The people who were arguing just now were all stunned, and they couldn't find a reason to refute for a while.

Jiang Changming continued to calm down the situation: "I know that no matter which side you choose, it is for the Jiang Group's consideration, so everyone's starting point is the same, there is no need for your own people to fight with your own people to blush and thick necks, right?"

"What we really need to consider is how to maximize the interests of the Jiang Group, not what comes first, or what fails!"

The meeting room was silent, and no matter what they were thinking, everyone silently nodded in agreement and continued to listen.

Jiang Changming pondered for two seconds before exhorting: "Since they want to cooperate, they will definitely show their sincerity first. Don't give up on both of you. See whoever has the best conditions and choose whoever has the best conditions. Remember to seize the opportunity and don't become deadlocked. Remember?"

Everyone took notes and said, "Remember!"

Jiang Changming hooked his lips in satisfaction: "I believe you will not let me down."

"Don't worry, President Jiang, we will strictly follow what you said and work hard to complete the task."

"Yeah, President Jiang is really amazing, I admire it so much."

"Be ashamed of yourself."

The meeting ended with a compliment, true or false. When Jiang Changming returned to his office, he called and told Mr. Jiang about this matter and his choice.

Mr. Jiang pondered for a while, then calmly said: "Your choice is right, and no matter what, as the owner of the Jiang Group, you must make your own decisions, and you don't have to report to me."

Jiang Changming said: "I'm just worried that the Xu family has cooperated with us for many years, which will make grandpa embarrassed."

Mr. Jiang laughed, as if he was happy for his grandson's filial piety. But he still pointed: "Everyone understands the truth that the shopping mall is like a battlefield. The most important thing is your own strength. As long as you have the strength, no one dares to say anything, you know?"

Jiang Changming: "Got it."

Mr. Jiang encouraged: "Don't worry about it."

"it is good."

After receiving the encouragement from his grandfather, Jiang Changming was obviously more confident. He hung up the phone and began to study the current situation, and called the assistant who contacted Ruan Chenxuan and Xu Chenghao to come in for a meeting.

Jiang Changming said: "From the current point of view, the Xu family's proposal to cooperate is longer, because they are too prepared to give up this opportunity, and maybe they will eventually regress. When you contact the Xu family, pay attention to your words and stay for two days. Let's see what their reaction is when we leak Ruan Chenxuan's concession to them."

"As for Ruan Chenxuan... Compared with Xu Chenghao, he has a certain degree of attack power and a sense of urgency. He is too ambitious, not only to cut off the Hu Xu clan, but he may want more things, so he must attach great importance to it. This cooperation, I really want to seize this opportunity.”

"What I mean is that our main partner should still choose Ruan Chenxuan, because we can make more profit with him. But don't reveal it now, stabilize the situation first, especially stabilize the Xu Group and make time for it. Bargaining price, you know?"

The two assistants nodded, "Understood!"

Jiang Changming nodded with satisfaction: "Go, be careful not to leak secrets, and always take the opportunity to act by chance."

The assistants swore: "Okay, President Jiang can rest assured."

After formulating the strategy, Jiang's Group finally got busy - busy with Ruan Chenxuan's IQ competition and bargaining with each other, and also busy acting with Xu's Group to deliberately delay the process and sell off.

After Li Nian received the call from the assistant of Jiang's Group, he started to keep a Mona Lisa smile, "I'm Li Nian, is there anything?"

The assistant of Jiang's Group politely said: "Hello Mr. Li, I am the assistant of Jiang's Group. I want to contact you this time to ask about cooperation."

Li Nian pretended to be surprised: "Why are you in such a hurry? Oh, we haven't made the project book yet. I'm really sorry, I've been too busy recently."

The assistant said with a smile: "It's okay, I'm actually just here to follow up on the progress. Our President Jiang attaches great importance to this cooperation."

Li Nian: "Hehehe, that's great, our President Xu has actually been preparing for the project. It seems that everyone attaches great importance to this project. I hope we can cooperate happily."

Assistant: "Definitely."

After the assistants of the two parties performed an acting scene on the phone, they hung up the phone and sunk their faces together. Li Nian even gave him a blank eye and was extremely speechless.

Xu Chenghao leaned against the door with the mug in his arms and watched the entire acting competition, commenting: "Wonderful."

Li Nian stood up and compared the classic action of a Mona Lisa portrait, and said coldly and proudly: "I'm just as good as Mona Lisa, and I'm not afraid of anyone! I can act in person!"

Xu Chenghao almost didn't laugh: "I believe I believe."

After playing for a while, Li Nian instantly returned to normal and switched to the special assistant status: "It seems that I guessed correctly before, they are indeed more inclined to the Ruan Group, and now they are holding us just to put pressure on Ruan Chenxuan."

Xu Chenghao drank the boiled water slowly: "En."

Li Nian glanced at him: "At present, Jiang's group has broken its trust first and used it later. Are you not angry? No idea?"

Xu Chenghao said calmly: "But at present, it is also beneficial for our project to delay the time, and we can just push the boat with the current. As for the other... This is just a game of business war, winning is the most important thing, no need to be emotional. ."

Li Nian thought about it too, and said, "You're right, the result is the most important thing. As long as we are the winners, it's useless for them to make up their minds. I feel happy when I think about how they changed their faces in the end."

Xu Chenghao smiled: "Do you know what they are called?"

Li Nian: "Isn't the fox's tail hidden?"

Xu Chenghao: "It's the emperor's new clothes."

The two looked at each other and smiled, Xu Chenghao pushed open the door and left to return to his office. The temperature in the room was warmer than the outside, the sun was shining brightly outside the open French windows, and the little yellow duck flowerpot that was placed on the ground to bask in the sun became more and more yellow, like a small group of luminous bodies.

Xu Chenghao leaned over to check and made sure that there were not a few flowers that just opened last night, and then he sat back at his desk with confidence and resumed work.

Tonight was the time of the African-Emirati counterattack, and the large flower pots at home, according to their own plan, perfectly consumed 90% of the failure rate-because it was really fruitless, and there were no deformed ones.

On the contrary, recently, Little Yellow Duck has frequently reported good news, producing one after another. If it weren't for the villain's neuropathy, he would have completed Little Pepper's mission long ago.

... He doesn't want to think about what happened before. Anyway, he doesn't see anyone today, especially Jing Yicheng. He doesn't go home when he gets off work. A world with Jing Yicheng is dangerous for him! Jing Yicheng is his number one dangerous element!

If the other party robs him of chili again, he really can't control his hands, and wants the little yellow duck to continue kissing his 1.5 billion head!

Because he was too nervous, Xu Chenghao couldn't even read the documents when he was about to get off work. He unconsciously glanced at the little yellow duck and counted the little white flowers on the pepper seedlings over and over again.

What to do, suddenly so nervous.

The author has something to say: Xu Chenghao: Please tell me loudly, can you counterattack! [Cry from the African Emirates]