Chapter 43: The Inquisitor [2]

Chapter 43: The Inquisitor [2]

Returning to his dorm after the inauguration, Leon stood still in the silence.


His gaze was locked on the drawer by his bedside. With careful steps, he neared the drawer and opened it. Nestled inside the drawer was a small box.

Taking out the box, he carefully placed his hand over the box where a white glow formed.


Only then did it open to reveal its contents. Nestled deep within the box was a black chalice.

An old and antique one.

The contents within the liquid were empty, but there was a strange allure about the chalice that captivated Leon's sight.

He could hear faint whispers in his mind as he looked at it.

They felt disturbing, and his heart quaked.


His eyes closed and memories he had kept hidden resurfaced in his mind.

A burning mansion.

The desperate screams.

The ominous, shadowy figures that pursued him relentlessly.

....And the cold, yet warm hand that reached out to him.


Leon drew in a deep breath, sealing the box within his grip. When he opened his eyes, an icy coldness spread across his face as he quietly mumbled,

"They've found me."



I stared at the book dropped in front of me and looked up. Delilah sat with her back against her chair. Staring at her, I felt my ear twitch. Recalling the moment when she whispered, 'Come to my office after this' into my ear back at the inauguration ceremony still gave me chills.

Thinking about it, I had the sudden urge to tickle my ear.

'Damn it.'

I forced those thoughts away and looked at the book.

"....What is this?"

"Your reward."


I leaned forward to get a better look at the book. I noticed a small chocolate bar beside the book, and I felt the back of my hair stand when my hand hovered over it.

Thankfully, it disappeared the moment I picked up the book.

"Mana Synthesis?"

What a peculiar name.

"Your biggest weakness right now is the fact that your mana reserves are low. You're outstanding in everything but in your mana control and reserves. Although it isn't much, this is a Blue-ranked manual. It should help you accumulate more mana and speed up your progress."

Blue-ranked manual..?

I was surprised a little surprised by the gift. There were many ways one could increase their strength and jump to the next Tier. One such method was through certain manuals that one could practice to increase their mana reserves which would help one push toward the next Tier.

Manuals were ranked as follows; Green, Blue, Orange, Red, and Black.

Black being the highest.

The Academy provided each cadet with a Green-ranked manual at the start. Being a Barony, the one my family provided was also Green-ranked so it wasn't much of a difference.

Therefore, I was a little taken aback by the sudden gift.

Not that I didn't appreciate it since I didn't hesitate to take it.

"You're still currently injured so I suggest you memorize the contents of the book before you start practicing. From what I'm seeing, ever since the start of the institute, there has been no progress in your tier. I believe this should help you in that matter."

".....Thank you."

Indeed, I was still stuck in the same spot I had been from the start.

In the two weeks I had been in the Academy, besides unlocking a spell, the only progress I had made was in the Emotive field.

I had tried practicing the Green-ranked manual provided by the Institute upon entry, but I struggled to make much progress given that my priorities lay elsewhere. Mainly, in the unlockment of my first [Curse] spell.

But I knew things couldn't go on like this.

I was still lagging behind the other cadets. I needed to make more progress. At the current pace things were going, I wasn't sure I'd be able to survive.

....I needed to pick up the pace.

"Make sure you don't lose it. I'm only lending the manual to you for now. Once you memorize it, I would need you to give it back to me. The Institute... Is rather strict about these kinds of things."


The notifications appearing in front of me served to prove that.

?| EXP + 0.01%

For every five minutes that I followed the channels, a new notification would appear.

?| EXP + 0.01%

It went on like this for precisely one hour until I could no longer continue and stopped.

?| EXP + 0.01%

Drip... Drip...

My clothes were soaked and my breathing was rough. Even so... I could feel myself progressing. It was unlike anything I had experienced before.

I had managed to progress more in an hour than in the two weeks that I had been in this world.

"A pity."

I wanted to continue practicing, but recalling Delilah's words, I knew that I had to stop.

Further than this and I was risking my life.


I lay on my back and stared at the ceiling of the room.

....I felt a little tired.

It had been a little more than two weeks since I had been in this world, and so much had happened.

It felt as though several months had passed when in reality, it was a lot less than that.

My mind was exhausted and I wanted a little break from everything. However, I knew that it was impossible.

Even now...

I was blindly chasing a goal I had no clue about.

The more time passed, the more confused I was. What exactly was I supposed to do? Did I just have to get stronger and slowly unravel the clues that were laid out?

My path...

It felt like a dark road with no end in sight.

I was just going on a blind, hoping that things would turn out for the best.

But that wasn't good enough.

I needed more.

"But how...? How exac—Uh?"

[The Rogue Professor: You have overcome the First Event.]

A message flickered in my vision and I abruptly sat up.


Another message flickered the next moment.

[Leon has realized he has been found and that he doesn't have a lot of time left.]

?| Game Progression EXP + 1%

Game Progression : [0%-[1%]————————100%]

?| Character Progression EXP + 12%

Exp : [0%——[28%]——————100%]

"What is this...?"

A warm current suddenly invaded my body. Just briefly, I felt the mana inside of my body flow smoother and become thicker.

The feeling was the same as the one from a few moments ago, but it was a lot thicker and more evident.

I sat there dumbstruck by the sudden development.

But if that wasn't enough...

[ ◆ Main Quest Activated : Prevent the Calamities from awakening or dying.]

Calamity 1 : Slumber

: Progress - 0%

Calamity 2 : Slumber

: Progress - 2%

Calamity 3 : Slumber

: Progress - 0%

Another window flickered in my vision and I felt my eyes widen.
