Xu Chenghao: It turns out that you updated it automatically. I said why there is such a strong chili smell.

[Ding - This is also another reminder. 】

Xu Chenghao twitched the corner of his mouth and took out a small packet of pepper seeds from his pajama pocket as instructed: What does a ten percent result rate mean?

[Ding—Little Pepper will answer for you, the 10% result rate of pepper species means that you plant this seed, with a 50% chance of failure, a 40% chance of being deformed, and the only remaining 10 percent chance of outcome. 】

[Ding - The result rate continues to appreciate with the success of the task, please work hard to complete the task. 】

Xu Chenghao squeezed the seeds that were completely different from his own impression, and said helplessly: I knew that the task would not be easy, and things would definitely not be very earthy.

[Ding-Little Pepper thanks for your compliment, please work hard to complete the task. 】

Xu Chenghao: Got it.

Xu Chenghao thought for a while, ran to the balcony with a porcelain cup in the middle of the night, dug soil from the flowerpot to fill the cups one by one, and took out three or five of the low-grade seeds from this small bag to fill in, poured water on it and placed it on the bedside table. On, finally done, wash your hands and sleep!

The next day the cup didn't move at all.

Xu Chenghao was afraid that the nanny would lose the cup together, so he took it to work, and took time to go online to check how to grow peppers. In the end, he was dazzled and gave up the wake-up system: How should you plant alien seeds?

[Ding - water every day after sowing, 10% fruiting rate of pepper seeds, one day seedlings, one day flowering, one day fruiting, please note: the lower the fruiting rate, the faster the growth rate, the higher the fruiting rate, the slower the growth rate. And so on. 】

[Ding-Little Pepper reminds you that there is no need to force planting methods for different seeds, the most important thing is the result rate. 】

Xu Chenghao: ...Oh.

He poked the porcelain cup with his fingers and thought: Does that mean that the seedlings can be raised tonight?

Three days to get a result, thirty days a month, I have a total of ten chances, which is exactly 10% of the result rate... The timing of the pinch is too accurate.

Xu Chenghao decided to buy a few more flowerpots to fill with soil and bring them home to plant together - anyway, there are so many seeds, he always finds a way to get the peppers as soon as possible to complete the task.

Otherwise, he will not feel at ease until the last time.

He did what he said. After get off work that afternoon, Xu Chenghao went to the flower and bird market by himself and bought a few large flower pots.

The business owner was very enthusiastic. Looking at the cup in his hand, she said, "What are you planting? The mouth of the cup is too deep and inappropriate. I'll give you a smaller flower pot."

As he said that, he took out a succulent pot with a yellowish yellow duck from the shelf, and moved all the soil into the small yellow duck pot. .

Xu Chenghao: "...Thank you, how much?"

"You've bought so many flower pots, and I'll give them to you." This flower pot is very small, and it's specially designed for succulent and delicate small flower pots.

Xu Chenghao was wearing a high-definition suit, holding a little yellow duck tooting a flowerpot in his hand, and said after a long while, "...Thank you."

"You're welcome, you're welcome."

Xu Chenghao paid the courier fee to deliver the goods together, and after calling the nanny again, he also got into the car and prepared to go home.

He put the little yellow duck toot mouth flowerpot in a small grid on the right side of the cab, the space was a bit large, and he stuffed a bag of paper to make sure it wouldn't move around.

Xu Chenghao stretched out his hand and fiddled twice, and after making sure it was safe, he fastened his seat belt and drove away.

Xu Chenghao didn't know that all his actions and daily life were being followed and monitored by someone. After he bought the flower pot and went home, the photo over there had been passed on to Jing Yicheng.

When Jing Yicheng learned that Xu Chenghao, who had not moved for a month, suddenly felt wrong, he knew that the other party couldn't hold back.

He sneered and turned on the computer to check the photos. He thought he would see photos of Xu Chenghao and An Rouyu meeting each other and embracing, crying and showing their hearts, etc. As a result, the first photo opened was a handsome young man in a suit holding a flowerpot with a little yellow duck.

Jing Yicheng: "…"

He couldn't help but glanced at the little yellow duck with Duzui, trying hard to think that this might be given to An Rouyu to please her. But his eyes turned around and finally landed on the young man with a smile on his face.

The young man was wearing a dark blue single-row suit. The color was slightly brighter and more elegant than pure black. His skin was fair and full of the vitality of a young man. He didn't know what the person in front of him was saying to him. A helpless smile, gentle gentleman.

No matter An Rouyu, did she live so happily?

Thinking of his hard work over the past month for An Rouyu and Ruan Chenxuan's tug of war, Jing Yicheng suddenly felt uncomfortable.

Why was he able to put it down so quickly and still laugh so happily!

The purpose of observation for more than a month was to verify whether Xu Chenghao really gave up on An Rouyu, but when he really found the answer, Jing Yicheng suddenly felt very uncomfortable.

He has a feeling that everyone falls into the pit, but Xu Chenghao is the first to climb out. This kind of mood will breed dark thoughts in his heart, such as... pulling him back!


No, no, no, no!

Xu Chenghao should be happy to be able to give up An Rouyu. If he left, it means that he had one opponent and one less enemy, so why did he bring him back!

Jing Yicheng abruptly closed the computer, desperately suppressing his inner thoughts, thinking that he was sick again.

It's a good thing...

He kept telling himself that it was a good thing!

The first time Xu Chenghao came back from the flower and bird market, he filled the soil with the nanny, planted pepper seeds, and told the nanny to water it every day.

The nanny listened carefully.

As for the little yellow duck tooting flowerpot in his hand, Xu Chenghao thought about it and decided to put it in his room, waiting for him to raise the seedlings.

Taking a bath in a busy day is the most relaxing thing to do. Xu Chenghao put the seedlings on the bedside table, turned around and entered the bathroom to take a bath. Because it was too comfortable, after taking a long bath, the seedlings were successfully raised when they came out.

Xu Chenghao: "…"

This speed is too fast, right?

Xu Chenghao picked up the Little Yellow Duck Tootzui flowerpot and looked at it. When he put it down, there was nothing in the flowerpot. When he picked it up again, it was just a few clusters of lush pepper seedlings about twenty centimeters in size.

And it's growing very well, looking alive, and very deceptive.

Xu Chenghao stretched out his index finger and tentatively touched the pepper seedlings, which seemed to be no different from earth plants... I don't know if they were growing so beautifully, if they could make themselves a success.

While studying, Xu Chenghao's mobile phone suddenly lit up, and the ringtone of the mobile phone was a pleasant and light piano music.

The caller is Xu's father.

When Xu Chenghao met the original owner's family for the first time, he felt a little guilty and hesitated for a few minutes before connecting: "Dad..."

"Why did you answer the phone now?" Father Xu's voice was steady and kind, revealing his concern unabashedly.

Xu Chenghao: "...I was taking a shower just now."

Dad Xu: "Oh, remember to blow your hair so you don't catch a cold."

Xu Chenghao: "Well... what's the point of calling so late?"

Dad Xu was quiet for a while, and then said slowly, "The Ruan family came to visit today, saying that Ruan Chenxuan and the Zhou family's youngest daughter Zhou Qian got married. There will be an engagement banquet on June 6th, and I hope we can attend."

"Engagement banquet?" Xu Chenghao groaned in his heart, what's the situation? Aren't the hero and heroine a couple? Why did the male lead betray the female lead and get engaged to someone else?

Xu Chenghao's head began to spin rapidly, trying to recall the plot he had seen before.

Zhou Qian... Zhou Qian...

A flash of light flashed, and Xu Chenghao immediately connected everything - there is indeed such an episode in the original plot!

Zhou Qian is the first cannon fodder female supporting role in "The Domineering President Falls in Love with Me". She has been spoiled since she was a child and likes the male protagonist very much. She regards the male protagonist as a template for her future husband, and has always been looking forward to the marriage between the two to marry the male protagonist.

Compared with the miserable Xiaobaihua's past, it is said that the eldest lady is actually a famous female lead. Naturally, the male lead's whole family prefers to marry and bring their own shares, which can help the male lead's career, and can also narrow the relationship between the two and support each other. Zhou Qian.

And a certain villain who likes to dormant in the dark is taking advantage of this, starting from the woman and constantly catalyzing this matter, so that the male protagonist's whole family presses the male protagonist to get engaged.

At that time, the book also explained why the villain did this—because he wanted the heroine to think that the hero voluntarily abandoned her, got engaged to another woman, and when others mocked her and fell to the bottom, he would appear as a hero to save the beauty and bring her to life. Helping her up from the bottom made her have to rely on herself and could no longer be inseparable from herself.

In fact, this love is quite uncomfortable.

"Cheng Hao? Cheng Hao, are you listening?" Dad Xu's voice came from the phone.

Only then did Xu Chenghao remember that he was still on the phone, and quickly said, "I'm here."

Father Xu was silent for a longer time this time, before asking after a long while, "Are you thinking about An Rouyu again?"

It is not a secret that Xu Chenghao likes An Rouyu. Anyone who knows him and has heard of it knows about it.

Therefore, when Ruan family Ruan Chenxuan suddenly snatched An Rouyu away with a high profile, when he chose to let An Rouyu free to break up the engagement, he was either mocked or emotionally discussed for a long time.

There are those who say he is incompetent, and there are those who say he is infatuated. In short, it is not a good thing to be a talker in everyone's mouth.

This time Ruan Chenxuan got engaged, Xu's father was probably worried that he would go on to find the heroine to comfort her and protect him, and finally hurt himself all over the body.

Xu Chenghao sighed and said, "I'm sorry dad, I won't do it again."

He is the one who knows best what the consequences of his contact with the heroine will be, so just for the sake of his legs, he will no longer be able to grab the villain's opportunity to comfort the heroine.

Therefore, Xu Chenghao said this sentence without any guilt, and was very serious.

Father Xu didn't know whether to believe it or not. After pondering for a long time, he said slowly, "In that case, let's go to the banquet with us."

Xu Chenghao actually didn't want to contact the male and female protagonists, but Xu's father said so, if he refused again, it would be equivalent to slapping himself in the face.

Xu Chenghao helped his forehead helplessly: "Okay, I'll go home then."