In the blink of an eye, half a month had passed, and Shan Yi had completely handed over her work to stay at home with her wife. 

One morning, Shen Tiantian woke up in Shan Yi’s arms. The room’s temperature was just right, making her want to stay in bed a bit longer. She stretched slightly under the covers, which woke Shan Yi. 

“Good morning,” Shan Yi said, opening her eyes and smiling, asking for a morning kiss from the person who had woken her.

Shen Tiantian pursed her lips and complained, “I haven’t brushed my teeth yet.”

“I don’t mind.” 

“You wouldn’t dare mind!” Shen Tiantian pouted, making her round face look even softer and pink, like a freshly steamed bun.

“Of course not.”

Shen Tiantian gave a small huff, got out of bed, put on a jacket, and headed to the bathroom to freshen up. Shan Yi found it amusing and followed her.

The two of them looked at each other in the mirror, their brushing movements synchronized. Shen Tiantian couldn’t help but laugh, her heart feeling sweet and warm.

After washing up, Shan Yi helped her change into home clothes, and they went downstairs for breakfast.

“How about we go for a walk after breakfast?” Shen Tiantian suggested.

“Where do you want to go?”

“I don’t know, just walk around.”


“You two are up? Come and have breakfast. I had Aunt Zhang make eight-treasure porridge. Tiantian, you need to eat more to have the strength for childbirth,” Mother Shan warmly called Shen Tiantian over and served her a big bowl of thick porridge.

Shen Tiantian replied with a chuckle, “I know, thank you, Mom.”

The Shan family was always so kind, never putting any pressure on her, making her feel like she was part of the family from the beginning.

Shan Yi, used to being ignored by her mother, quietly served herself a bowl of porridge. Noticing an empty seat, she casually asked, “Where’s Xiao Xu?”

“I don’t know, probably still sleeping,” Mother Shan replied uncertainly.

Since Shan Yi had taken six months of maternity leave, all the work from the two companies fell on him, increasing his workload. He even had to put his boyfriend aside. Since today was the weekend, he was probably sleeping in.

Shan Yi acknowledged with an “Oh” and continued eating her porridge.

Shen Tiantian then asked, “Where’s Dad?”

“Your dad went fishing with Old Chen early in the morning,” Mother Shan replied with a smile. “I’ll go call Xiao Xu.”

Shan Yi stopped her, “Let him sleep a bit longer.”

After a moment’s hesitation, Mother Shan sat back down and asked, “Tiantian’s due date is coming up soon. Are you two ready?”

Shen Tiantian nodded, “Yes, everything is ready. Mom, you don’t have to worry.”

“That’s good. Just don’t get flustered when the time comes.”

Shan Yi remained silent, feeling increasingly uneasy as the due date approached. She feared not being able to play the role of a good mother, sharing the same concerns as Shen Tiantian.

After quietly finishing a bowl of porridge, Shan Yi and Shen Tiantian went out for a walk.

Walking down the main road, Shen Tiantian looked at Shan Yi and tightened her hold on her hand. “What are you thinking about? Why so quiet?”

Shan Yi smiled, “Thinking about you.”

Shen Tiantian raised her eyebrows, her eyes lighting up with joy. “What about me?”

“I was thinking about how to devour you,” Shan Yi said, concealing her own insecurities to avoid causing Shen Tiantian further anxiety.

Shen Tiantian: …..

“You’re getting more and more shameless,” she muttered, blushing as she playfully slapped Shan Yi’s shoulder. However, from the time they met to their marriage, they never seemed to get enough of each other. Shen Tiantian sneaked a glance at her and then lowered her face, murmuring, “Once I’m done with this little one in my belly, I’ll make it up to you properly.”

Shan Yi was momentarily stunned, not expecting such words from Shen Tiantian. She hooked Shen Tiantian’s chin with her finger, seeing her embarrassed yet seductive expression. Ignoring their surroundings, she leaned in for a kiss.

Shen Tiantian, kissed thoroughly, retreated until her back hit a stone wall. Shan Yi then pulled her back, her hot tongue entwining with Shen Tiantian’s.

After a long while, Shan Yi finally let go. With one hand on Shen Tiantian’s waist and the other gently pinching her chin, she rubbed her thumb over Shen Tiantian’s slightly swollen lips, whispering seductively, “You said it.”

“I… I said it,” Shen Tiantian felt a tingling sensation in her scalp, realizing she might have just sold herself out.

“Let’s continue our walk,” Shan Yi suggested, fearing that if they continued like this, she wouldn’t be able to control herself and would drag Shen Tiantian home right then and there.

Shen Tiantian, still slightly breathless, whined, “My legs are weak~”

Shan Yi paused for a moment, “Shall we go home?”

“No!” Shen Tiantian immediately clung to her arm, “Strange, my legs aren’t weak anymore.”

Shan Yi laughed and pinched her nose, “You’re such a tease.”

“Do you like it?”

Shan Yi looked at her tenderly, “I love it. I love everything about you.”

Shen Tiantian’s eyes suddenly welled up with tears, feeling immensely fortunate to be married to Shan Yi.

“Why do you look like you’re about to cry?” Shan Yi asked, amused. “Shouldn’t you be hugging me and kissing me?”

Shen Tiantian laughed through her tears and kissed her again. Her kissing skills, honed by daily practice with Shan Yi, had gradually improved.

However, with Shan Yi being taller and Shen Tiantian’s eight-month belly being quite heavy, she soon couldn’t maintain her balance on tiptoes.

Still, Shan Yi was content, savoring the taste of the kiss and smiling at her. Shen Tiantian, though slightly fearful, looked back at her with the same depth of affection.

Just as their lips were about to meet again, a loud car horn brought them back to reality.

Realizing they had been kissing on the side of the road, Shen Tiantian felt a wave of embarrassment, inwardly scolding herself for getting carried away by Shan Yi.

A car slowly pulled up next to them, the window rolling down to reveal Shan Yue’s face.

With her elbow resting on the window, Shan Yue leaned out and couldn’t help but comment, “You two are too much. Do you have to kiss everywhere?”

Shen Tiantian: …

Shan Yi: “Are you jealous?”

“Pfft—” Shan Yue scoffed, retracting her hand. She had a wife of her own now; why would she be jealous of her niece?

Relieved it wasn’t a stranger, Shen Tiantian glanced inside the car and, not seeing Tian Jing, asked, “Is Manager Tian not here?”

Shan Yue was momentarily taken aback, then remarked with a hint of meaning, “She’s still sleeping. You know how tough it is for pregnant women…”

Shen Tiantian stifled a giggle, aware that Shan Yue was still holding a grudge because Shan Yi hadn’t given Tian Jing maternity leave. She stole a glance at the woman beside her but said nothing. Shan Yi pretended not to hear.

Seeing this, Shan Yue pursed her lips and asked directly, “So, when are you going to give my Xiao Jing a break?”

Despite taking meticulous care of Tian Jing, she was still suffering from severe morning sickness, throwing up as soon as she got up while also juggling work. She hadn’t gained any weight, but her cooking skills had improved significantly.

Shan Yi, looking innocent, replied, “I never said she couldn’t take leave. She just needs to ask Shan Xu for it.”

Shan Yue was at a loss for words, opening her mouth but saying nothing. She had to admit that employees had to request leave; no boss would offer it unsolicited. Giving Shan Yi a deep look, she sighed in resignation, started the car, and drove away.

Watching the taillights disappear, Shen Tiantian commented, “Manager Tian must be nearly three months along, right?”

“I’m not sure,” Shan Yi replied, not particularly concerned about others’ affairs.

“Oh.” Shen Tiantian shrugged.

They walked down the slope hand in hand, the winter sun warmly shining on them.

After a lap around the Shan family neighborhood, Shen Tiantian, feeling tired, suggested returning home.

Perhaps because of all the walking during the day, Shen Tiantian was jolted awake in the middle of the night by a sharp pain, crying out and startling Shan Yi awake, who thought she was going into labor.

With a somewhat aggrieved tone, Shen Tiantian said, “It’s just a leg cramp.”

Even so, Shan Yi didn’t relax, lifting her leg gently. “Is it both legs?”

“Just the left one.”

Shan Yi meticulously massaged her calf, asking softly, “Better?”

“Yes, thank you, honey.”

Shan Yi smiled, “Silly girl.”

Shen Tiantian smiled back, her palm rubbing her protruding belly. “I feel like she’s coming soon.”

“There’s still more than half a month until the due date.”

“But I just have this feeling. She’s been moving a lot lately, like she’s eager to come out.”

Shan Yi shook her head. “Still hurting?”

Shen Tiantian shifted, seeming to check before shaking her head, “No more pain.”

“Then go back to sleep and stop overthinking.”

Shen Tiantian meekly responded, “Okay.”

She habitually buried her face in Shan Yi’s chest, the room returning to its previous quiet.

As soft breaths filled the room, Shan Yi thought Shen Tiantian had fallen asleep and turned off the light, leaving only a dim bedside lamp.

“People say giving birth is like a brush with death. What if I have complications?” A muffled voice suddenly broke the silence.

Shan Yi frowned, “Don’t talk nonsense.”

“Seriously, I’m a bit scared…” Shen Tiantian bit her lip.

Shan Yi held her tighter, whispering, “Don’t worry. If it comes to it, we’ll opt for a C-section. I won’t let anything happen to you.”

“But you’re not a doctor,” Shen Tiantian whispered.

“I’ll be with you the whole time,” Shan Yi reassured her.


“Of course,” Shan Yi promised. “We’ll witness her arrival together.”

Shen Tiantian finally smiled, snuggling against her wife. She soon fell asleep for real, reassured by Shan Yi’s words.

Shan Yi, watching her wife, held her close, gently patting her back, unable to sleep. For peace of mind, she decided they would have another check-up the next day to prevent further anxiety.

The next morning, after breakfast, Shan Yi took Shen Tiantian out. Finding out they were headed to the hospital, Shen Tiantian quietly complied.

Shan Yue was off that day, so another on-duty doctor saw them. Shan Yi detailed Shen Tiantian’s recent behaviors, leaving Shen Tiantian incredulous as she hadn’t noticed her own changes.

The doctor diagnosed her with prenatal anxiety and advised Shan Yi to take her on more walks and keep her occupied to distract her. He also prescribed some medication before letting them go.

After leaving the hospital, Shan Yi started planning their honeymoon ahead of time. As expected, it successfully diverted Shen Tiantian’s attention, and she stopped overthinking in the following days. The wedding photo shoot hadn’t been as enjoyable as they’d hoped, so Shan Yi put a lot of thought into making the honeymoon special.

Perhaps it was the medication or the excitement of the upcoming honeymoon, but Shen Tiantian’s anxiety significantly improved in the days leading up to her delivery.

One night, Shen Tiantian woke up in pain, unable to call out before Shan Yi was awakened by her groans.

“What’s wrong?” Shan Yi asked anxiously.

Clutching her rolling stomach, Shen Tiantian grimaced, “I… my stomach hurts… I think I’m going into labor…”

Going into labor?!

Shan Yi’s mind went blank for a moment before she sprang into action. She jumped out of bed, knocked on Shan Xu’s door, and called Shan Yue, telling her to prepare for surgery.

Although the due date was still four or five days away, the baby decided to come early.

This peaceful night turned tense in an instant. Shan Yi’s parents, who were supposed to be asleep, came out with coats on to see what was happening. Hearing that Shen Tiantian was in labor, their expressions changed, and they hurried to help.

They quickly got Shen Tiantian into the car. She was already sweating from the pain, and Shan Yi softly comforted her, occasionally adjusting the blanket covering her wife.

“It hurts so much…” Shen Tiantian cried, gripping Shan Yi’s hand tightly, struggling to speak, “You’ll… stay with me… right?”

Shan Yi squeezed back, her tone firm, “I will. I promise.”

Shen Tiantian managed a weak smile, though she could only let out fragmented groans from the pain.

“Shan Xu, hurry up,” Shan Yi urged.

“We’re already going as fast as we can.”


Despite the early morning traffic in City A, which was not yet congested but still busy, Shan Xu focused on driving safely.

When they arrived at the hospital, Shan Yue had already prepared everything and was waiting at the entrance. As soon as they parked, nurses rushed over with a gurney, helping to move Shen Tiantian onto it.

After a flurry of activity, Shen Tiantian was wheeled into the delivery room. Just as the doors were closing, she cried out for Shan Yi, “Shan Yi, Shan Yi…”

Hearing her cries, Shan Yue allowed Shan Yi to accompany her inside.

Shan Yi approached, holding Shen Tiantian’s hand and kissing it repeatedly in an attempt to soothe her, though she didn’t realize her own hands were trembling.

As the pain intensified, Shen Tiantian screamed, nearly letting go of Shan Yi’s hand. She felt her water break, and the doctor’s actions made her feel both embarrassed and scared.

“You can have a natural birth, but you’re only dilated three centimeters. We need to wait a bit longer.”

Shen Tiantian, in her foggy state, felt like she was about to give birth and was desperate to escape the pain. Hearing Shan Yue’s words, she wanted to faint to avoid the agony. How could she endure more waiting?

Shan Yi felt equally distressed. Every scream from Shen Tiantian was like thunder in her ears, and she couldn’t share any of her wife’s pain.

Finally, it was time to deliver. Shen Tiantian, nearly unconscious from exhaustion, was jolted awake by the pain.

Shan Yue’s face grew increasingly tense. She had delivered countless babies but had never felt this concerned. Remembering the pain Tian Jing had gone through giving birth to their daughter, Shan Yue’s heart ached.

Seeing Shen Tiantian faint again, Shan Yi, with a heavy heart, woke her up, continuously kissing her hand. “I’ll never let you go through this again…”

Shen Tiantian let out a faint groan, clutching her stomach as she felt her water break again.

“It’s time, get ready for delivery.”

Outside the delivery room, Shan Yi’s parents paced with worry. Mother Shan clasped her hands to her chest, “Why isn’t she out yet?”

Shan Xu couldn’t help but push his mother into a chair, “Mom, sit down for a bit. Aunt is in there, everything will be fine.”

“It’s almost dawn, and your sister-in-law hasn’t come out yet. How can I sit still?” Mother Shan said anxiously.

Father Shan added, “Worrying won’t help. We just have to trust Shan Yue.”

Though still anxious, Mother Shan obediently sat down.

Half an hour passed, and the delivery room door suddenly opened. Shan Yue came out, removing her mask, “It’s a girl, 7 pounds and 4 ounces, a chubby little one.”

Mother Shan let out a heavy sigh of relief, clasping her hands in gratitude. “What about Tiantian? Is she okay?”

Just then, Shen Tiantian was wheeled out by a nurse, with Shan Yi following closely behind, looking pale. Another nurse was holding the baby.

“The baby was born full-term and is very healthy. She’ll be brought back after being cleaned up,” Shan Yue explained.

Mother Shan and Father Shan took a quick look at the newborn, nodding in approval. Mother Shan said, “Let’s go see Tiantian first.”

“Alright,” Shan Yue said, feeling somewhat reassured that her brother and sister-in-law cared about both the baby and Tiantian.

Father Shan told Shan Yue, “You’ve worked hard. It was a good decision to have you study medicine.”

Surprised by the rare compliment from her elder brother, Shan Yue smiled, “Go see Tiantian, but don’t stay long. She needs rest.”

Father Shan nodded, “You get back to your work.”

After Shan Yue left, the family rushed to Shen Tiantian’s hospital room. However, Shan Yi soon started sending them away.

Shan Yi made a call to the postpartum care company, arranging for them to come over in the morning.

After taking care of everything, Shan Yi returned to the bedside, taking her wife’s hand and kissing it. Her voice was hoarse and emotional, “Thank you. You’ve worked so hard.” As she spoke, her eyes turned red.

Shen Tiantian was still awake, though tired from the delivery. She shook her head gently, “No need to thank me.”

Shan Yi stood up, reverently kissing her forehead, “I love you.”

“I love you too, so very much,” Shen Tiantian said weakly, “But I’m so tired. I want to sleep.”

“Sleep. When you wake up, you’ll see our daughter.”

“Okay.” Shen Tiantian closed her eyes and fell asleep within seconds, not needing to coax herself into slumber.

Shan Yi watched her sleep, noticing a few strands of hair stuck to her sweaty forehead and face. She gently tucked them behind Shen Tiantian’s ear, a smile of happiness spreading across her face.