Looking at his expression, Li Nian could only pat his shoulder in silent encouragement, then turned around and continued to work.

Xu Chenghao also threw himself into work, trying to use busyness to numb himself and forget about Chili's failure.

It's been a busy morning.

When the alarm clock rang at eleven o'clock, Xu Chenghao rubbed his temples and struggled out of the mountain of documents.

Seeing Li Nian looking over suspiciously, Xu Chenghao got up and explained while putting on his coat, "My mother called me this morning to go home early to have lunch together. I'm afraid I forgot the alarm clock."

Li Nian changed his expression instantly and said clearly: "Madam has always missed you, be careful on the road."

"En." Xu Chenghao touched the car key and walked out.

Xu Chenghao was still a little embarrassed and apprehensive about seeing the original owner's family for the first time. If the system had not made it clear that no one would notice anything, he reckoned that he would have scared himself to death.

Life is like a play, it all depends on acting... Well, acting.

Xu Chenghao took a deep breath, opened the door and got out of the car.

"Master, you're back, Madam is waiting inside, please come in." The uncle, the housekeeper at the door, had been waiting for a long time, and when he saw him coming, he hurried up to greet him.

Xu Chenghao: "Where's my dad?"

The housekeeper said, "It's also inside, just waiting for you to come back for dinner."

Xu Chenghao: "Okay."

The door slowly opened in front of Xu Chenghao, and the housekeeper led the way and called out, "Mr. Madam, the young master is back."

The woman sitting on the sofa suddenly got up and looked over with joy: "Haohao!"

Xu Chenghao looked over calmly, and confirmed that this was Xu's mother according to the original owner's comparison.

Mother Xu is forty-three years old this year, but the traces of time on her body are light and unmarked, and it can even be said that she is quite fond of her. The wrinkles on her fair and beautiful face are barely visible, and her petite body is dressed in a light-colored dress. She has an elegant temperament and is full of happiness and self-confidence. Obviously, it is only used by a petted woman.

The man sitting next to her, wearing light gray casual clothes and a pair of half-rimmed glasses, was four-pointed to Xu Chenghao. When he squinted slightly, his eyes were stern and somewhat relieved.

"Dad, Mom." Xu Chenghao walked over with a smile.

"Well, the company is done?" Xu's father's voice was the same as the one on the phone, with kindness and a bit of the habitual coercion of a strict father.

Xu Chenghao: "Almost, there is Li Nian watching in the afternoon."

Mother Xu was afraid that they would continue to talk, so she ran to business, and quickly grabbed her son and looked at it: "What's going on on your head?"

Xu Chenghao was stunned, and subconsciously touched the place where there was a scar before: "I accidentally scratched it, and it has been healed for a long time. You are really eye-catching."

"You were born by me, I'm sure I know what's wrong." Xu's mother said proudly, and then said distressedly: "You can still bruise such a big person, I really don't know what to say about you."

Dad Xu interjected: "I don't make any progress by being reckless. Do you need to pay attention to it in the future?"

Xu Chenghao: "Got it."

Xu's mother was suddenly unhappy: "Haohao finally came back, what are you doing so fiercely! Don't talk, don't talk, eat first."

The Xu family usually listens to Xu’s mother in small matters and Xu’s father in major matters.

So Xu's mother said to eat, and everyone had no opinion, and followed her to the dining room.

Getting along with Xu's family is easier than expected. Father Xu and Mother Xu are standard strict parents and loving mothers. Father Xu listens to Mother Xu's words very much in trivial matters. As a result, Xu Chenghao's status has also risen sharply. He has a great say in getting along with them. Can also cope with it.

After they had lunch together and enjoyed afternoon tea, they began to prepare for the dinner.

Mother Xu's favorite part - dressing up her husband and son!

Each person chooses a suit, the tie is standard, the cufflinks should be exquisite, and then a shiny brooch with the same necklace as their own, parent-child wear get√

Xu Chenghao looked at his brand-new self in the mirror, and had to sigh with emotion for his mother's vision. A black suit with a white shirt and a tie in the same color as her coat were elegantly and preciously tied by her ingenious hands, and the diamond-encrusted brooch was pinned to the left. sparkling.

Mother Xu also found a watch with a silver bracelet for Xu Chenghao to wear. She looked at her handsome son with satisfaction, and had long forgotten that her husband was still waiting.

Dad Xu: "...cough cough!"

Mother Xu: "Come here~~"

Seeing their interaction, Xu Chenghao couldn't help but smile... The original owner's family was really loving.

There is not much description of the family situation of the second male lead in the original work. Only when the second male lead and the villain perished together, did they use a few strokes to describe the grief of the original owner's parents and their disgust for the female lead.

Comparing the few descriptions in the text with the lively parents now, Xu Chenghao's sense of reality began to surge again. He could imagine how heart-breaking Xu's mother, who loves her son, would be after losing her son, and he could also think of the seemingly Strictly, how Dad Xu, who has always protected his son, died in silence.

Contact with the heroine's dark gift bag... He really has to work hard to avoid it!

For the sweet and happy Xu family, and for myself.

At six o'clock in the evening, the engagement banquet started on time.

When the Xu family arrived, the sky was already dark, and the lights of the resplendent villa flickered, which was especially gloomy on Ruan Chenxuan's expressionless face.

He stood at the door to greet the guests, his brows were indifferent, and there was no sense of joy in engagement at all. Looking at Xu Chenghao standing in front of him, he revealed an unconcealed hostility.

Xu Chenghao looked at him, looked away calmly, and followed his parents into the banquet.

This attitude made Ruan Chengxuan feel a sense of suffocation when he punched cotton, and stared at the back of the other party with fiery eyes.

The young man was handsome and followed his parents calmly. He never looked back at him from beginning to end. The scene of striding into the banquet seemed to mock him silently.

Before Ruan Chenxuan's face turned black, he heard another brake sound behind him, and turned his head to see that the car door just opened, and a person wearing a gray suit got out of the car in a high-profile manner, his slender and fair fingers slowly buttoned the suit, and when he looked up, the light flashed across his eyebrows, A bit cold and harsh for no reason.

Ruan Chenxuan's face became more and more ugly: "...Jing Yicheng!"

The banquet was already full of friends and guests, and the guests, dressed in exquisite or elegant clothes, were chatting with each other, no matter what their thoughts were, but on the surface they were all laughing and watching Yan Yan calmly.

Xu Chenghao was probably the hardest hit area under observation!

After all, the fight between Ruan Chenxuan and Xu Chenghao for a woman was well known before. Everyone knew that Ruan Chengxuan won while Xu Chenghao ended up breaking off the marriage and failed miserably.

Now Ruan Chenxuan's sudden engagement is equivalent to unilaterally announcing the breakup with An Rouyu. Doesn't this mean Xu Chenghao's opportunity has come? Therefore, the appearance of Xu Chenghao made everyone agree that he came to slap his face to declare sovereignty.

Maybe there will be a good show tonight!

With this thought in mind, everyone closely followed Xu Chenghao's every move. Even if Xu Chenghao sat in the corner to rest after saying hello, he could still feel the burning gaze around him.

At first, Xu Chenghao also looked up and looked around, asking those who were secretly observing him to take the initiative to divert their attention, but after a few times, he realized that if he lowered his head, he would return to his original state and simply gave up.

Instead of playing cat-and-mouse observation games with them, you might as well use your spare time to deal with the emails you've accumulated in the afternoon.

It's not very comfortable to use the mobile phone to look up documents. When Xu Chenghao frowned and was passing the time, he suddenly caught a glimpse of someone sitting on the sofa beside him.

He subconsciously glanced sideways, his slightly frowning brows instantly furrowed even tighter, was it actually Jing Yicheng? He actually came to attend the male lead's engagement banquet?

Logically, shouldn't he tell the heroine the truth, and then accompany the heroine as a messenger?

How would it appear here?

Jing Yicheng mistakenly thought that he was surprised that his appearance disrupted his rhythm, and looked at him with admiration and even satisfaction: "Are you surprised?"

Xu Chenghao kept a polite smirk: "I'm quite surprised."

Jing Yicheng said without sincerity, "Really, I'm surprised to see you too."

Xu Chenghao: "..." He lowered his head and continued to deal with emails, completely ignoring this lunatic.

Who knows why he suddenly came to the banquet tonight, he should have less contact with him anyway.

When Xu Chenghao didn't speak, Jing Yicheng calmed down instead. He is not a talkative and active person, and even likes to be quiet. Even if the other party doesn't speak, he can sit firmly by himself, without feeling embarrassed at all, but can look at the other party without any cover.

His eyes moved all the way from Xu Chenghao's slender fingers holding the phone all the way to the whole body, and finally fixed on his side face, his fingers moved slightly.

He still doesn't know what the other party's plan is, let alone what the other party's plan is, how he wants to take An Rouyu away, and how he is so mad at Ruan Chenxuan.

Or...maybe meditating against yourself.

Thinking of this, Jing Yicheng actually felt a strange sense of satisfaction.

In any case, from the time he made up his mind to take back An Rouyu, he had already made careful and targeted decisions, and everything could not escape his control and plan.

Even if there is a little accident like Xu Chenghao now, as long as he pays close attention, it will definitely not happen.

He has this confidence.

Xu Chenghao's attention was not on the other party at all, and he didn't know what the other party was thinking. I took care of my emails seriously, and waited until the newcomer came out and suddenly there were applause and cheers. Then I stood up and observed.

At this moment, the guests are complete, and the emcee is on the stage. On the high platform in the center of the crowd are the protagonists of tonight, fiance Ruan Chenxuan and fiancee Zhou Qian.

In all fairness, the fiancee was very beautiful, dressed in a burgundy dress, elegant and generous, and the little bird leaned beside Ruan Chenxuan with a sweet and happy smile.

Standing beside her, Ruan Chenxuan was wearing a well-made dress, his hair was also dressed up, and his handsome face was more handsome than usual, but the only downside was that he had a stinky face from beginning to end and did not give face to his fiancee at all.

Xu Chenghao looked at him and couldn't help but want to laugh. Before the corners of his lips were raised, he heard a madman beside him say quietly, "What are you laughing at?"