In the midst of this unfolding scene, the noble couldn't help but think, "He definitely knows something. Wait, I think I've heard of something like this—masters of mana control can sense when another mage's mana fluctuates. He must sense my mana freaking out."

Cedric's attempts to signal Dizzy, however, only convinced the noble that Cedric was inviting him forward. Summoning his courage, the noble summoned a trembling smile and mustered the strength to take the final steps toward Cedric.

Cedric's concentration remained on Dizzy, his efforts seemingly lost on the noble who believed he was playing along. Dizzy, the small fairy, fluttered near the window, and a mischievous thought crossed her mind. Assuming Cedric was beckoning her to play, she released a playful surge of mana, believing she was engaging in a game with her papa.

As the room was engulfed in an overwhelming wave of mana, nobles and even Reia herself were brought to their knees under its weight. All eyes were on the source of this power, believing it to be Cedric's doing.

At that moment, the grand doors swung open once more, and the king himself entered the room. Even he struggled to maintain his posture in the face of such immense mana. He surveyed the scene, his eyes narrowing as he assessed the situation. His gaze fell upon Cedric, standing before a noble who knelt before him.

The room shuddered as the overwhelming wave of mana rippled through the air. Nobles and even Reia herself were brought to their knees under its weight. All eyes were on the source of this power, believing it to be Cedric's doing.

At that moment, the grand doors swung open once more, and the king himself entered the room. Even he struggled to maintain his posture in the face of such immense mana. He surveyed the scene, his eyes narrowing as he assessed the situation. His gaze fell upon Cedric, standing before a noble who knelt before him.

Dizzy's mana pressure subsided as she flew out of sight, her playful antics unbeknownst to everyone except for Cedric.

Cedric raised his hand, his voice commanding attention as he spoke. "Listen to me."

The room went silent, all eyes now fixed on the kneeling noble before Cedric. However, Cedric's words were not directed at the noble, but at Dizzy herself. "You know who I am, and you know you have to listen to me, don't you?"

The noble's eyes widened, and he nodded fervently, believing Cedric's words to be meant for him. Simultaneously, Dizzy, who had retreated to the guest room, seemed to respond to Cedric's plea as well.

"Dizzy," Cedric said quietly, his voice tinged with an air of determination.

To the assembled nobles, it seemed as though Cedric was issuing a command to the submissive noble before him. However, Dizzy interpreted it differently, her tiny form hovering near the window.

Dizzy's expression shifted, and with a touch of melancholy, she released her mana pressure and flew out of sight.

As the pressure in the room lessened, the noble finally found his voice. "I'll tell you everything."

Cedric regarded the noble with mild confusion, his thoughts still somewhat preoccupied with the recent events. "Huh?"

The small girl, her cloak billowing behind her, entered a dimly lit room shrouded in an air of secrecy. Cloaked figures stood in a semi-circle, their faces obscured by shadows, their presence ominous and foreboding. The room was suffused with an air of anticipation, as if on the precipice of a significant event.

"Are we ready?" one of the cloaked figures inquired, their voice a low, raspy whisper.

The girl, her eyes burdened with worry, shook her head slowly. "There has been a wrench in our plan."

A collective murmur rippled through the cloaked figures, their forms shifting slightly as they leaned in, their interest piqued.

"What could stop us, my lady?" another figure questioned, their tone a mix of curiosity and arrogance.

The girl let out a heavy, stress-laden sigh, her gaze fixed on the ground as she spoke. "In the castle, there resides a mage whose mana is so immense that even I cannot sense it."

The room fell into a heavy silence, the gravity of her words sinking in. The cloaked figures exchanged glances, a sense of unease settling over them.

"If that's the case," a voice spoke up, laced with disbelief, "even all of us together couldn't possibly hope to accomplish this mission."

The girl nodded solemnly, her expression betraying her concern. "Indeed. We will need a new plan—one that accounts for this unforeseen complication."