Chapter 13

Name:Act Like a Boss, Mr. Swallow Author:
Chapter 13


[Translator Jjescus]

[Proofreader Zain]


Please come again next time!

With a loud clatter, the paper hanging on the wooden door rang. Finally, the last stumbling customer disappeared from sight. It was well into midnight, the clouds obscured the moon, yet it seemed that the days work hadnt ended as swiftly as expected.

Ha, finally

Closing up was always an ordeal. Given the nature of the tavern, where even the sober turned into stumbling figures, it was even more laborious. Nevertheless, after remodeling, the interior ambiance had somewhat improved, resulting in a decrease in the rowdier customers. Not that it became tidy, though.

Chaos remained chaos.N0v3lRealm was the platform where this chapter was initially revealed on N0v3l.B1n.

Tables and the kitchen would be cleared by the waitstaff and cooks. Thats why they were employed. The owners gaze, watching them intently, shifted toward the end of the corridor. The sight of the disorder at the moment froze the owners expression.

If youve seen it, tidy up before leaving. They act like its not their responsibility to clean up tsk.

The owners brows furrowed as he looked at the cluttered notice board. The mercenaries were the problem. After living nomadically, their manners had clearly fallen.

Thus, further solidifying the negative image of mercenaries, the owner slowly organized the notice board. Beer stains on the white paper looked as if urine had been smeared on it. Touching the damp paper brought an inexplicable disgust, akin to someone touching a snot-stained tissue.

Whats more amusing is that the mercenaries who dont have the skills to venture into the lower dungeons roam around creating chaos.

What? This ones soaked in alcohol too.

With an annoyed tone, the owner held up a red paper.

The Seven Great Evil Dungeons paper is expensive The material is completely different from the others. Why is it in this state again? I really dont understand why these need to be posted. Dont you think so? They should be posted on the Imperial walls. Isnt that right?

The law states that if youre going to post, post everything. Haha

The other staff chuckled, murmuring, as the owner, filled with irritation, grabbed the offered paper. Its a usual occurrence. They make plenty of money, but when theres an extra expense, they shine like that, and by now, its become familiar.

Was the discarded paper the request to subdue the Primordial Core?

Amidst the grumbling, a staff members question rang out. The owner, seemingly not remembering, glanced back at the board before responding.

Yeah, looking at the missing spot, its the Primordial Core.

If its that, then its fortunate. There was a new one that came in about yesterday, and I forgot to replace it. We should switch it out.

What? You left it as it was? Call that a notice If were caught by the Imperial Inspectors, its a fine, a fine!

Despite the complaints, the owner, with a face full of laughter, seized the red paper handed over by the staff. After replacing it with a new paper, the tavern fell silent once again. The workday was coming to an end.

The Seven Great Evil Dungeons, the Primordial Core.

Inside the Grapenia Forest, near Hastin in the western empire.

Composed of limestone, the hexagonal cave (standard 316 type)

Warning A dungeon involving the dangers of The Seven Great Evil Dungeons, admission granted to Imperial-certified S-grade subjugation units or equivalent capability acknowledged by influential powers.

Recommended personnel for this dungeon

Detailed descriptions below that, miscellaneous comments.

And finally

Raid Force List

Under the command of Paimour Du Bellay, the Paimour Raid Force.

Comprising a total of 31 members led by Raid Force Leader Niphrim.

Raid Scheduled Date

Within 72 hours from the issuance date of this request.

The newly replaced paper exuded an unpleasant reddish hue.

Phase 3

Warm feels nice, it really does.

Dipping into the tub, emitting warmth, Devourer muttered to himself. The human body feeling comfortable in such low temperatures was a pleasure even a fiery storm of flames that high-ranking sorcerers easily cast couldnt provide. No way water at this temperature would feel warm in a circular pool.

Leaning back with his neck submerged, he stared at the ceiling. In a hexagonal tube made of transparent synthetic mineral, a mana stone imbued with luminescent magic faintly glowed. The light swinging from the ceiling swayed like a precarious chandelier. Devourer, who followed the movement with his eyes like he was hypnotized

had no thoughts at all.

Renee I need to find her

Even if he was desperate, he knew it was pointless, yet the words slipped out of habit. Despite saying that, no concrete plan came to mind. Just a vague idea of taking the Teleportation Hub to Hastin somehow.

Whats Renee doing now? Is she resenting me? Why did it happen?

Perhaps well meet as the enemy next time.

As Patrick says, if I just bow down and kiss her shoes, somehow that might work.

Ultimately, it seems to be a confession of disguising through transformation magic.

Indeed. Ah, no, thats not it! This is Version 1! Moreover, the thing about transformation magic is that it reflects the users future form! It means that Ill eventually have a splendid figure when I age! Do you understand, Sir Devde!

Well, I mean

Watching Melje particularly exaggerate her response, Devourer became convinced. So, in the end, that kids body was the real deal.

Its not like he wanted anything, but something feels off. Unable to hide his awkward expression, Devourer instinctively scratched the back of his neck.

With a body disguised by transformation magic, was she boasting, It was like this, thats how I was all along? Oh my. Now he cant really trust those demons who claim to be kings.

Watching her wobble on her shortened limbs was a sight to behold, albeit pitiful.

Even if you say that, I know everything you like! These days, even younger ones like me are more popular among the demon crowd! How about that! Do you acknowledge that, Sir Devde!

Those demons, I dont know who they are or where they live, but they all should be thrown into underground dungeons.

Youre noisy! Always blabbering! Anyway, Im serious! I revealed this truthful form to have a genuine conversation with you!

A genuine form.

Lowering his gaze once again

You, youre staring too much, Sir Devde!

He got caught.

Melje blushed, conscious of Devourers gaze. Yet, it felt somewhat different from the innocent face of a girl in love. Compared to Renees expression when she confessed to Devourer, there seemed to be an additional purpose in that expression.

Yes, in heat. If his knowledge was correct, that expression was that of being in heat.

Furthermore, the clotheswhere did she even get them from? They were neatly laid out on the wooden bed. It wasnt just thrown carelessly, but meticulously placed. Even though it might seem insignificant, it held a significant meaning.

In short, she wasnt doing this intoxicated.

Perhaps even the Demon King has a mating season

Th-Thats absurd! And its not a mating season! Using such an expression is too vulgar! Call me an opportunist! No, Im just in a critical situation! I merely chose to be the assailant rather than the one being assaulted. Yes, I am the aggressor! For a Demon King to be an aggressor, not a victim! Besides!

From her diminutive stature, a voice resounded enough to apologize to the neighboring room.

Im! Succecor of Asmodeus, the Great Demon in charge of lust! This is proof that the body holds the blood of a Great Demon! Yes, Sir Devde, you and that, yes! Its mating!

With that declaration, Meljes wide-open arms aimed at Devourer. With fingers raised like a beasts claws, Melje, in front of Devourer, tried to pull him close as if to overwhelm him.

It was sudden and desperate.

Devourer grabbed Meljes hands, using strength to thwart Meljes actions.

Why, why are you resisting! Could it be that I lack the allure of a female to you! Am I not enough!

Wait, hold on. Calm down. Look, you have Mr Devourer, whom you respect. Wouldnt it be embarrassing for him to see this!

Devourer is too busy to have time for this!

Hes watching in real-time!

Moreover, if I wait for him and age in the process, would you take responsibility?! If you were really willing to take responsibility, take it now! First, bear a child with strong genes! Devourer will go through my Plan C strategy. Do you understand!

Dont pass on weird dreams to your child!

Its too late!

There was no time to ask what Plans A and B were. Thinking so, Devourer urgently shook his head. Think for one second. Ding. Unable to arrive at an answer. Perhaps forcing it with strength might work. But waiting for Melje to tire out would only waste their energies.

More importantly, he didnt know where to look, and besides, Melje

Melje was preparing some wicked magic.

Amazing power! As expected of Sir Devde! Youre qualified to be my companion! However, if you refuse, Ill break you with my magic

Im sorry!

With a crack! sound, Meljes words ceased. Devourer quickly brought down Melje, judging it to be too dangerous. With a thud, Melje collapsed into Devourers arms. The mana gathered in both hands dispersed into thin air in an instant.

Go to sleep.

Supporting the fallen Melje, Devourer murmured to her. Of course, the unconscious Melje wouldnt hear. He didnt want her to hear. Its embarrassing.

What kind of reaction should she show when Melje wakes up? Now that hes done it, he feels lost. It was an unexpected turn of events. Even if he comforts himself, the deed has been done.

As if to mock Devourers emotions, the sun, signaling the end of a grand battle, was rising.

We messed up.

With a sentence containing so much, Devourer closed him eyes.


[Translator Jjescus]

[Proofreader Zain]

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