Chapter 42: The Inquisitor [1]

Chapter 42: The Inquisitor [1]

Clank, clank, clank—!

Chains rattled as a haggard figure was dragged across a dark corridor. Flanked by two robust individuals, both wearing a similar uniform, he was ushered towards a moderately-sized room.

Inside the room, a man with dark hair and deep brown eyes leaned by the wall.

Wearing a long gray coat that reached his knees, he casually looked up.

"You're here."

His dry voice echoed through the room as the two men halted, allowing the worn-out figure to collapse onto the floor.


"....Inquisitor Hallowe."

The two saluted politely.

"Uh, yeah."

Cli Click—!

Lighting up a cigarette, he took a quiet drag while massaging his chin and looking down.

"....Robert Bucklam."

He muttered a single name.

"A renowned and well-respected Professor at the Haven Institute with over fifteen years of service. Quite a nice resume we have here, don't we?"


Robert Bucklam remained quiet on his knees, his head lowered to face the ground.

The Inquisitor didn't mind the silence and continued to speak.

"Why did someone of your reputation stoop to the point they'd attack some children? I'm sure they can be quite annoying. I was once their age, but..."

His eyes narrowed and he stepped closer.

"....I don't believe for one second someone of your stature would stoop to that level unless circumstances made you. Of course, this is just a hunch of mine."

He lowered his body to stand at eye level with Robert who refused to meet his gaze.


"Not much of a talker...?"

The Inquisitor smiled, and a sizzling sound echoed as he pressed the cigarette against the ground.


"That's fine by me."

He pressed his hand against his face and a white glow enveloped his hand.

".....This might hurt a little."


[At around 3 P.M. today, Professor Bucklam, a renowned professor of the prestigious Haven Academy went rogue attacking one of the students. The reasoning behind his actions has yet to be determined but an investigation is ongoing.]

One of the Haven staff in charge of the Institute's 'public image' commented through a speaker. Several reporters stood a few feet before the podium, holding what seemed to be cameras.

Click. Click. Click.

Their shutters flashed blinding my sight.

'I can't believe they have cameras in this type of setting. They look a little old, but...'

I wanted to admire them more but the situation didn't allow me.

"Cadet! Cadet! Would you like to leave a statement?"

"Cadet! Please let us know what happened. Why did he attack you? And how did you manage to defeat him "

"Please leave a statement."

Even in this world, reporters were annoying. Not that I knew given that I had never experienced it myself, but from what I had seen enough, it was probably the case.

[The cadets will not be answering the questions now.]

The reporter's attempts at asking us questions were quickly shot down by the staff who went on to announce.

[We're here to award the four cadets standing before us for their achievements. Not only were they able to neutralize the threat, but they did so in such a manner that prevented other cadets from getting injured.]

I sat at the center of the stage alongside Leon, Kiera, and Anders. We were all forced to be here to receive our 'medals' for our exemplary performance.

It was something that the Academy was very adamant about.

".....What a pain."

I thought I had muttered those words quietly, but Kiera managed to pick up my voice.

"Tell me about it."

I silently looked at her in surprise.




"No, fuck. You can't just say nothing when you look at me like that." The source of this content nov(el)bi((n))



"Stop. People are watching."

Leon interrupted all of a sudden. Kiera was about to speak when she closed her mouth and grunted.


She shot me a glare in the meantime. But I chose to ignore it. She was thinking too much. I thought the situation would end there when...

"Thank you."

I heard Leon's soft voice from beside me. I was surprised for a brief moment but then closed my eyes and leaned back.


"I've got something."

Hallowe nibbled on his cigarette before taking it out and letting the smoke linger on his lips.

"His emotions. They were manipulated."

The warden's brow raised.

"An Emotive mage?"

"Yeah, and a powerful one at that."

The Inquisitor's expression turned a little grim. What made Emotive Mages so dangerous? Was it their skill in battle that could disrupt an opponent's flow...? Or was it their support during difficult situations?

It was neither.

The scariest part about Emotive Mages was that they could manipulate just about anyone into doing something they'd normally not do.

By exploiting a weakness and carefully pushing certain buttons...

"He exploited Bucklam's past and situation and convinced him to do what he did. He most likely was told he'd get healed if he accomplished his job or some nonsense like that. He still hasn't talked, but that's most likely the case since the traces still linger on his body."

"....You didn't hurt him did you?"

"No. I'm not into that stuff."

"I was just asking to make sure. Don't want to deal with the annoying aftermath."

The Warden then proceeded to frown.

"What I'm more surprised about is the fact that this happened in Haven. Those guys..."

Shaking his head, he chuckled.

"...They were so busy preparing for outside threats that they didn't take into account internal ones. It's the first time I've seen them make such a mistake."


Hallow agreed to some degree. To some extent, this incident was out of carelessness from the Institute. Because Professor Bucklam had worked with them for so long, nobody thought he was mentally unstable.

It was hence why his actions probably came as a massive surprise to them. While there were means to protect oneself against Emotive Mages, such means were rare and expensive. It wasn't as if the Academy could afford have all cadets and professors to use them.

That brought rise to several questions.

Who was the Emotive Mage behind this, and... Why did he target the cadets? No, cadet.

From the reports, it was clear that he had a specific target.

Leon Ellert.


He was a talented cadet in the report.

But that was it...

If the professor's goal was to target talented students, he could've gone for Julien who was ranked above Leon.

If their goal was Haven then Julien's death would've been more impactful.

'Surely, there must be something else....'

"...What are you going to do now?"

As his thoughts were broken by the Warden's voice, Hallowe raised his head. Nibbling onto the cigarette, he thought about his words before answering.

"I'll be going to Haven."


The Warden raised his brows in surprise.

"Are you going to interrogate the cadets?"

"....Something like that."

But not exactly.

Outside of Leon, there was one individual he was particularly interested in. During the investigation, he had shown Bucklam four pictures. He had only reacted to one.

'Julien of the Evenus Barony and the Black Star.'

It was funny.

He too was an Emotive Mage. A very talented one at that.

'A connection...?'

It seemed unlikely given the potency of the spell used on Bucklam, but... He certainly knew something he didn't. Bucklam wouldn't have reacted like that otherwise.

It was an intriguing thought.

One that teased his mind the more he dabbled on it.

'Looks like I have no choice.'

To satisfy his curiosity...

He had to go.


Hallowe flicked his cigarette away before lowering his head.

"Thank you for sparing me the time. I found what I needed. I'll be heading off now."

".....Alright, take care."

"Will do."

Placing on his leather gloves, Hallowe lowered his head at the Warden before leaving.

As his steps echoed across the spirling stairway, his thoughts couldn't help but drift toward the situation.



'.....Is there truly no connection?'

"I wonder."