Mother Shan also looked towards her husband, exchanging glances. Although Shan Yue was of the same generation as her husband, she was still young at heart and rarely confided in her sister-in-law. 

It had been several days since they last saw her, and she returned looking dispirited. They wondered what had happened.

“Ah,” sighed Mother Shan. “What are you all staring at? Let’s eat.” Shan Xu spoke up: “Doesn’t auntie look like she got dumped?”

“Come on, watch your words,” scolded Mother Shan, glaring at him.

Dumped on her birthday and then slinking back home? It certainly seemed that way. Shan Yi pursed her lips, feeling a bit amused.

“Let’s eat first,” Father Shan spoke up. “After dinner, Xiao Yi1Referring to Shan Yi, you go ask Xiao Yue2Referring to Shan Yue.”

Shan Yi nodded quietly, picking up her chopsticks to serve her wife.

As they chatted and ate as usual, Shen Tiantian suddenly mentioned the child’s name, hoping to gauge the reactions of the elders.

“The name of my niece?” Shan Xu raised an eyebrow, sounding somewhat excited. “I’d like to give some suggestions too.”

Shan Yi gave him a casual glance. “Go have your own.”

Shan Xu: …..

Shen Tiantian chuckled, bursting into laughter right then and there. These two siblings couldn’t go a day without teasing each other, but their relationship was genuinely good.

“I’ll think about the child’s name some more and let you know later,” said Father Shan, looking very happy when talking about his granddaughter’s name, with a smile in his eyes.

Mother Shan added: “Yes, the name can’t be chosen carelessly. Your dad and I will think of a few good ones tonight, and tomorrow you can pick one.”

Shen Tiantian nodded.

Mother Shan hesitated for a moment before saying: “About the child’s surname…” Worried that Shen Tiantian might misunderstand, she quickly added: “I think either Shen or Shan is fine. It’s just that with a surname, it’ll be easier to come up with a name.”

Shen Tiantian smiled and said: “Yiyi and I discussed it, and the baby will have the surname Shan.”

Although Mother Shan had said it didn’t matter whose surname the baby took, her expression brightened noticeably when she heard that the baby would be surnamed Shan.

Shen Tiantian noticed this but didn’t feel too uncomfortable about it.

Perhaps it was because she had deeper prejudices against her own surname than she had realized.

She wanted to let go of the past and never let herself feel wronged again, to let her daughter enjoy the childhood she herself had missed out on.

Knowing that Shen Tiantian trusted them, Mother Shan smiled so widely that her eyes narrowed to slits. “Then we’ll take care of the name.”

Shen Tiantian gently replied: “Okay. I’m full. You all continue eating. I’ll go upstairs first. I’ll leave the baby’s name to you, Mom and Dad.”

Mother Shan immediately waved her hand, saying it wasn’t any trouble.

“I’m full too,” said Shan Yi, getting up and following her wife. “Shall we go look at the photos?”

“Yes, we need to choose a wedding photo for the poster and invitations.”

She knew about this task too and was surprised that Shen Tiantian remembered it. She couldn’t help but smile and said: “In such a hurry?”

Shen Tiantian didn’t catch on right away and responded with a hum. When she realized, she playfully hit Shan Yi and glared at her with a frown, “You’re teasing me again.”

“You’re my wife. If I don’t tease you, who will I tease?”

Shen Tiantian didn’t bother arguing with her and reminded: “Didn’t Dad ask you to go check on your aunt? Hurry up.”

At this, the smile vanished from Shan Yi’s face. She hugged her wife and whined, “It’s so annoying. They’re all older and of higher rank than me, so why do I have to care about her love life?”

Shen Tiantian laughed: “But no matter what, it doesn’t change the fact that she is your aunt.”

Shan Yi said nothing and continued hugging her wife, refusing to let go.

They were still in the living room. Shen Tiantian glanced back at her parents-in-law, who seemed to be discussing the baby and weren’t paying attention. However, Shan Xu, who had just finished eating, rolled his eyes.

“Why did I come out at this time to suffer? My eyes are about to go blind,” he muttered.

“I sent Auntie a red envelope, but she hasn’t accepted it yet. Sis, you and your wife should go check on her,” Shan Xu said before heading upstairs.

Shen Tiantian gave Shan Yi a look. “See, even your brother is urging you.”

Shan Yi lazily said: “I’m going to get some cake.”

“Are you going straight to Auntie’s room?”

Shan Yi nodded, taking a cake from the fridge in the pantry and a bottle of red wine from the wine rack. “Wife, help me get two glasses.”

Shen Tiantian: …

Aunt Shan Yue’s door wasn’t fully closed, and a gentle push opened it.

Shen Tiantian knocked on the door but got no response. She exchanged a glance with Shan Yi before deciding to go in.

Aunt Shan Yue was lying face down on the bed, motionless.

“Auntie?” Shen Tiantian gently patted Shan Yue’s shoulder.

Shan Yue remained motionless and unresponsive. Shen Tiantian became worried and turned her face from the pillow, only to be startled by her wide-open eyes, nearly falling back, but Shan Yi caught her just in time.

“Are you crazy?” Shan Yi frowned, displeased. “You know she’s pregnant, and you still scare her?”

Shan Yue sat up lifelessly, her hair still messy. “Sorry.”

“It’s okay,” Shen Tiantian said, almost in tears. She hadn’t expected to be scared by Shan Yue’s prank. But it was partly her fault for assuming Shan Yue was in a bad state of mind.

“So, what happened this time?” Shan Yi sat on the edge of the bed, pulling her wife to sit next to her, and asked directly.

Shan Yue sighed and slowly began, “Do you remember I told you about my junior, Wen Wenxue?”

“Yeah, what happened to her?” It had been a long time since they last mentioned her. Shen Tiantian thought they had lost touch, so bringing her up now meant something must have happened.

From Shan Yi’s expression, Shan Yue could tell she had guessed it. “I finally managed to get Xiaojing to celebrate my birthday with me at noon, but unexpectedly, Wen Wenxue showed up.”

“And then?”

“She told Xiaojing that we were having an affair. Xiaojing immediately threw a glass of water at me…”

Shan Yi: …

Shen Tiantian couldn’t imagine the calm and composed Tian Jing losing control and throwing water. People always say that meeting someone who makes you act irrationally means it’s true love.

Shan Yue, feeling frustrated, rubbed her face. “My relationship with Xiaojing was already shaky, and she had to interfere. She drives me crazy.”

Shan Yi smirked, “Why don’t you look at your own actions? Who told Wen Wenxue about your date location? And how did you handle it? How did you let her have so many opportunities to cause trouble? I suggest you sort things out with Wen Wenxue first, then talk to Tian Jing.”

Shan Yue fell silent, lowering her head.

After all, she was her aunt. Seeing her so upset, Shan Yi couldn’t bear to scold her anymore. Since it was her birthday, her tone softened, “Think carefully about what went wrong.”

Shan Yue sighed deeply in response.

“Let’s just celebrate your birthday for now,” Shen Tiantian said with a smile. “Yiyi bought a cake.”

“No, I have to go find her.” Suddenly inspired, Shan Yue got out of bed, “I want to spend this birthday with my wife and daughter.”

Shan Yi: ???

Shen Tiantian: !!!

Daughter? The two of them were stunned, not understanding where this daughter came from.

“What daughter? Where did you get a daughter?” Shan Yi reacted first, grabbing Shan Yue who was about to leave.

“Tian Jing gave birth to my daughter.” Shan Yue left this sentence behind and walked out without looking back.

Shen Tiantian was left in shock by Shan Yue’s revelation, unable to recover until Shan Yi called her, “The birthday girl is gone, let’s go back too.”

“What did Auntie just say?”

Honestly, Shan Yi was also surprised. She hadn’t expected Tian Jing to have a child without anyone knowing. No wonder when she told her Shen Tiantian was pregnant, she hadn’t been surprised at all.

Shan Yue must have just found out about her daughter, or she wouldn’t have let her wife and child live on their own for so many years.

Seeing Shen Tiantian’s shocked expression, Shan Yi couldn’t help but pinch her cheek. “She said, Tian Jing gave birth to her daughter.”

Judging by the timeline, Tian Jing’s daughter must be at least three years old…

“Tiantian, how long have you been working at the company?”

Though unsure why her wife suddenly asked, she thought for a moment and then replied, “A little over two and a half years…I think.”

Shan Yi asked, “Didn’t you notice anything unusual about Tian Jing?”

“No,” Shen Tiantian shook her head. When she first joined the company, she had to learn a lot and wasn’t familiar with the manager. Why would she pay attention to her boss for no reason?

Shan Yi didn’t ask further and suggested, “Let’s give the cake to Aunt Zhang and the others.”

Shen Tiantian had just finished eating and didn’t feel like eating more. She was about to follow her wife out when she caught a glimpse of a photo on the bedside table out of the corner of her eye.

Her eyes widened as she looked at it closely.

Shan Yi, already at the door, noticed her wife hadn’t followed and turned back to ask: “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” Shen Tiantian hurriedly left and gently closed the door behind her.

Without Shan Yue’s permission, it was better not to touch anything. But the young Manager Tian in the photo was stunning, radiating youthfulness. She was hugging Shan Yue from behind, her chin resting on her shoulder, smiling sweetly with her eyes squinted like crescent moons, looking very happy.

After giving the cake to Aunt Zhang downstairs, Shan Yi returned to the room to find Shen Tiantian lying on the bed, chatting on her phone.

She lightly patted her butt, “You’re squashing the baby.”

Shen Tiantian squealed and immediately turned over. “I changed our couple avatar.”

Shan Yi’s expression shifted. “What did you change it to?”

Shen Tiantian showed her the photo. It was a candid shot of them at the entrance of a food street, caught looking at each other without any makeup on.

Shan Yi’s smile returned. “Hmm, I like this one.”

Shen Tiantian burst into laughter at her changing expressions.

Shan Yi, both embarrassed and annoyed, leaned over and kissed her.

Shen Tiantian, who had annoyed her, obediently lay still, letting her kiss her. Shan Yi took the opportunity to part her lips and explored inside.

When the kiss ended, they were both out of breath. Shan Yi remained in the same position, occasionally teasing her by licking her neck.

“It’s been a while since we’ve done it, hasn’t it?” Shan Yi suddenly said.

Shen Tiantian blushed and stammered, “It hasn’t been that long…” Hadn’t they just done it a few days ago?

Shan Yi continued to tease her, “Why does it feel like a long time to me?”

Shen Tiantian decided not to respond, knowing Shan Yi could always find a reason when she wanted to.


“Aren’t you on your period?”

Shan Yi looked a bit frustrated. “Yes, otherwise, it wouldn’t have just been a kiss.”

“Cough, cough. Why is your libido so high?”

Shan Yi kissed her earlobe again and laughed, “If I were in heat, my libido would be even higher.”