With a ding sound, the elevator slowly opened.

Xu Chenghao took the lead out of the elevator with the little yellow duck in his arms, with happiness written all over his face.

Jing Yicheng walked out after him, with his hands in his pockets and his expression calm. If it wasn't for a clear red mark printed on his clean head, he really wouldn't have seen any violence in the elevator.

Jing Yicheng: "The quality of the flower pot is good."

Xu Chenghao's lips curved uncontrollably, "Of course."

Jing Yicheng asked, "Are you relieved now?"

Xu Chenghao instantly retracted his smile and sneered: "You want to be beautiful!"

Jing Yicheng pointed to his head: "I'm still angry when I let you knock?"

Xu Chenghao said confidently: "You asked me to knock that, does it have anything to do with me being angry or not?!"

Jing Yicheng: "..."

He was speechless.

Seeing that the other party had walked to the side of the car and would leave at any time, Jing Yicheng suddenly suggested: "Then let's calm down again?"

Xu Chenghao stopped in his steps and looked at his forehead quite heartily.

Jing Yicheng leaned over slightly, so that their eyes were parallel, and it also allowed the other party to "aggress" better: "This time, I will really lose my breath."

Xu Chenghao felt itchy when he saw his head, touched the little yellow duck in his hand, and suddenly asked, "Why do you have to let me down?"

Jing Yicheng said seriously: "Because I want to be your friend."

Xu Chenghao continued to ask: "Then why do you insist on being my friend?"

Jing Yicheng: "Because only we know each other and cherish each other."

Xu Chenghao originally wanted to discuss with him seriously, but when he heard it, he finally started to turn his face: "Who knows how to cherish each other with you... Let's not say anything else, did I tell you that chili peppers are very important to me? You See how you and I know how to sympathize with each other? I think you clearly want to die with me, right?!"

Jing Yicheng was speechless again.

He was really impulsive yesterday, and wanted to take this opportunity to test whether the other party said the truth before.

Years of reckless behavior made him completely ignore other people's feelings, and react directly to whatever flashed in his head, so much so that now when he thinks back, he feels that he is too much and can't justify it at all.

Seeing that he stopped talking, Xu Chenghao was worried that the other party would tear his face due to embarrassment. Considering that his current strength was still in the development stage and could not compete, he began to find a way for him to go down: "You are probably used to being alone, and you are not even good at social skills. I started to degenerate, I don't know how to get along with people or make friends... It's not a big problem, but it depends on whether you want to change."

"I will try my best to change, and I hope our relationship can get along well and become friends." Jing Yicheng was still talking in human words, but he ran to Nantianmen as soon as the conversation changed.

"I heard that making friends is a little bit of running-in. At present, our cooperation has just started, and there is still a period of time before the end of the project. If we can successfully run-in during this period, we will be friends. If the running-in fails, maybe we are not suitable to be friends. be the enemy."

"What?" Xu Chenghao's black question mark face.

Jing Yicheng explained calmly: "There are only three kinds of people in my world, irrelevant, hostile, and caring... I'm looking forward to who you will become to me after the project ends."

Xu Chenghao: "..."

He would love to be a passerby! God is either a friend or an enemy! Isn't this really threatening him? !

A neurosis is a neurosis, and even if I reason with him, I feel like I'm just wasting my words on the ox! !

Xu Chenghao was angry like a puffer fish, and the good mood he had just knocked on his head was all gone. He felt that he was an idiot chatting with the villain, and he opened the door and got in the car, without even wanting to look at the other party.

If he chats with the villain in the future, he will be a fool! !

... No, he still has to test the effect of Mary Sue's halo.

Xu Chenghao: "..."

He wanted to be quiet.

When he got home, the nanny had already prepared dinner and put a paper bag on the sofa to remind him, "This is Mr. Li's clothes that he changed the day before yesterday. It has been washed and ironed. You can just bring it to him tomorrow. ."

Xu Chenghao said gracefully and slowly ate dinner.

The nanny said, "then you can eat first, and I'll clean up tomorrow. I'll go first."

Xu Chenghao: "Okay, walk slowly."

"Hey, good."

As soon as the door opened and closed, only Xu Chenghao was left. The sudden clean feeling around Xu Chenghao gradually eased his tense nerves. His brain, after relying on coffee for a day, became more and more sleepy, and he wanted to close his eyes to eat.

When he finally finished eating, washed and changed into pajamas, Xu Chenghao couldn't wait to threw himself on the bed and rolled, surrounded by the soft duvet, and was about to sleep comfortably when the phone suddenly rang.

It's Ruan Chenxuan's.

Xu Chenghao answered the phone impatiently: "Hello? Is there anything wrong with Mr. Ruan?"

Ruan Chenxuan: "I mainly want to ask President Xu, how do you plan to arrange our cooperation?"

Xu Chenghao put the phone beside the pillow, closed his eyes, and said casually, "It seems that President Ruan has another idea?"

Ruan Chenxuan: "Indeed, but my plan needs the cooperation of President Xu to complete it, so I also hope that President Xu can take the time to interview me."

Xu Chenghao: "Well..."

Ruan Chenxuan: "When will you have time, Mr. Xu?"

Xu Chenghao: "Tomorrow..."

Ruan Chenxuan: "Is it alright in the morning?"

Xu Chenghao: "Yes..."

Ruan Chenxuan: "What time is it convenient for you?"

Xu Chenghao: "..."

Ruan Chenxuan: "President Xu???"

The phone was quiet, with only the sound of breathing recorded as he approached, it was obvious that Xu Chenghao had fallen asleep and could not give him any response.

Ruan Chenxuan shouted a few times and wondered if the other party was asleep, so he could only hang up the phone helplessly, and sent a message to the other party again explaining that he was going to visit at ten o'clock tomorrow morning - he was worried that the other party would not remember when he woke up, so he still sent a message Insurance.

But... Xu Chenghao actually fell asleep while talking on the phone, how sleepy he is...

Ruan Chenxuan felt a little funny for some reason. He looked at the contract that was placed in his hand, and said to his assistant, "Give me time. I will go to the Xu Group to negotiate in person tomorrow."

Assistant: "Okay."


A good night's dream.

Facts have proved that Ruan Chenxuan's final choice to send a message was the correct choice. Because when Xu Chenghao woke up, he didn't remember that he ever answered the phone. If he didn't find the text message while brushing his teeth while playing on his mobile phone, he would have really ignored it.

Are you coming for an interview at 10 o'clock... Xu Chenghao brushed his teeth while thinking about the opinions the male protagonist might make. Now, because the three of them are involved in the project and also suppress each other, as long as someone cooperates, one of them will definitely suffer.

The Xu family was in a disadvantaged position before, but Ruan Chenxuan was not much better because the initiative was in the hands of the Jiang family.

But now, after Ruan Chenxuan's change of strategy, once the two of them conspired, they changed positions with the Jiang family and held the power in their hands, which greatly weakened the Jiang family's exploitation.

The male protagonist probably wants him to drag the Jiang family so that he can lower the price with the Jiang family.

Xu Chenghao put his mobile phone in his trousers pocket to rinse his mouth, and wondered if he could go to the company to discuss with Li Nian later, if he could deduct a few percentage points.

Had breakfast and drove to work. Xu Chenghao, who was full of food and sleep, was very full of energy. Compared with yesterday, it was like heaven and earth. Even Li Nian praised his spirit when he saw him.

Xu Chenghao said, "As long as you don't have a hangover, you must be in good spirits... By the way, these are your clothes, here!"

Li Nian picked up the paper bag, pulled it and looked at it: "Have you washed it... oh, washed it, thank auntie for me."

Xu Chenghao: "Thanks are not as good as red envelopes."

Li Nian: "Can I wash the rest of my clothes with the red envelope?"

Xu Chenghao: "Fuck you."

The two walked to the office while chatting, completely unaware that someone was watching them silently behind them.

Jing Yicheng: "..."

He was thinking about why Xu Chenghao had Li Nian's clothes, and they were washed from his house... It was a bit strange, but he couldn't tell.

Under what circumstances did you change your clothes...and they were washed...

Are all good friends like this?

Still weird.

Jing Yicheng frowned slightly, thinking about this matter when he entered the conference room.

However, when the people got together and officially started work, Jing Yicheng didn't have so much time to think about other things.

Because today is still a heavy work day, Xu Chenghao will automatically cast aside his personal grievances and drag Jing Yicheng to work together at this time, and show a state of great trust.

Jing Yicheng can also follow Xu Chenghao's attitude changes to make a perfect transition, work hard when it's time to work hard, and ease the relationship when it's time to ease the relationship.

After being busy for nearly two hours since going to work, Xu Chenghao suddenly got up and said, "Jing Yicheng, please stare here first, and Li Nian and I will go upstairs."

Their project team is arranged on the seventh floor of the Xu Group's office building, while Xu Chenghao's office building is on the sixteenth floor. Every time they talk about it, they basically solve the problems of the Xu Group.

Jing Yicheng nodded in agreement, but did not look away from the plan.

Until the employee who came with him came over and said, "Boss, President Xu seems to be Ruan Chenxuan."

Jing Yicheng's hand that turned the pen suddenly stopped, and he turned his head and asked, "Go upstairs?"

Employee: "Yes."

Jing Yicheng was quiet for two seconds before he said, "I see, let's go."

The employee nodded silently, pretended to have finished reporting the matter, packed up the documents, got up and left.

Jing Yicheng sat in the seat with a calm expression and drank coffee, speculating in his heart what Ruan Chenxuan's purpose was.

If I guessed correctly, it should be because of the contract signed on the spot the night before. I just didn't expect the other party to come to the door to discuss in person, and I don't know whether they value this cooperation or the Xu Group.

What made Jing Yicheng more concerned was Xu Chenghao's attitude - the other party knew that Ruan Chenxuan had made crooked ideas about the Xu family, but he could still cooperate with him without any grudges. Cooperating with him with a contract of 1.5 billion, he did not give himself a good look.

The difference is always found in the comparison. The more Jing Yicheng compares himself with Ruan Chenxuan, the more he feels like he can't compare to the other.

In the past, he always felt that Ruan Chenxuan's relationship with him was not good, but his relationship with Xu Chenghao was also not good, so it shouldn't be a problem. Now that I think about the crime of having three more peppers than the other party, Ruan Chenxuan has at most one crime that has not been carried out by the Jiang Group, and he must be more disgusting than Ruan Chenxuan.

Maybe Xu Chenghao prefers to cooperate with Ruan Chenxuan, maybe they get along very happily, maybe they will eventually become good friends because of the cooperation...

Jing Yicheng slammed the coffee cup on the table, got up and left the conference room, he decided to go and see the scene himself!