Jing Yicheng nodded and admitted: "Yes."

Xu Chenghao was stunned.

What's the matter with him? ! Why did the villain who loved the heroine all his life in the plot suddenly give up the heroine and show a free and easy state of no nostalgia? ?

This news is even more shocking than the male protagonist's desire to attack Xu's group. Xu Chenghao realized that the plot was completely out of control, and finally remembered that he still had a book-passing system, and hurriedly asked in his heart what was going on.

System No. 2333 will be launched soon [Ding - Since the host's strategy is the third option, a certain degree of change in the plot is inevitable, please calm down and not panic. 】

Xu Chenghao: But the plot has not changed to a certain extent! This is a complete mess!

[Ding - no, the host must remember that our principle is that everything changes, no matter what happens in the process, the ending must be the male and female protagonists together, this is a certain degree of change. 】

Xu Chenghao:  …

It really doesn't sound reliable.

Or another interpretation is that the most important thing is that the male protagonist and the female protagonist are together, and the passerby is not important at all - such as his spare role, such as the villain, the madman.

At this time, Xu Chenghao finally discovered the huge pit hidden in the options. It seems that the plot is the most embarrassing, but in fact, it is easiest for you to develop according to the plot, as long as you avoid the damage.

The chrysanthemum pain option is to have the opportunity to be tied to the same boat with the villain, which is equivalent to having a strong and effective cheating plug-in. At least it is not fighting alone, it is guaranteed.

As for the final plot, it seems to be the easiest. In fact, it is very difficult for the characters in the vortex of the plot to abandon all distractions and plant crops seriously!

For example, now he has no halo, no cheating, three, can't escape from the plot, four, and may be the enemy from both sides - more than a miserable word.

So he can only accept the olive branch of the villain to take advantage of the situation, and then fight against the male protagonist?

Xu Chenghao's brain started to run fast, because he was so focused that he even ignored someone around him. It wasn't until Jing Yicheng coughed a few times that he came back to his senses: "I'm sorry, I lost my mind."

Jing Yicheng has been quietly observing his reaction, his eyes scrutinized slightly: "You seem very surprised?"

Xu Chenghao: "I'm not surprised, I'm in disbelief."

Jing Yicheng: "I can understand."

Xu Chenghao was surprised by the other party's understanding, and only understood what he meant when he raised his head and collided with the other party's eyes.

The two of them were all making a fuss about An Rouyu back then, how could they have imagined that one day they would say things like 'I gave up too' face to face. Just like when no one believed that Xu Chenghao, who had accompanied An Rouyu for twenty years, suddenly turned his face, now naturally no one would believe that the crazy and paranoid people would suddenly look away.

They are surprisingly similar, and even have a wonderful relationship that understands each other's situation and mind.

But unfortunately, Xu Chenghao didn't mean to sympathize with a lunatic, but quickly skipped the emotional part and forcibly changed the subject: "You just said that Ruan Chenxuan wanted to attack the Xu Group?"

Jing Yicheng: "From what I've heard so far, it's like this. Aren't you going to cooperate with the Jiang Group recently? Guess what Ruan Chenxuan wants to do tonight?"

Cut Hu! Xu Chenghao immediately reacted, and his expression changed slightly.

Because the Xu family and the Jiang family have been in contact recently, and they are ready to cooperate on strategic projects. This has been carried out in secret and has not been announced to the public. Unexpectedly, the male protagonist and the villain are so sensitive to the news, and they find the news and take direct action before the situation has been established.

Hemp egg, is it amazing to have a halo? !

Xu Chenghao rolled his eyes secretly, and asked reluctantly, "How do you want to cooperate?"

Jing Yicheng said unhurriedly: "It's very simple, you and Jiang Group's project partners can be replaced by me directly. Whether you want elite backbones or capital injection, I can fully handle it."

Xu Chenghao was slightly wary: "What do you want?"

He didn't believe that the villain in the plot, who never suffered losses, would suddenly be so kind to help him.

Jing Yicheng's eyes began to move down: "Why don't you give me this pot of peppers."

Xu Chenghao: "..."

Xu Chenghao: "You're here to tease me on purpose, aren't you?"

Jing Yicheng shook his finger: "No, I'm serious."

"You have to know that I have money and rights and don't care how much more assets I can make. I just want to make my life happy and get what I want. I just happen to be interested in this pot of chili peppers, you If you don't agree, it'll be too late if I'm not interested in another day."

"When the Ruan family cooperates with the Jiang family, it's possible that your Xu family will fail." Because of the absolute initiative, Jing Yicheng did not panic at all, but kept using words to remind Xu Chenghao if he missed this opportunity , what are the consequences of welcoming them to the Xu Group.

Xu Chenghao frowned at him, and suddenly asked, "Don't you like candy the most? Why do you suddenly like peppers?"

Jing Yicheng was obviously stunned for a moment, and after a while he said coolly, "I'm sweet and spicy."

Xu Chenghao: "..."

He couldn't resist!

The atmosphere was quiet for a moment, and Jing Yicheng asked again, "Have you made up your mind?"

Xu Chenghao reminded: "I have to tell you that this pot of pepper has a lifespan of three days, but ordinary crops have no effect at all."

Jing Yicheng smiled lightly: "It doesn't matter, money can't buy me happiness."

"Okay." Xu Chenghao suddenly agreed, but then continued: "But cooperation has always been paying for the money and delivering the goods with the other hand. I will definitely suffer from giving you this first. Why don't you wait for you to come to me with the contract? I'll give you this pot of pepper seedlings, how about you?"

This is already the best way Xu Chenghao has come up with that can not only keep the peppers but also cooperate with the villain.

Jing Yicheng reminded with a half-smile, "But you just said you only have three days to live."

Xu Chenghao didn't change his face: "I promise to give you exactly the same."

Jing Yicheng pondered for a moment, and finally nodded in agreement: "Yes."

"But..." He turned around and sat up straight as he spoke: "But it shouldn't be too much for me to charge some deposit before cooperation, right?"

"What deposit?" When Xu Chenghao was still at a loss, he saw that the other party suddenly approached and snatched away the chili that had just been produced, and quickly put it into his mouth and ate it before Xu Chenghao could react.

Xu Chenghao: "???"

What the hell! Because he was bombarded by the double news that the villain gave up the heroine and the hero attacked the spare tire, he actually forgot the result of the little yellow duck flowerpot four minutes later! !

Damn Jing Yicheng actually grabbed his own chili again! ! !

Xu Chenghao's anger erupted in an instant, he suddenly pounced on his neck with one hand, grabbed the little yellow duck and hit him **** the head. The muffled sound of thud was particularly clear in the quiet back garden. Rao Shijing Yicheng was physically strong and was knocked for three seconds before he recovered and grabbed his wrist tightly.

Xu Chenghao raised his legs to attack, attacked with his back elbow, attacked his head, and even used his teeth to pounce on the opponent and bite three or four times. That posture is like going to die together.

Jing Yicheng had never experienced such a shrew-style fight, and he was at a loss for a while. It took five minutes to restrain the person under the condition that the two people's force values ​​were very mismatched. Press your wrists and legs against your legs.

Jing Yicheng held the complete circle of teeth marks on his right cheek and said coldly, "Are you crazy?"

Xu Chenghao stared: "You stole my chili twice and ate it twice when you knew that chili is important to me, you are driving me crazy!"

Jing Yicheng: "You bit me like this, you're right, right?"

Xu Chenghao: "It's reasonable for you to eat my two peppers, right?"

Jing Yicheng: "Who impresses me when your pepper hurt me last time?"

Xu Chenghao: "So you are tired of eating too much sugar to find stimulation?"

Jing Yicheng paused, staring at the young man who was being pinned on the bench by him, with an inexplicable expression.

Xu Chenghao's hairstyle has long since been ruined, and scattered pieces on his forehead, but he couldn't cover his eyes, which were sparkling with anger. The flaming anger shattered all the masks of the indifferent gentleman in the past, exposing the completely real and belonging to him. The freshness of his heart.

Xu Chenghao was still holding the little yellow duck flowerpot in his hand, his posture was really uncomfortable, and he immediately began to struggle while he was in a trance.

Jing Yicheng relaxed for a few seconds, then quickly recovered: "Don't move!"

Xu Chenghao: "You let go!"

Jing Yicheng: "If I let go, you are not allowed to do it."

Xu Chenghao's response was a sneer, the African Chief's anger buff was still in a state of eruption, it would be strange if he didn't do anything.

Jing Yicheng threatened: "Do you still want to cooperate?"

Xu Chenghao said angrily, "Fuck cooperation, I want to die with you now!!"

Jing Yicheng: "Then you are ready to die with me, let the Xu family's parents send the white-haired man to the black-haired man, and let Ruan Chenxuan fly together with An Rouyu? Are you willing?"

Xu Chenghao: "If it wasn't for you being a scumbag and refusing to let me go, I would have gotten rid of your love-hate entanglement and planted peppers by myself! They can do whatever they like, and let them go with their arrogance. I am willing!"

Jing Yicheng raised his eyebrows: "Really willing?"

Xu Chenghao: "I'm not reconciled unless I die with you."

Jing Yicheng: "It's just a chili pepper and it hasn't calmed down yet?"

Xu Chenghao suddenly stared at him coldly for a few seconds, and asked him, "How would you feel if the piece of candy An Rouyu gave you back then was taken away?"

Jing Yicheng froze.

Xu Chenghao looked at him and said, "All hope, inner sunshine, all perseverance, the final destination... Will all of this cease to exist? Are you still sure that you are who you are today?"

This is a monologue belonging to the villain's heart in the plot. Now Xu Chenghao returns it to him, letting him know that Chili is also all hope for him, and it is the end point where he wants to persevere to the end and can leave!

The atmosphere instantly quieted down, and the eyes of the two fell on each other's faces alternately, staring at each other quietly.

That kind of sympathy and understanding of each other's situation and the wonderful touch of the heart surged again, even more exciting than the first candy I received back then, so much so that I was fascinated and wanted... to have him!