Once you pay too much attention to something, time will seem extraordinarily long at this moment, which is the case with Xu Chenghao.

As he waited to get off work, he was simply restless, and he felt almost every time, but when he looked up at the time, he realized that only a few minutes had passed, and he was as depressed as he was.

Xu Chenghao couldn't bear it, he was also a big boss anyway, what's wrong with leaving early, he wants to go home! !

As a result, Li Nian, who was still working in the office, was dragged to be the protector, and he opened his arms with a confused look.

Li Nian: ? ? ?

He didn't even know why he was walking in this posture, and he looked around like a thief to observe the enemy's situation!

Xu Chenghao hid behind him, holding the little yellow duck and sticking his head out from his shoulder: "You have to protect me and bring me home safely."

Li Nian: "...What the **** are you doing? I feel like a lunatic."

Xu Chenghao: "It's right to protect me anyway."

Li Nian: "If you are targeted by the kidnappers, I can't protect you."

Xu Chenghao: "You just need to stop Cheng Yaojin."

Li Nian: "What?"

Li Nian felt that they were chatting across servers and could not communicate at all. Can only continue to force people to leave the floor, take the direct elevator into the underground garage.

After Xu Chenghao successfully got into the car, the first thing he did was to urge Li Nian to lock the door quickly, and he looked extremely vigilant.

Li Nian had gone from stunned to speechless, and even gave up treatment. Xu Chenghao said that if he locked the car door, he would lock the car door.

He asked where in the world there is such a powerful and considerate special assistant who can do whatever he says! ! !

As soon as Xu Chenghao entered the house, it was the same as entering the safe area. He relaxed instantly, put the little yellow duck on the coffee table and sank into the soft sofa, heaving a sigh of relief.

Li Nian still didn't understand what happened, and sat down with a confused look.

The nanny who was cooking came out to check and greeted them: "Mr. Xu came back earlier today. Hello, Mr. Li, are you eating here?"

Li Nian was immediately distracted: "Eat, eat, auntie, I want to eat sweet and sour pork ribs."

Xu Chenghao, who was paralyzed on the sofa, squinted at him: "If you don't go back to the company, you will leave early!"

Li Nian is righteous: "You dragged me here, it has nothing to do with me."

Xu Chenghao: "Then you can leave now."

Li Nian: "That won't work, I can't come for nothing... Auntie will come with a spicy diced pork, thank you."

Xu Chenghao: "..."

The nanny smiled and agreed, obviously getting used to seeing them bickering.

Li Nian, adhering to the thought that he could not come for nothing, followed the nanny into the kitchen, and while ordering food, he also stole the fruit in the refrigerator, and had a lot of fun.

Xu Chenghao closed his eyes and rested on the sofa, feeling the fragrant food at home, laughter and laughter, and finally relaxed his tense mood for a few seconds, but the doorbell suddenly rang, and it bounced him directly like a thunder.

- He has a bad feeling.

The doorbell kept ringing, and I could feel the urgency of the visitors. Xu Chenghao was a little hesitant, and felt that this did not seem to be Jing Yicheng's character. While hesitating, Li Nian stuck his head out of the kitchen and asked, "Who has such a long nose and knocked on the door as soon as they came out of the pot?"

Xu Chenghao also looked at the door, but did not move at all: "I don't know."

Li Nian saw that he didn't want to open the door, but the doorbell kept ringing, so he stood up and walked straight to the door from the kitchen and said, "I'll take a look."

He turned on the video intercom doorbell at the door, and saw a familiar face instantly appear on the screen, so frightened that Li Nian's hand was so fast that an afterimage appeared, and he pressed it off in a second.

Xu Chenghao helped his forehead helplessly, but he also saw that the visitor was the heroine.

An Rouyu outside the door also saw Li Nian. She thought that no one in the family was about to give up, but Li Nian's face suddenly appeared on the screen, and she suddenly said in surprise, "I—"

Pop - the display went black again.

An Rouyu was stunned for a moment, and her heart suddenly burst into anger, she simply gave up the doorbell and slammed on the door: "Li Nian, what do you mean! I want to see Brother Hao, open the door for me! I told you that you stopped me before, and it's fine. I really have something to come to Brother Hao today, does it delay you from taking responsibility?!"

Li Nian, who was separated by a door, rolled his eyes, turned around and said, "There must be no good thing for her to find you, we are missing."

Xu Chenghao nodded in agreement, "I should be glad that I live in one house per ladder, otherwise I should have been complained by the neighbors."

Just as he was talking, Xu Chenghao's cell phone suddenly rang, and it was An Rouyu calling.

Xu Chenghao glanced at it and immediately hung up. An Rouyu hits him again and hangs up again. Just when she was about to contact the property to drag the person away, An Rouyu suddenly changed her strategy and started sending messages.

An Rouyu: Brother Hao, I know you're angry with me and don't want to see me, but I really have something to ask you about. It's really important to say a few words about the Xu Group. Would you like to meet me?

Xu Chenghao paused. After sharing the text message with Li Nian, he got up and said, "I'll ask her."

Li Nian tutted, and said reluctantly, "It's probably just about Ruan Chengxuan digging a wall. We already knew why we were seeing each other... It's like owed her a favor."

Xu Chenghao: "What if there is something we don't know?"

Li Nian: "Okay."

Outside the door, An Rouyu, who was still lowering her head to edit the second text message, suddenly heard a light click. She raised her head in surprise, and she saw the scene of the doorknob turning and slowly pulling open.

The silhouette of the person inside the door is revealed through the opening of the door. He was wearing a more formal dress shortly after get off work, a handsome white shirt and black suit trousers, with a slightly loose neckline with a hint of laziness, and an orange light above his head. Covering his figure, the whole person has the gentle temperament of home.

However, the attitude of the other party is quite different, and the tone is indifferent: "What's the matter?"

These three words stuck into my heart like an ice pick, making An Rouyu suddenly escape from her gentle temperament, her heart was sour and astringent, she forced a smile, and said, "It's a very important thing, but I hope I can give you one People say, can't be heard by other people."

As she spoke, An Rouyu's eyes deliberately glanced at Li Nian who was standing not far behind Xu Chenghao, her eyes guarded, "Can we go to your bedroom or balcony?"

Xu Chenghao thought for two seconds, then suddenly walked out of the room and closed the door: "Is this the head office?"

The one-ladder-one-house design, as long as the door is closed, there is a small independent space outside, and when they stand here, they agree with what An Rouyu said alone, so An Rouyu has no reason to refute any more, she can only force a smile and say: " OK……"

Xu Chenghao leaned against the door and looked attentive.

An Rouyu said, "I came here this time to tell Brother Hao that there must be someone around you who is a traitor, because the matter of your cooperation with the Jiang family was revealed, and Chen Xuan also knew that he was preparing to take this project away. ."

Xu Chenghao snorted: "That's all?"

An Rouyu bit her lip: "Yes."

Xu Chenghao immediately felt that Li Nian was right, why did he come out: "Okay, thank you, I'll go first."

"Wait!" An Rouyu chased after two steps: "Brother Hao, don't you believe me? You really have Chen Xuan people around you, you have to think carefully about who knew about this cooperation, and... and this The Jiang family of the sub-project has already stated, Brother Hao, you will definitely fail, you might as well stop in advance and stop your losses in time, I swear what I said is true."

"I know it's true..." Xu Chenghao suddenly had a bad taste and asked, "But why did you tell me? I'm your boyfriend's opponent now, aren't you afraid that he will get angry when he finds out?"

An Rouyu said, "I'm here to tell you because I don't want to see you get hurt... I should say I don't want to see any of you get hurt, you are my closest and most important people, and I don't want you to be my opponents. of."

Xu Chenghao highlighted the key points in the circle: "No, we are not the most important people because we are not relatives, so you should go play with your boyfriend. Really, I have a good life, so don't worry about it."

An Rouyu said sadly, "How can I rest assured that you are alone now?"

Xu Chenghao immediately began to harass his friends: "Who said I was alone, can't you see how many people in my room?"

An Rouyu was stunned: "But he's just an assistant, so he can't take care of you and stay with you all the time..."

"It's all right now." Xu Chenghao opened his eyes and said nonsense: "And I hope I can take care of him and accompany him all the time."

These words were very obvious. An Rouyu immediately covered her mouth with her hands, stuttering in shock, "You, you...you mean...yes..."

"Yes, I like him! I like men!" Xu Chenghao said seriously, "So...my love story doesn't have you!"

An Rouyu's eyes were so wide that her eyeballs fell, and she didn't dare to believe: "Are you serious? You're not lying to me?"

Xu Chenghao smiled: "Then why do you think he is at my house after get off work?"

An Rouyu was completely stunned.

Just when the stalemate reached freezing point, the elevator behind An Rouyu suddenly made a ding sound to break the situation.

Xu Chenghao's eyelids jumped, and when he looked up, he saw that the elevator door was slowly opening, revealing two people whose atmosphere was even more deadlocked than them - Jing Yicheng and Ruan Chenxuan.

Xu Chenghao: "...Fuck!"

The author has something to say: the scene was extremely chaotic at one point.

Whether the African Emirates can counterattack, who will be the chili flower, please walk into the Little Yellow Duck live broadcast room to witness the Shura dinner together!

...Well, the leaves can't be edited anymore, crawl away the code word QAQ