At this moment, Li Nian could not wait to die on the spot, holding the bowl and chopsticks, not even daring to look at Xu Chenghao's expression. He knew he was definitely dead! No one expected these people to be so rude!

Seeing that everyone was seated by himself, what else could Xu Chenghao say. As the owner, I could only ask my aunt to add tableware and chopsticks, and said to everyone, "You're welcome, just eat whatever you want."

"Thank you Mr. Xu for your hospitality." Jing Yicheng responded with a half-smile, commenting: "The spicy pork diced is delicious."

Xu Chenghao suddenly thumped in his heart, and immediately turned his head to look at the living room. From the angle of the entrance of the dining room, Xu Chenghao saw at a glance that the little yellow duck was still upright on the coffee table and no one had touched it. The little white flowers on it were pure and beautiful, showing that he had not yet come to fruition - so peppers are not small. Yellow duck.

Xu Chenghao heaved a sigh of relief. When sitting next to Li Nian, he smiled and patted his shoulder vigorously, and gave him a stern look by the way. Eating with this group of people can reduce his life span by ten years!

Li Nian flattered the dish: "Eat and eat."

"Humph!" Xu Chenghao snorted coldly, reluctantly accepting his flattery.

In the eyes of An Rouyu, who had just learned the truth, this kind of relationship was nothing but flirting. She couldn't tell what she felt in her heart, it was as if a child who had been pampered was suddenly separated and pampered.

Ruan Chenxuan has been watching her quietly, his eyes getting colder as time goes by. When An Rouyu looked back, he lowered his head to eat, as if nothing had happened.

An Rouyu served him vegetables and carefully tried to restore their relationship. Ruan Chenxuan was silent, unable to tell what he was thinking.

Jing Yicheng took the whole process into his eyes, showing a smile that was not a smile—he was looking forward to Ruan Chenxuan's choice.

Xu Chenghao saw Jing Yicheng's smile and his eyelids began to twitch. At present, there is only an hour and a half left before the results of the pepper seedlings in the little yellow duck flowerpot. Therefore, he must lock on Jing Yicheng and be on guard at all times!

A meal is intricately embarrassing, if someone draws a line among them and even looks at them, it is estimated that they can turn into spider webs.

After dinner, everyone sat in the living room and prepared to discuss things. At this time, my aunt had already got off work. Li Nian, who was guilty of the crime, consciously got up to make tea. He found a tea cup and boiled water to make tea. The whole set of movements was smooth and smooth, but An Rouyu was more and more convinced that they were real. have a leg.

Xu Chenghao glanced at Jing Yicheng, and pulled the little yellow duck on the coffee table to him, making sure that he was the closest, so he was slightly relieved.

He decided that he wanted to make a quick decision and solve everything before the result time, so he said bluntly: "Mr. Ruan, please tell me if you have anything."

Ruan Chenxuan didn't bother, and said directly: "The cooperation that President Xu and I want to discuss is to treat others in the same way. I believe that President Xu must be very interested."

Xu Chenghao immediately reacted: "Do you want me to drag the Jiang family with you?"

Ruan Chenxuan: "Yes. I want to cooperate with President Xu now because I hope to take a dominant position in the tug of war with the Jiang family. In the face of certain losses, I believe that it is the best choice for President Xu to choose to cooperate with me. It's not a small blow to your Xu Group."

Xu Chenghao narrowed his eyes slightly. If he remembered correctly, Jing Yicheng once told him that the most crucial part of this cooperation was that Ruan Chenxuan wanted to take this opportunity to shake the foundation of the Xu Group, thereby gradually engulfing the foundation of the Xu Group and expanding the Ruan Group. Group map.

But now, after the other party found out that he knew the strategy, he quickly moved the battlefield in just a few minutes, and wanted to pull him onto the thief boat to fight the Jiang Group together... If the two were not opponents, it would depend on the decisive and alert response of the male protagonist. , he wanted to applaud him.

As the male protagonist said, if the Xu Group does not cooperate with Jing Yicheng, then cooperation with Ruan Chenxuan must be the only way out, and because it is at a disadvantage, it has no initiative.

At that time, whether it is his cooperation with the male protagonist or the Jiang family's cooperation with the male protagonist, the initiative will definitely rest with the male protagonist, which means that he is the biggest beneficiary of this project.

After clarifying the intricate relationship inside, Xu Chenghao was silent. He was thinking, how did the male lead's head grow? He really just listened to the heroine's words and immediately reacted and made a quick judgment... No wonder the hero has the title of a business ghost in the plot, and he accepted it!

Ruan Chenxuan, who didn't get a response for a long time, looked at him sideways: "What does President Xu think?"

"It's good." Xu Chenghao quickly returned to his senses: "But if you want to pull me together, you have to show your sincerity anyway, right?"

Ruan Chenxuan thought for a moment: "I will give you a 5% dividend."

Xu Chenghao half-smiled, "Oh, I wonder how much Mr. Ruan gave when he dug into the wall?"

Ruan Chenxuan paused and looked up at him. Seeing the other party sitting on the sofa looking at him with a half-smile, with a lazy expression, one hand even lingering on the little yellow duck flower pot, it seems that he is not very interested in this cooperation.

The eyes of the two collided in mid-air and quickly separated. For some reason, Ruan Chenxuan finally said the truth: "Six."

Xu Chenghao dragged his voice out, the meaning is unclear.

He calculated the account for the male protagonist in his heart: when Ruan Chenxuan threw an olive branch to the Jiang family, he directly gave in 6 percent in order to succeed in cutting off Hu. Looking at the current situation, the Jiang family is obviously not satisfied with this, and it does not even rule out that there will be a chance to speak out.

And Ruan Chenxuan chooses to cooperate with himself and only needs to pay five percentages to gain a dominant position in the tug-of-war, and even suppress Jiang's elements, which is obviously very cost-effective.

Xu Chenghao was definitely unwilling to do so. He pondered for a moment and said directly: "Eight, I believe this must be lower than the Jiang Group's asking price."

Ruan Chenxuan frowned.

Xu Chenghao: "If you don't want to, forget it. Our Xu Group will lose money. I'd be happy to drag you into the water."

Jing Yicheng next to him glanced at him calmly. It seemed that he was surprised by his ability to open his eyes and talk nonsense.

Xu Chenghao calmly touched the little yellow duck, and the surface was stable.

Ruan Chenxuan finally agreed: "If you let the benefits, I hope President Xu will not enter into any contract with the Jiang family in private."

Xu Chenghao agreed directly: "Of course, our Xu family's reputation is one of the best. If it wasn't for the injustice of the Jiang family, we might not have cooperated."

These words were actually stepping on the Ruan family, Ruan Chenxuan could only smile and did not continue to speak.

The cooperation is over here, the only difference is the contract. As an ace special assistant, Li Nian could play it by hand, so he was sent by Xu Chenghao to the study to write the contract, while they waited outside.

Forty minutes to the result...

Xu Chenghao turned his watch, staring straight at the pepper seedlings in the little yellow duck flowerpot.

Jing Yicheng, who stole the pepper twice in a row, immediately understood his behavior and guessed that the little pepper might have a result, so he leaned slightly and stared at the little yellow duck to wait for the result of the pepper.

Seeing them like this, Ruan Chenxuan felt that he couldn't be left behind, so he also kept an eye on the little yellow duck, guessing whether this pot of small flowers was the little pepper that was widely spread a few days ago.

Thirty minutes left...

Xu Chenghao became more and more nervous, and asked slightly tensing his body, "Aren't you leaving yet?"

Jing Yicheng raised his eyes and looked at it. After confirming that he was talking about himself, he replied, "I won't leave if they don't leave."

Ruan Chenxuan, who was dumped, said calmly, "It's because of my cooperation."

An Rouyu was not in the mood, and did not participate in their topic at all. But she brought her own family tag, and no one asked her.

Xu Chenghao stared at Jing Yicheng for a long time, seeing that the other party was motionless and had no intention of getting up, he could only hold his forehead and sigh, and began to call Li Nian: "Is the contract done!"

Li Nian's voice came from the open study: "Right now!"

Xu Chenghao looked at his watch, there were still twenty-three minutes... If he hadn't had to sign, Xu Chenghao would have wanted to carry the little yellow duck back to the bedroom and locked himself up.

I always feel that a group of people staring at the little yellow duck is dangerous.

In the last ten minutes, Li Nian finally finished printing the contract, sorted out two points and put them on the coffee table for them to sign.

Xu Chenghao was instantly overjoyed, thinking that he would let them leave after signing, and then he would be able to guard the little yellow duck and pick peppers in peace.

Because of his happiness, Xu Chenghao signed a lot more smoothly and completed the contract quickly. When he got up and shook hands with Ruan Chenxuan, he smiled and said, "Mr. Ruan is a pleasure to work with."

"Happy cooperation." After signing, there is no reason to stay. Ruan Chenxuan said consciously: "Since I have already received the contract, I will not disturb President Xu to rest."

Xu Chenghao's smile suddenly became more real: "Since that's the case..." Before he finished his polite words, he heard an ominous voice suddenly coming from his ear.

- "Hey, what is this?"

An Rouyu seemed to have discovered something strange, and suddenly reached out to the little yellow duck, and plucked off a red pepper that was no more than the size of a fingernail.

Xu Chenghao was stunned for half a second, then reacted suddenly: "Give it to me!"

An Rouyu was startled by the roar, and her body automatically assumed a state of protection and ducked back. Xu Chenghao grabbed the empty space, and then reached out to grab An Rouyu's arm, but was stopped by Ruan Chenxuan. She escaped.

The arms of the four suddenly twisted like Chinese knots, resisting and restraining each other. Xu Chenghao was tightly grasped by Ruan Chenxuan and couldn't pull out, and said angrily: "This is my pepper, who will let you pick it! Give it back to me!"

"I..." An Rouyu's eyes reddened from the sudden accusation, and she opened her mouth to explain something. Jing Yicheng next to him squinted slightly, and suddenly pretended to break free and raised his hand suddenly - An Rouyu's elbow was hit and raised up, her entire arm seemed to be dislocated and instantly numb and lost her strength, the pepper in her palm flew out of control, It fell straight into the mouth she wanted to scream in pain, and was swallowed raw.


The author has something to say: congratulations to the heroine for picking up a chili pepper, reward: three days of hot voice.