Jing Yicheng's eyes erupted with hot rays of light, and his heart that had been silent for a long time seemed to be alive, and the whole person was excited.

For a person in the dark, it is indeed precious to have a light that can illuminate and warm himself, so he has been holding on to that piece of candy for the first half of his life, trying to maintain this ray of light.

But he didn't expect that when he chose to give up the light, there would be a second surprise in his life - he found a more precious existence, a confidant.

You don't need to illuminate yourself, and exist with yourself in the dark, a confidant who can understand yourself, understand yourself, and be hard to find in your life!

Compared with exposing one's filth and ugliness to the light, and then learning to hide the dark self step by step, of course, there is no need to cover up, the other party knows that it is easier for him to understand him.

Jing Yicheng had never looked forward to friendship, and even his expectations of love had disappeared under An Rouyu's indifference. He once thought that if he gave up An Rouyu, he would fall into the darkness again, but now he suddenly found out that he was still in the dark. There is another special emotional existence that can accompany you.

His heart was undoubtedly delighted. Coincidence in finding the treasure before others, and having the opportunity to hide it or have it.

The only regret is that the timing of the discovery was not right, and he had already annoyed people.

Jing Yicheng calmed down for two seconds, then said solemnly, "Don't get excited, let's sit down and have a good chat!"

Xu Chenghao hehe: "We have nothing to talk about, let me go!"

Jing Yicheng: "At least we can still cooperate."

Xu Chenghao: "Cooperating ass, I'm at odds with you!"

During the quarrel, Xu Chenghao's right hand was still holding the little yellow duck flower pot tightly, as if he would knock it on his head again when he got a chance, Jing Yicheng's head aching as he looked straight at him.

He tried to calm the situation and directly offered a condition: "As compensation, I am willing to support your project unconditionally, to ensure that the Xu family will not suffer any harm!"

Xu Chenghao looked up at him, slightly surprised: "Free?"

"It's compensation for robbing you of two peppers." Jing Yicheng repeated it, and asked again, "Have you calmed down? Can you sit down and chat?"

Xu Chenghao stared at him for two seconds, making sure he was serious. In his mind, he chose option A to fight against the villain for the chili he had lost, and option B to make use of the chili after losing the chili. He decided to choose the latter: "Calm down. ,let go."

Jing Yicheng slowly released his hand and took two steps back.

Xu Chenghao sat up from the bench while moving his wrist. The little yellow duck flowerpot in his hand was empty, and the chili seedlings without chili had long since fallen into mud, swaying all over the ground with the action of the fight just now.

Xu Chenghao was distressed and uncomfortable, so he couldn't help raising his head and squinting someone: "It's getting late, I have to go back to the banquet, if Mr. Jing is sincere, he will go to Xu's group to find me tomorrow, otherwise he will be my pepper. Feed the dog, there is no return!"

After speaking, Xu Chenghao got up and left without giving Jing Yicheng a chance to react.

He was really afraid that if he stayed any longer, he would fight Jing Yicheng desperately.

Jing Yicheng probably also knew that he was disgusting, stared silently at the back of his leaving for a while, and finally chose to leave first.

The assistant was standing beside the car waiting. Seeing Jing Yicheng coming over, he immediately opened the car door. After waiting for someone to sit in, he closed the door and quickly got in the car. He turned around and wanted to say something, but was attracted by the complete tooth mark on Jing Yicheng's right cheek, and said in horror. : "Mr. Jing, who bit your face?"

Jing Yicheng coughed lightly and tilted his head to cover it unnaturally: "It's okay."

He turned his head on one side, revealing the other two tooth marks on the left side of his neck, and saw the assistant's face full of troughs, thinking to himself, why is the battle so fierce? !

After a YY drama in his heart, the assistant silently retreated to the co-pilot, showed his professionalism, and calmly said, "Mr. Jing, shall we leave now?"

Jing Yicheng opened his mouth to respond, but a sharp pain suddenly burst into his throat, causing a series of piercing coughs. The sequelae of eating chili came out.

The assistant was startled, and quickly found a bottle of mineral water from the car and handed it to him: "Mr. Jing, are you alright?"

Jing Yicheng refused and whispered, "It's okay, go back first."

The assistant motioned the driver to drive, and said, "Mr. Jing, have you smoked? Why is your throat more hoarse than before? It is recommended that you have a lighter taste, and pay attention to drinking more water and eating less irritating things."

Jing Yicheng, who just ate a chili raw: "..."

He calmly changed the subject and said solemnly, "Prepare me a project book for cooperation with the Xu Group, which will be required before tomorrow morning."

Assistant: "Okay."

Jing Yicheng: "...buy some throat medicine by the way."

Assistant: "Okay."

The self-inflicted Jing Yicheng rushed to buy medicine, while Xu Chenghao also ended the banquet and was sent home by the driver.

When he got out of the lavish banquet and sat at home enjoying the quiet, the hazy drunkenness was gradually replaced by sobriety, and the anger of the African chiefs gradually subsided as time passed. Xu Chenghao recalled what happened to him before, and was shocked from the moment. In the memory, I pulled out a video of myself 'brave and good at fighting'!

He seems to have beaten the villain boss? ? ?

Damn, he beat up the neurotic villain who can suppress the male protagonist's plot for more than 70 chapters! He also told the other party that he was in conflict with each other and wanted to die with him!

Xu Chenghao touched his forehead in a daze, it was a little cold, it was not a dream to have no fever, so... Was he actually such a man before? ! Wow, in retrospect he admires himself!

Although I don't know why the careful villain didn't angrily pull out a gun to destroy himself, but chose to compensate him - it may be because he was touched by remembering the time when he was eating candy before, or it may be a conscience discovery or another convulsion.

In short, since the other party didn't collapse him, then he humbly accepted the compensation!

And little peppers... Xu Chenghao sighed and planted pepper seeds again. Now that more than half of the time limit has passed, he is very worried about whether he will be able to complete the task within a month.

So far, the consequences of the failure of the Little Pepper mission have not been announced, but it is definitely not a good thing, and he does not want to know.

And thinking about how difficult it is to have one chili pepper, there are still 49.99 million chili peppers waiting for him, it is really hopeless in life, as if falling into a huge pit of pitfalls.

If God gave him another chance, he would definitely choose to follow the heart-wrenching plot, and then watch the villain die without a wife! snort!

After thinking about it in his mind, he finally returned to reality and turned into a long sigh. Xu Chenghao watered the little yellow duck and the big flowerpot. Then he washed and slept with resentment, waiting to see Jing Yicheng tomorrow. He has a stroke.