At this moment, Xu Chenghao's heart was desperate.

He can't wait to rush up to grab An Rouyu's neck, and force the pepper out of her throat! I can't wait to give her the second kiss from the little yellow duck! I can't wait to die with her! !

He jerked away his entangled arms, and the anger erupted instantly: "An Rouyu, who allowed you to pick peppers? Are you polite? Do you know that other people's things can't be touched casually? Did I teach you?!"

An Rouyu was so choked that she couldn't say a word. She covered her throat with her hands and kept coughing, tears streaming down her face.

Xu Chenghao was furious, if it wasn't for the sake of her being a woman, he might have actually started: "You better not appear in front of me in the future, get out of my way!!"

Ruan Chenxuan looked at him in surprise. In fact, before that, he had guessed that the reason why Xu Chenghao liked pepper seedlings so much was because An Rouyu gave them away. Now it seems ridiculous.

In Xu Chenghao's mind, this pepper is much more important than An Rouyu.

And it is very likely that the two will feud over the eaten pepper.

Seeing that the scene was about to get out of control, Li Nian quickly recovered and came out to calm down the situation: "Since the contract has been signed, please ask Mr. Ruan to take Miss An to leave quickly. I hope Miss An will remember that you can pick whatever you want before. Things, you may not be messing around with you now, so you can do it yourself."

An Rouyu looked at Li Nian resentfully, her mouth moved silently, but she only made a few hoarse voices when she wanted to say something.

Li Nian sounded like he was scolding himself as a vixen. He thought he had heard it wrong, so he ignored it and said to another person, "Mr. Jing, please leave first."

Jing Yicheng nodded silently, followed An Rouyu and Ruan Chenxuan out and left.

Until now, Jing Yicheng was completely sure from the other party's reaction that whether it was the peppers or the little yellow duck flowerpot had nothing to do with An Rouyu. Even...because of this chili pepper, they will no longer be related in the future.

It's a delightful thing to do.

Jing Yicheng maintained a good mood and ignored the two people on the other side. As soon as the elevator arrived, he walked out of the floor and walked to the place where he had parked.


A basin of cold water suddenly fell from the sky and poured his head on Jing Yicheng's body, turning him from an elegant gentleman to chicken soup in an instant, and he was in a state of embarrassment.

Jing Yicheng wiped his face, looked upstairs, saw a small head sticking out of a window on a certain floor, and said angrily, "Don't think I didn't know you did it on purpose!"

Jing Yicheng: "..."


However, the means of revenge are still childish and cute.

Jing Yicheng waved off the clothes handed over by the bodyguard and shouted to the upstairs: "There are two old accounts of chili peppers, come again!"

Xu Chenghao, who was lying on the window: "???" This person is really a lunatic!

Li Nian was still coaxing from behind: "Don't be angry, it's really not good, I'll accompany you to have a drink, why bother with this kind of **** with an unusual head, right?"

"No, go get me some water!" Xu Chenghao couldn't stand the grievance and rushed into the bathroom dragging the bucket.

Li Nian reluctantly followed behind to help, and then carried the bucket together and poured water out the window.

Jing Yicheng didn't actually leave, so he let them toss and splash three times before calling and asking with a smile, "Are you relieved?"

Xu Chenghao said angrily: "No, Jing Yicheng, I told you that the public is public and private, and we can cooperate does not mean that I forgive you. Now the new hatred adds to the old hatred, I will not share with you!"

Jing Yicheng sighed: "Tonight I was impulsive. I'm sorry I chose to test it out of suspicion. I actually just wanted to be your friend..."

Xu Chenghao choked: "Haha, I can't afford your friend!"

Jing Yicheng: "It doesn't matter, both enemies and friends can exist."

Xu Chenghao: " are simply unreasonable!"

Jing Yicheng: "But I believe you can understand me."

"Who the **** understands you, let you @#'s fart¥%¥" Xu Chenghao finally couldn't help but swear, he scolded his phone and hung up the phone with a snap, almost exploding.

At this moment, Xu Chenghao can finally understand what kind of grass and mud horse's mood the heroine is staring at in the plot of the original novel.

The other party is a lunatic who can't communicate and only lives in his own world! Whoever is targeted by him is unlucky! Blood mold for eight lifetimes! !

"Don't be angry, don't be angry... Walk around, go in for a few drinks, and I'll order takeout if you want to eat." Li Nian pushed him into the living room, took out some snacks and beer, and prepared to enlighten him.

"I'm fine." Xu Chenghao said blankly: "This is not the first time this has happened, I can bear it, I'm just a little bit angry."

Li Nian asked, "Then what are you going to do?"

Xu Chenghao gritted his teeth and said, "Isn't he going to lead the team to participate in the project tomorrow? At that time, he will prepare perverted and spicy food for him three meals a day, and I will make him eat his stomach piercing!"

Li Nian: "Good idea...Come here, drink a drink to suppress the shock."

Xu Chenghao took a sip of the cold beer and frowned, "I just caught a cold..."

Li Nian: "Then you replace the wine with tea?"

Xu Chenghao: "Forget it, it's better to drink Sprite."

After chatting so slowly for more than an hour, Xu Chenghao's mood finally stabilized and he was ready to wash up and sleep.

Li Nian couldn't drive after drinking, and slept in the side bed, snoring loudly.

Xu Chenghao changed his pajamas and wandered in the living room drunkenly for a while, before he remembered that he had to replant the little yellow duck with chili seeds and water the large flowerpot on the balcony.

The little yellow duck was still cute with big eyes and mouth, Xu Chenghao stared at it for a long time, sighed faintly, and walked to the balcony with the kettle to prepare for watering.

Xu Chenghao opened the door and walked in the direction of the big flower pot as usual, but after taking a few steps, he was frozen in place as if he had hit a ghost: "Lying, lying..."

He thinks that he may be drunk, otherwise how can he see the bright red color of the harvest in the big flowerpot that has never been harvested? ? Must be drunk! right! Must be an illusion!

Xu Chenghao rushed back to the bathroom to wash his face with cold water, making sure that he was really awake, and after he could even tell the difference between one finger and four fingers, he took the kettle and walked to the balcony again.

When the balcony door was opened, the bright red color was like fireworks during the New Year, and it exploded in front of him in an instant. His red head was dazed, and he dared to walk over after a long time.

He, African Emirates, counterattacked! !

Although Xu Chenghao didn't understand why the peppers in these large flowerpots came out earlier, but he was happy when there were peppers, he picked and counted with his clothes: "1, 2, 3, 4... 12, 13, 14 , 15... There are actually 15! Damn! 15! 15!"

He was a non-chief, not only counterattacked, but also smuggled into Europe!

Damn, is this what it's like to be European? So happy QAQ

Xu Chenghao was happy and excited with the chili pepper in his pocket. He was so angry when he lost the third chili pepper before, and now he is so happy to smuggle to Europe. The taste of what was lost and found was so good that he couldn't help drinking and laughing wildly.

Xu Chenghao: System system, I have completed the task!

[Ding - Little Pepper Harvest Expert is online! 】

As soon as the sound of the system appeared in his head, Xu Chenghao felt that his hands were empty, and all the little peppers disappeared.

[Ding - The detection is successful, the small pepper task is over-completed, but the cumulative number is still calculated according to the number of tasks. Your current cumulative number of peppers is 1/50000000, please make persistent efforts. 】

[Ding-Little Pepper task reward is online, because you overcompleted the task within the specified time, as a quantity compensation and completion reward, you will be awarded an excellent award and get a 'Golden Finger Gift Pack'. 】

[Ding - Little Pepper Mission 1.0 is completed, and the automatic upgrade will enter the mission cooling time, and the time limit is one week. 】

After the news one after another flashed through his mind, Xu Chenghao's head, which had been slow for a while because of drunkenness, finally reacted and began to check one by one.

The first one... well, it's done, but there's still 49,999,999 chili peppers to go.

The second...Goldfinger gift package? Xu Chenghao tentatively opened the big gift bag, and saw a glowing purple halo suddenly fell out and disappeared on top of his head.

Xu Chenghao suddenly became excited, and when he was trying to guess what kind of lucky halo or the protagonist halo it was, he saw the instruction booklet on the gift bag - the **** king halo, whether you have it, whether you are a bisexual or a same-sex, will bow down to you. under the suit pants!

Xu Chenghao: ...what is this all about! System you give me out! !

[Ding——Does the host need me to answer anything? 】

Xu Chenghao: Why give me such a halo? ? ?

[Ding - The host said that he likes men. Our system will give you the most needed rewards in a humane way. You're welcome. 】

Xu Chenghao: …………

[Ding——Is there anything else the host needs me to answer? 】

Xu Chenghao temporarily gave up the halo question and asked: I want to know why the results of the peppers for the third time are different from the previous ones, and why are the results of the peppers I planted in the big flowerpot so much earlier?

[Ding——According to the test, all the characters in the plot were present when the third pepper was produced. Affected by the halo of Mary Sue, the growth was accelerated to obtain results. The same goes for large pots. 】

Xu Chenghao was shocked: Does this function still exist in the presence of plot characters?

[Ding——The result rate of pepper seeds is from low to high, the higher the result rate, the more output, the lower the result rate, the lower the output, but at the same time, the lower the result rate, the more it can trigger the influence of Mary Sue's halo, and the higher the result rate the less affected. 】

Xu Chenghao: What the hell...then what triggered it tonight?

[Ding——According to the detection, you have triggered the influence of Mary Sue's halo, such as 'the heroine suffers the most sadistic love' and 'the villain is crazy and no one understands it'. 】

Xu Chenghao:  …

Although I don't really want to say it, but it was Jing Yicheng's credit for being able to smuggle into Europe tonight? !

The author has something to say: Little Pepper 1.0 completed √