Chapter 27 27: Magi Tech

Name:Accidental Ascendance Author:

Cedric nodded slowly, his expression a mix of curiosity and uncertainty. "Ummm, okay."

With a sudden determination, the noble who had knelt before Cedric raised his head, his eyes aflame with a mixture of desperation and resolve. "I'll tell you everything."

Cedric's eyes remained fixed on the noble, his intrigue growing. He watched as the noble took a deep breath, as if bracing himself for what he was about to reveal.

"We continued the Magi tech project!" the noble's voice resounded in the room, a declaration that cut through the air like a sharp blade.

King Lucien's eyebrows furrowed in disbelief, his gaze narrowing as he stared at the noble. "You did what, you fool?"

Cedric's brows knitted together in confusion, and he turned to the king. "What's Magi tech?"

The king's footsteps echoed through the room as he stomped toward them, his expression a mix of anger and frustration. "Magi tech are ancient weapons left behind by the Mana Race," he explained, his voice heavy with a sense of gravity. "They are weapons infused with the very essence of mana. The last Magi tech weapon was destroyed by your founding family member, Clair."

Cedric's eyes widened as he processed the information. "Destroyed? By our family?"

The king's voice was stern as he continued, "Why would you do something so foolish?"

The noble's face contorted, his frustration palpable. He slammed his fist against the ground, his voice trembling with emotion. "Foolish? Magi tech could save this nation. No, it could save this world. Not everyone was born special like you two. For most people, it doesn't matter how much you study or train; we can never be as strong as you. There are monsters everywhere, we couldn't defeat them no matter how much we struggle. With Magi tech, even the lowliest farmer could defeat an S-rank monster! But you are more worried about your power over this country than the safety of its people!"

The king's hands clenched into fists, his anger simmering beneath the surface. "Do you know why my father turned down the project?"

The noble's voice carried a mixture of accusation and frustration. "To protect the power he has over this country!"

King Lucien shook his head, his voice soft but filled with deep regret. "The battle suit Utima was not one of the ancient Magi tech; it was one that one of my ancestors built..."

The noble's gaze remained locked on the king, disbelief and realization dawning on his face. "No, that can't be..."

Cedric's eyes widened in realization. "Utima? It was built by us? But I heard it was a walking catastrophe, that it brought destruction wherever it went!"

King Lucien nodded gravely. "Yes, it wasn't until after it was created that they learned Mana without an owner will eventually become corrupted. It becomes a curse, driving the wielder to insanity or, worse, it develops a mind of its own and seeks only to return the world to a state of no life..."

The noble's expression turned into a mixture of horror and disbelief. "No, that's impossible. The Fest told me..."

King Lucien grabbed the noble by his shoulders, his anger barely contained. "Don't tell me you gave them Magi tech!"

The noble's head dropped in shame, his voice barely a whisper. "They funded the project. I thought they wanted to help the world..."

Mana began to swirl around King Lucien, an embodiment of his rising emotions. "How many!?" he demanded, his voice echoing through the room.

The noble couldn't meet the king's gaze, his shame weighing heavily on his conscience. "Eleven..."

King Lucien released the noble, his face etched with concern and dread. "This is really bad..."

As if to exacerbate the situation, at the pinnacle of the royal capital, the small mage girl stood amidst her cloaked followers, a staff etched with intricate Magi tech circuits clutched tightly in her hands.

"It's time," she declared, her voice carrying an air of finality.

The cloaked figures knelt before her in unison. "Yes, my lady!"

With purpose, the girl embedded the staff into the building beneath her feet. She turned to the cloaked figures, determination gleaming in her eyes. "Prepare yourselves."

ραndαsΝοvεl ƈοm The cloaked figures lowered their heads in acknowledgment. "Yes, my lady."

With a concentrated effort, the girl began channeling her magic into the staff. The circuits etched on its surface began to glow with an otherworldly light. Casting a spell, she directed the staff's power outward, unleashing a beam of light that spanned over the entire city and castle. As the beam reached its zenith, it fragmented into countless particles, creating a dome that enveloped the royal capital.

Within the castle, King Lucien's gaze fixed upon the dome forming above. His fists clenched in frustration. "It's too late..."

With a determined stride, he approached his throne, Reia standing nearby with a resolute expression. She bowed gracefully. "Yes, my lord."

The king's gaze shifted to the assembly of nobles in the room. "Inform the Wanderers guild and rally them for battle!"

The nobles chorused in response. "Yes, my lord!"

Lucien continued, addressing Cedric directly. "Cedric, you're coming with me. We must handle this swiftly."

Cedric nodded obediently, his voice slightly hesitant. "Yes, my lor—wait, what?"

Meanwhile, at the site of the Magi tech staff, the small girl's eyes shimmered with an eerie purple light as she completed her incantation.

As King Lucien and Cedric exited the room, a surge of magic surged through the area, knocking everyone off balance.

The king's lips curled into a knowing smile. "I see, so that's their plan..."

Cedric, his expression one of realization, scanned the surroundings. "They're intending to isolate us from any external help."

King Lucien nodded in affirmation. "Exactly. Only those strong enough to resist the spell's effects will remain conscious. Clever, I must admit."

Cedric's face scrunched in confusion. "But why do you seem content with this? If only a few of us are awake, we won't have much assistance. The enemy's strength and numbers are unknown."

The king's nod held a trace of satisfaction. "True, but remember, Cedric, this is the royal capital. Reia and I aren't the only strong individuals here..."

Across the city, others began assessing the situation.

Elena, looking out from a window, smirked in anticipation. "Looks like things are about to get interesting." Her eyes glowed with a hint of mischief before she leaped out of the window.

Inside the Wanderers guild, a cloaked man sighed as he surveyed the unconscious members around him. "Just my luck. First time back in the capital in who knows how long, and I stumble upon a new problem." With a heavy sigh, he walked out. "Well, maybe the reward for helping the capital will be worth it."

In a shadowy tavern, a familiar man drained his glass and grumbled. "Bartender, another!" When no response came, he huffed irritably. "Guess something's going on, huh?" The man stood, his face illuminated by the tavern's light. It was Kaid Montclair. "Guess I'll go see what my king needs."

In the quiet streets, a young man's irritation was evident as he muttered to himself. "I came here to study with the king, but he doesn't seem all that great. How am I going to be his equal if I can't find a decent teacher?" With silver hair swaying, the young man pressed onward towards the castle. This was Adrian Reeve, a member of one of the golden families.

A resonant boom echoed through the city as a massive blue dragon descended from the sky, its wings creating gusts of wind that ruffled the buildings below. The creature's scales glistened in the sunlight, and its single arm flexed as it landed with a powerful thud in the heart of the city square.

Mana crackled and swirled around the dragon's form, shrouding it in an otherworldly aura. As the mana gradually dissipated, the dragon's massive figure transformed, contorting and reshaping until it morphed into a woman of ethereal beauty. She stood tall, her long, wild blue hair cascading down her back like a waterfall of cerulean strands. Her dark skin seemed to absorb the light around her, lending an air of mystique to her presence.

With a sly grin, she chuckled to herself, her voice as melodic as a whispering breeze. "Well, well, I certainly picked an interesting time to pay a visit to the king. Let's see what kind of fun I can have in this little kingdom."

Her eyes glinted mischievously as she surveyed the city, her gaze drawn to the chaos unfolding and the shimmering dome that encased the royal capital. Her single arm rested on her hip, and her lips curled into a knowing smile. The situation intrigued her, and she relished the thought of weaving her own threads into the unfolding narrative.

Back in the castle, the king chuckled to himself. "Besides, I have the best weapon right here."

At the top of the city's tallest building, the small girl's gaze remained fixed on the castle. "Spread out and eliminate those strong enough to resist the spell!"

The cloaked figures responded in unison. "Yes, my lady!"

The cloaked figures with immense speed shot across the city.

The small girl remained atop the building, her mind wandering as she contemplated, "We will take the first step here. All of my men are A-rank or above. On paper, we have the highest chance of winning. After years of planning, we can finally take the first step in reviving the Grey God."

Her eyes narrowed, and her first clenched as she continued, a hint of concern in her voice. "But there's still one I'm worried about—the greatest weapon of this nation."

The small girl and the king's voices resonated in the air simultaneously. "Cedric Montclair..."

And thus, the assault on the royal capital commenced.