After five and a half months of pregnancy, Shen Tiantian’s wedding day finally arrived.

Tian Jing, a member of the bridal party, attended the event wearing a white knee-length dress and flat shoes, shedding her usual stern demeanor and looking much softer.

Shan Yue spotted her the moment she walked in, her eyes fixed solely on her. However, Tian Jing pushed her away irritably. Today, the spotlight was on Shan Yi and Shen Tiantian. As the groom’s aunt, how could she be so clueless?!

“Why didn’t you bring Tiantian along?” Shan Yue asked in a lowered voice.

Tian Jing’s eyes flickered with unease. “There are too many people. I can’t manage to look after her.”

Shan Yue’s expression softened gradually.

How could she not know what Tian Jing was thinking? She was merely afraid that someone would recognize Tiantian as her daughter and that her precious child would be taken away by her. No matter how many times Shan Yue had assured her, Tian Jing still couldn’t trust her.

Feeling defeated, like a mother hen who had lost her fight, Shan Yue suddenly slumped her shoulders and sighed, “Alright, I’ll go check on Xiao Yi.”

Tian Jing watched her back with a pang of heartache. She had never seen Shan Yue look so dejected. She wanted to call her back, but the words stuck in her throat, and in the end, she said nothing.

Shen Tiantian’s wedding dress was voluminous, yet it couldn’t hide her prominently rounded belly. She clung to Shan Yi’s arm the entire time. Her face, fuller due to pregnancy and adorned with only light makeup, was exceptionally captivating.

Tian Jing composed herself, putting on a rare smile, and walked over to Shen Tiantian. “Are you tired?”

Standing or sitting for long periods was uncomfortable during pregnancy, especially as it progressed. After the ceremony, they would still need to entertain the guests.

“I’m okay,” Shen Tiantian said, smiling sweetly.

“I think weddings are just a hassle,” said Kang Jiaya, sitting on the makeup room sofa, legs crossed, and lazily fanning herself with a paper fan.

Since Shen Tiantian was pregnant, the air conditioning couldn’t be set too low. Meanwhile, Kang Jiaya, who couldn’t stand the heat, felt like her makeup was melting just from sitting there.

“No, I think weddings are beautiful,” Lu Xiaochun couldn’t help but interject. “Seeing Tiantian so happy makes me want to get married too.”

Tian Jing, who was much more relaxed outside of work, teased, “Then go ahead and get married. Don’t you have a boyfriend?”

Lu Xiaochun replied, “Yes, he’s been thinking about it lately.”

Kang Jiaya just pursed her lips, not saying anything more.

At that moment, Liu Wanjun waddled in, holding her belly. “Wow, it’s so lively in here.”

“You were in the bathroom forever. Tiantian is about to go out,” Kang Jiaya sprang up and gently helped her sit down. “I thought you had fallen in.”

“Shut up,” Liu Wanjun laughed and scolded. “I wanted to be quick, but my belly wouldn’t allow it.”

Kang Jiaya was left speechless. Being the only one among them not pregnant, she could only click her tongue.

Watching them joke around, Tian Jing checked her watch. “It’s almost time to go.”

“Where’s the director?” Kang Jiaya asked.

Liu Wanjun answered, “Waiting outside.”

Shen Tiantian suddenly felt a surge of nervousness and took a few deep breaths. She was about to become Shan Yi’s bride, officially becoming Mrs. Shan.

So nervous, yet so excited.

Yang Li and Shan Yue were with Shan Yi, while more people surrounded Shen Tiantian. Father Shan had invited many business partners, saying it was a good opportunity for introductions, making this wedding banquet even grander than Liu Wanjun’s.

The old director had been brought to the Shan family home the day before the wedding. Having seen off Liu Wanjun, and now Shen Tiantian, he couldn’t help but shed a few tears.

When Shen Tiantian opened the door to the makeup room and saw the old director, whom she regarded as a father, with red-rimmed eyes, she felt a pang in her heart.

Kang Jiaya gave Shen Tiantian a gentle hug and whispered in her ear, “You’re about to become a mother and a daughter-in-law in someone else’s home. Respect the elders, but if you ever feel wronged, we’re here for you. Don’t keep it bottled up.”

Shen Tiantian’s nose tingled, and she couldn’t hold back her tears. She nodded lightly, “Big sister, I understand.”

Kang Jiaya was rarely this serious in private. The last time she said something like this was at Liu Wanjun’s wedding, where the three of them cried their eyes out in the makeup room.

Tian Jing, overhearing this, felt a twinge of envy and gently patted Shen Tiantian’s back. “Let’s go out.”

Traditionally, the bride and groom shouldn’t see each other three days before the wedding, but since Shen Tiantian had been staying at the Shan family home, they could only separate into different makeup rooms.

Shan Yi would go out to the banquet first and wait for her bride there.

As the MC finished speaking, Shen Tiantian, arm in arm with the old director, slowly appeared at the other end of the red carpet. Soft music played as she walked step by step towards Shan Yi. Suddenly, petals rained down, falling on her head, her shoulders, and brushing against her smooth face.

Shen Tiantian’s vision blurred, and she could barely see Shan Yi’s face through the haze of tears.

Though the path was less than 200 meters, it felt like it took forever. Finally, the director gently pulled her hand and placed it into Shan Yi’s, which was warm and reassuring.

She slowly lifted her face, feeling it partially covered by Shan Yi’s hand. A thumb gently wiped away her tears, and a low voice asked, “Why are you crying?”

“I’m just so happy,” Shen Tiantian choked out.

Shan Yi couldn’t help but kiss the corner of her mouth. “Silly.”

Kang Jiaya’s mouth twitched, wanting to quip about respecting the wedding ceremony. They hadn’t even exchanged rings yet, and they were already kissing. Young people really have no patience.

However, she knew Shen Tiantian was truly happy.

“Ahem. Now, the wedding ceremony of the Shan and Shen families officially begins,” the MC announced.

Turning to Shan Yi, the MC asked, “Shan Yi, do you take Shen Tiantian to be your wife? Will you stay with her, whether she is rich or poor, in joy or in sorrow, in sickness or in health, to face and solve everything together?”

Shan Yi’s eyes shone as she gazed deeply at Shen Tiantian and replied sincerely, “Yes, I do.”

The MC then turned to Shen Tiantian and repeated the question, “Shen Tiantian, do you take Shan Yi to be your wife? Will you stay with her, whether she is rich or poor, in joy or in sorrow, in sickness or in health, to face and solve everything together?”

Choking back tears, Shen Tiantian responded, “Yes, I do.”

The crowd erupted in applause.

“Now, may the couple exchange rings,” the MC announced.

Yang Li silently stepped forward, holding out a red box with the rings. Shan Yi thanked her softly, took out a ring, smiled at her wife, and gently slid it onto Shen Tiantian’s ring finger.

“You’re mine now,” Shan Yi said with a smile, then extended her hand, indicating for Shen Tiantian to put the ring on her.

Shen Tiantian, crying and laughing, took the ring from Kang Jiaya and slowly slid it onto Shan Yi’s finger. Then she looked up and said, “You’re mine too.”

“I’ve always been yours,” Shan Yi said. Without waiting for the MC to speak, she held her wife’s head and kissed her deeply.

Shen Tiantian wasn’t scared this time. She wrapped her arms around Shan Yi’s neck, closed her eyes, and slightly stood on tiptoe, fully enjoying this kiss, which felt like a vow, for a long, long time.

The crowd erupted into enthusiastic applause once more. The MC put down the microphone and joined in the congratulations.

Shan Yue watched the newlyweds kissing on stage and turned to look for Tian Jing, but she was nowhere to be found. Anxious, she quickly walked over to Liu Wanjun, who had been standing next to her. “Where did Tian Jing go?”

“Huh?” Liu Wanjun had been focused on the stage and didn’t immediately register the question.

Shan Yue, growing more anxious, repeated, “Tian Jing, the woman who was just standing next to you.”

“She might have gone to the restroom. She didn’t seem to be feeling well,” Liu Wanjun finally responded.

Shan Yue’s concern grew, and she hurried to the restroom. Before she reached the door, she saw Tian Jing coming out, looking pale and tired.

Quickening her pace, Shan Yue reached out to support her arms. “What’s wrong? You look terrible.”

Tian Jing gave her a long, complicated look, seeming as if she wanted to say something but then shook her head. “It’s nothing.”

“No, you don’t look well at all. I’m taking you upstairs to rest,” Shan Yue insisted, worry evident in her voice.

“There’s no need to make a big deal out of this.”

“How can anything about you be a small matter? Listen to me…”

Tian Jing’s face hardened, cutting her off. “Enough. I said no.”

Shan Yue abruptly fell silent, looking hurt. “Is it that no matter what I do, you’ll always treat me this way? Can’t you ever accept me again?”

Tian Jing was taken aback by the question. She lowered her eyes and whispered, “Sorry.” 

She didn’t want to answer this question because she knew she still had feelings for Shan Yue. Otherwise, she wouldn’t have given birth to Tiantian for her, nor would she still be single.

When Tiantian wanted a father, she thought about finding someone, but no matter who it was, she always compared them to Shan Yue until she met Shen Tiantian. She admitted to herself that she might have been overly strict at work, offending many subordinates, causing them to stay away from her. She had no other interaction with Shen Tiantian outside of work, but when Shen Tiantian helped her with some trivial matters, she developed a brief liking for her. However, knowing Shen Tiantian was with Shan Yi, she dismissed these thoughts.

Her temper had recently become worse, like a ticking time bomb. She vaguely suspected something but wasn’t sure. It was just that one time…

Shan Yue felt a stabbing pain in her heart at Tian Jing’s words. She nodded in understanding, took two steps back, then turned and walked away.

Tian Jing opened her mouth, but in the end, didn’t call her back. She silently followed behind her.