At the end of the conversation, Xu Chenghao fell on the bed and pretended to be dead after saying goodnight to Xu's father and hanging up.

Participating in the male lead's engagement banquet has the advantage of being able to express that he has come out of An Rouyu's emotional hurt and is living a positive life.

But there are two disadvantages: First, it can arouse the anger of the male protagonist, and the other party may feel that he is here to provoke and declare war.

The second is that the villain is always paying attention to the whereabouts of the male and female protagonists, and it is estimated that he will soon find himself attending the male protagonist's engagement banquet. He had doubted whether Xu Chenghao had really given up on An Rouyu, so he would definitely notice him again.

A bit of a loss...

Xu Chenghao's sleepiness surged up, and while sleeping in a daze, he thought: "When the engagement banquet is over, I'd better hide from my mistakes..."

It's okay to be cowardly, as long as people are still intact.

It was probably because the things he thought about before going to bed were not good. Xu Chenghao slept uneasy all night. He dreamed that he lost his legs in a car accident, and then dreamed that he fell from the plane.

For a while, I dreamed that I was lying in the hospital without feeling my legs, and another time I dreamed that I was lying in the wilderness with severe pain... The green eyes and the howling of the wolf that was approaching, the sharp canine teeth were drooling, straight to his head—


Xu Chenghao sat up abruptly, panting heavily, covering his face and trying to regain the real sense of being alive.

There was no so-called wolf howling around, and there was a faint scent of incense in the nostrils, not the smell of earth. Although the back was full of cold sweat, the blanket with body temperature was still warm...

Xu Chenghao's tense body gradually relaxed, and his head became clearer. He rubbed a few times on his face, and looked up around the room with his messy hair... Well, it was a dream.

It's just that this dream is really ups and downs and it's real and terrifying!

Are you reminding yourself of what? Not far from the fate of the plot characters?

Xu Chenghao pondered and fell back on the bed, tossing and turning several times and finally got up without sleepiness, and got out of bed to wash.

Today is not Sunday, the work should be busy and busy. After tying his tie and leaving the room, Xu Chenghao turned back and silently hugged the little yellow duck tootzui flowerpot before going out, and decided to hold it at work today.

It feels safe.

He placed the little yellow duck tootzui flowerpot on his desk, and in his spare time he studied pepper seedlings for fun. Touch and touch, and try to use the little pepper task to ease your anxiety.

Li Nian couldn't help but ask, "Is this a precious flower? Why are you so rare."

Xu Chenghao glanced at him and said calmly, "It's a pepper seedling."

Li Nian: "…"

"Why do you want to raise pepper seedlings when you're fine?"

Xu Chenghao: "Aren't I in a hurry!"

Li Nian: "…"

Where is the person who was too busy to lift his head just now? How did you have the face to say this?

Still so arrogant!

Li Nian put a stack of documents on the table silently: "It doesn't matter you are not free now, come on and deal with it."

Xu Chenghao: "…"

life without love.jpg

In the morning, I had a meeting to process documents, in the afternoon, I met with clients who made appointments to talk about business, and in the evening, I was exhausted.

...still pretty.

After counting, all the five pepper seedlings that I planted at the beginning were successfully raised. Cuishengsheng's pepper seedlings were clustered together, and three or four small white flowers could emerge from one.

Xu Chenghao cheered in his mind, watering the pepper seedlings with anticipation.

With so many small flowers, there is a 1 in 10 probability that a real pepper will appear!

And when he got up in the morning and went for a walk in the early morning, Xu Chenghao was also pleasantly surprised to find that all the pepper seeds in the big flowerpot had been successfully raised. More than 20 pepper seedlings were growing satisfactorily. Let yourself meet it!

With the dawn of victory in sight, Xu Chenghao was carrying a little yellow duck in a flowerpot, and his whole face was radiant and extremely happy.

This doesn't look right in some tinted glasses.

Li Nian glanced at him several times and saw that the surrounding area was almost full of pink flowers, he suddenly coughed and asked, "Did someone give you this little yellow duck?"


Li Nian's heart tightened, and he pretended to inadvertently asked, "Who is it?"

But don't tell him it's An Rouyu, or he won't let him go out on rainy days, and use a shower to take a shower - is it okay to have water in his head again? !

Xu Chenghao gave him a strange look: "Of course it was given to me by the aunt from the flower and bird market... Didn't I tell you? I went to buy a few large flower pots and she gave me a small one."

Li Nian: "'s good."

As long as it's not An Rouyu, Auntie is also stunning!

Xu Chenghao said, "By the way, I'm going to a dinner party tomorrow afternoon."

Li Nian: "Whose?"

Xu Chenghao: "Ruan Chenxuan's."

There was a strange silence for a moment. Facing Li Nian's complicated eyes, Xu Chenghao added in a low voice, "Going with my parents has nothing to do with An Rouyu."

Li Nian: "Haha."

Xu Chenghao: "…"

Have you reached the point where you can't believe what you say? !

The point is that not only Li Nian doesn't believe it, but a certain villain who has been paying attention silently doesn't believe it!

Jing Yicheng looked at the photos and news from his subordinates, his breath was low and his eyes were on fire. He wanted to burn the smiling young man to ashes through the screen.

He knew that the other party must be hiding his big move! He didn't give up on An Rouyu at all!

He knows it!

Look how happy Ruan Chenxuan is now that he is engaged! The things in the little yellow duck are also blooming, do you want to give it to An Rouyu? !

The more he thought about it, the more angry he became, Jing Yicheng slammed the computer shut. He didn't feel the complacency and joy after guessing, but he was even more angry.

It was probably because the other party was not as free and easy as he imagined, which made him a little disappointed, or because the other party coveted An Rouyu and wanted to rob him and angered him.

In short, Jing Yicheng is wrong! often! pregnancy! gas!

He was so angry that he wanted to arrest someone... Jing Yicheng paused, slammed his fist on the table, and said coldly: "Find me the invitation to Zhang Ruan's family engagement banquet, I want to take a close look, he What do you want to do!" The last three words have reached the point of gnashing of teeth.

The bodyguard couldn't help but look at him silently: "Yes!"

Mr. Jing didn't seem to realize that the point of his anger had started to disperse from An Rouyu. Instead, because of his habitual attention for more than a month, he gave all his attention to Xu Chenghao.

However, facing Jing Yicheng's stern face, the bodyguard did not dare to intervene, silently bowed his head and walked away, looking for the invitation to the Ruan family's engagement banquet.

On the eve of the engagement banquet, the storm is about to come.

Only Xu Chenghao was ignorantly guarding the Little Yellow Duck Tootzui flowerpot, waiting for its result, looking forward to it.

The little white flowers are pure and flawless, and they grow pretty fresh on the pepper seedlings, and as time goes on, they begin to wither, leaving only the stalks, and then...then no more.

Xu Chenghao: "…"

He continued to wait reluctantly, staring at the time when the biological clock attacked and began to yawn, the little yellow duck's Tuzui flowerpot didn't make any movement.

After the pepper flower withers, it withers, and there is not a single fruit! !

Xu Chenghao suddenly felt his heart choked and almost vomited blood. Five pepper seedlings with more than ten small white flowers, but none of them were successful!

This is not a one-tenth probability at all, this TMD is obviously one percent, right!

The bigger the expectation, the worse the gap.

Xu Chenghao was choked with old blood in his heart, and his sleepiness was exhausted. He reluctantly pulled the pepper seedlings to see if there were any hidden peppers that he hadn't found.

An hour later, Xu Chenghao finally found a deformed pepper less than the size of a fingernail on one of the pepper seedlings.

It is really small, and it is also green, hiding under the emerald green leaves very hidden. If it wasn't for Xu Chenghao's flashlight, he would have almost ignored it.

Xu Chenghao wakes up the system: ask, this should also be regarded as chili, right?

As if he knew what Xu Chenghao was thinking, the system cut off his last hope as soon as he opened his mouth: [Ding - I'm sorry, this is just a failed pepper, and it cannot be harvested as a crop to complete the mission. 】

Xu Chenghao didn't give up and said: But you only said before that there is no point in chili, failure or failure, it's all chili peppers, how can you discriminate against it!

[Ding - please trigger the person to work hard to complete the task, don't daydream, good night. 】

Xu Chenghao: …

It all means that he is daydreaming, it seems that it is impossible for this deformed pepper to pass the system.

Xu Chenghao could only regretfully threw the deformed pepper into the flowerpot, and watched helplessly and heartbroken as it withered along with the pepper seedlings, and three seconds later turned into powder and fell on the soil of the flowerpot.

Just know that the task of traveling back will not be too simple!

It's okay, this is just the first time planting, just three days have passed, he still has twenty-seven days left, he is not in a hurry... He is not at all, no, anxious, anxious!

Xu Chenghao gritted his back molars, re-embedded five seeds in the little yellow duck tootou flower pot, watered them, and placed them on the bedside table.

If you can't do it once, there are nine chances!

Since it is a mission, it is impossible to let himself go to a dead end, he will definitely succeed!

Will definitely go back!

When he got up in the morning, Xu Chenghao looked at the chili seedlings that had bloomed on the balcony, barely regained some confidence, and went out again holding the little yellow duck tootou flowerpot.

Li Nian was surprised to find that someone who was high-spirited yesterday seemed to be in a very bad mood today. The little yellow duck's tootzui flowerpot was also clean, and the chili seedlings that had bloomed before were gone. fly.

Li Nian thought it was strange, and he was afraid of poking Xu Chenghao's sadness, so he could only ask vaguely, "Good morning, why are you not feeling well today, did you not sleep last night?"

Xu Chenghao put the Little Yellow Duck Tootzui flowerpot on the desk, and said depressedly: "It's true that I didn't sleep well, I'm almost dying of anger... Anyway, I'm in a bad mood recently, don't mess with me."

Li Nian said in surprise, "Why are you suddenly in a bad mood? Who messed with you?"

Xu Chenghao: "It!"

Li Nian looked in the direction of his finger, and saw a yellowish yellow duck on the table innocently wide-eyed and pouted, completely unaware that the owner had complained to the point of blackness.

Li Nian: "This is... all the pepper seedlings before have died?"

"Forget it." Xu Chenghao became even more angry when he thought about what he experienced last night, and felt a little depressed.

Saying that he doesn't care is to comfort himself, but in fact Xu Chenghao still vomits to death in his heart, choked with blood and can't swallow and spit out, it's a good thing not to die from suffocation.

Li Nian can only comfort: "It's not bad for you to live for two days for the first time you come into contact with this kind of thing, and make persistent efforts."

Xu Chenghao sighed faintly: "Forget it, work first!"

He is very busy now and needs to deal with some urgent matters in order to make time for the male protagonist's engagement banquet in the afternoon - although it is not a good thing, but since going there must be the corresponding etiquette, so Xu Chenghao also needs to do his hairstyle and change his clothes.

Xu Chenghao felt even more aggrieved when he thought about being involved in the plot and coming into contact with characters with their own halo.

Isn't life just ups and downs, haha!