in the president's office.

In fact, Xu Chenghao's relationship with Ruan Chenxuan was not as enthusiastic as someone's brain, and even cold and businesslike.

Ruan Chenxuan opened his mouth and went straight to the topic: "Has the Jiang Group contacted you recently?"

Biaoxi is Li Nian's job, and he immediately replied, "I called yesterday."

Ruan Chenxuan stared at him, but Li Nian smiled slightly and did not continue.

Ruan Chenxuan was silent for two seconds, and said calmly: "Recently, the Jiang family has been exploring and putting pressure on me. It is normal to contact you. I only hope that President Xu can abide by the contract and will not reach an agreement with the Jiang family before the project is signed. any treaty."

Xu Chenghao leaned on the back of the chair and smiled lightly: "Of course, I said that our Xu family's credit value is very high."

Ruan Chenxuan, who was digging, countering the water, and having a negative credit score, could only laugh it off and refer back to the topic: "At present, the Jiang family dares to speak up, which means that he has not yet discovered our cooperation. I also want to discuss with President Xu this time. Discuss about lowering prices."

Xu Chenghao: "I would like to hear the details."

Ruan Chenxuan: "Our current position has absolute dominance. In the early stage, the Jiang family can charge sky-high prices. In the later stage, we can naturally retaliate with the way of others, oppress him in the opposite direction, and lower the distribution."

"What I hope is that Mr. Xu can cooperate with my plan and help hold back the Jiang family in the early stage. It only takes half a month. When the time is up, I will stop and reject the Jiang family because the asking price is too high... I believe this is a very good reason. Fully, no one will accuse the Xu family."

Xu Chenghao: "This is a fact, not a reason."

Ruan Chenxuan also agreed: "Indeed, if the Jiang family hadn't been anxious to eat one bite and become fat, they wouldn't have faced such a situation."

Xu Chenghao pointed at the table, "Then what will Ruan always do to the Jiang family? If the price is too low, the cooperation will not be completed in the future, right?"

Ruan Chenxuan: "Naturally, I only need to weaken the original price, mainly to kill the prestige."

Xu Chenghao continued to ask: "Oh? How much will that weaken?"

Ruan Chenxuan was quiet for two seconds, as if he understood the meaning of his question, and asked, "What does President Xu think?"

Xu Chenghao said calmly: "In the end, it's more profitable than before. It's pity that our Xu family has been busy for a long time, but in the end it still suffered a serious loss."

Ruan Chenxuan raised the contract in Yang's hand: "Our contract mentioned that once the Ruan family and the Jiang family cooperate successfully, you will receive 8% of the dividends."

Xu Chenghao: "A drop in the bucket."

Ruan Chenxuan's eyes turned cold: "I want to ask President Xu to recognize, if we don't cooperate, the Xu family may suffer more losses."

Xu Chenghao was always calm: "I also want to ask Mr. Ruan to recognize that we are mutually beneficial. If you don't cooperate, you won't be much better!"

Ruan Chenxuan: "President Xu is joking. In comparison, our Ruan family is obviously much better off than the Xu family. You should be more concerned about this contract."

Xu Chenghao: "Mr. Ruan is joking. Although you seem to be in a much better situation, our Xu family can get out of it, can you?"

Ruan Chenxuan paused. The answer is of course impossible. This disadvantage has existed since the day he wanted to cut his beard.

Xu Chenghao sat up straight, folded his hands on the table, and said seriously: "In fact, what I want to remind President Ruan most is that the Jiang family is now imprisoned because he is desperate for money, but the initiator of the current situation is clearly you!"

"So, for the loss of our Xu family, who else can you pay for it?"

Ruan Chenxuan stared at him for a while, then sneered: "Mr. Xu is really amazing, I used to underestimate you."

Xu Chenghao held his chin and smiled: "How can Mr. Ruan have a strong business sense, isn't it still you who make a lot of money?"

Ruan Chenxuan: "How much does President Xu want?"

Xu Chenghao glanced at the contract on the table, and said lightly: "Since our contract has been established, we don't need to change it. President Ruan can directly give me 30% of the profit obtained by lowering the price."

Ruan Chenxuan pondered for a moment, nodded and said, "Yes, but I hope this is the last contract."

Xu Chenghao: "Of course."

Li Nian stood up consciously: "I'm going to prepare the contract, please wait." After saying that, he turned around and left the office.

Xu Chenghao watched him leave, and just as he was about to look away, a familiar figure suddenly appeared on the door and window of the office!

Jing Yicheng? ? ?

Xu Chenghao thought that he was dazzled, and he glanced at it calmly, only to be sure that the guy standing at the door watching secretly was really Jing Yicheng!

What the **** are you doing! Did he walk up to the office in such an upright manner, did he want to tell Ruan Chenxuan directly about their cooperation? ? ?

Heck, he hasn't signed the second contract he finally got! !

Xu Chenghao was angry and speechless. He wanted to rush out and kick him to death. On the surface, he had to pretend to be calm and quietly send him a message.

Xu Chenghao: "What are you doing outside the office! Hurry back!"

Jing Yicheng replied quickly: "What are you talking about? Why did you sign the contract again?"

Xu Chenghao: "...Does it have anything to do with you?"

Jing Yicheng: "Yes, after all, the original reason for our cooperation was because of him."

This reason is very good, Xu Chenghao hesitated for a second, and then sent a message to tell him: "It's still a matter of Jiang's project that I cooperate with him, do you understand?"

At present, under the joint cover of Xu Chenghao and Jing Yicheng, only the two of them know that the project has been carried out. Xu Chenghao said this is equivalent to directly telling Jing Yicheng that he is using the Jiang family project to harass Ruan Chenxuan.

Jing Yicheng was very satisfied with this answer, "I trust you once."

Xu Chenghao: "Leave as soon as you believe it! When you find out, you compensate me for the loss!"

Jing Yicheng: "I won't be found out."

Xu Chenghao: "..."

Jing Yicheng: "If I'm really found out, I can pay for it."

Xu Chenghao: "..."

He silently lowered his head and rubbed his brows, trying to restrain the emotion of wanting to scold him - Jing Yicheng really didn't give up if he didn't give up! What a **** scourge! Do you think you are the head teacher? What a secret observation!

Ruan Chenxuan saw him rubbing his brows for a while, and hesitantly said, "If President Xu is not feeling well, we can sign again in the afternoon."

"No need." Xu Chenghao raised his head again and regained his composure. He said calmly, "When you habitually pinch your brows, your head will feel more comfortable."

Ruan Chenxuan: "It turned out to be like this, I thought it was because I didn't rest well last night."

Xu Chenghao touched his nose embarrassedly: "Sorry to say, did you call me last night?"

Ruan Chenxuan nodded, "Yes, Mr. Xu fell asleep at the time, so I sent text messages instead."

Xu Chenghao: "It's fortunate that you sent a text message, otherwise I wouldn't remember answering the phone at all."

Ruan Chenxuan's expression was dyed with a smile: "Mr. Xu also works too **** weekdays."

"We are each other."

Once they got out of business, the atmosphere between the two instantly eased, which seemed to be a bit of a talk and laugh.

Then Xu Chenghao's phone vibrated - "You smiled at him!!"

Xu Chenghao's smile froze, and he gritted his teeth and said, "It's none of your business!"

Jing Yicheng: "At least we are tentative friends, he is an enemy, but your attitude towards him is clearly better than towards me!"

Xu Chenghao: "They gave me money, can I still cry to him?"

Jing Yicheng: "My 1.5 billion contract, he can't catch up with a fraction of it. It's too obvious for you to treat it differently, right?"

Xu Chenghao: "He didn't eat my peppers, what about you?!"

Jing Yicheng: "..."

The world is silent for a moment.

Xu Chenghao couldn't help slamming the phone on the table, and the sound of the impact made Ruan Chenxuan look at it for a while.

Xu Chenghao said blankly, "Sorry for the rudeness."

Ruan Chenxuan shook his head: "It's okay."

Xu Chenghao didn't explain why, just dragged the little yellow duck on the table and hugged him, trying to use the little yellow duck to relieve the mental trauma caused by a lunatic.

He is really worried now that he will be **** to death by Jing Yicheng one day!

Damn mental retardation!

Just as he was sulking alone, Ruan Chenxuan who was sitting opposite suddenly sat up straight and said in surprise, "Your potted plants seem to have peppers."

Xu Chenghao was also stunned for a moment, and looked down to see that there was actually a chili pepper on the green chili seedlings that had just been green, and the red chili peppers were hanging brightly on it.

Xu Chenghao sat up suddenly: System system, did I just trigger the halo?

[Ding - After testing, the auras you have triggered include 'The male protagonist suffers first from cadence and frustration', 'The spare tire is the most embarrassed when he becomes angry', and 'The villain fights against the dark hatred']

Xu Chenghao: ... there is still my role.

Although it doesn't look like a good halo.

Xu Chenghao helplessly rubbed his brows, raised his hand and took off the chili peppers. Considering that he had a cold throat and that a chili pepper could not do anything, he gave the chili peppers to the male protagonist and smiled, "I will give you a souvenir for the two collaborations."

Ruan Chenxuan was very surprised: "Give it to me?"

The other day when An Rouyu ate the chili peppers, the angry look of the other party was still vivid in his mind.

Xu Chenghao said: "Yes, this also represents the sincerity of my cooperation——"

Before he could finish speaking, the closed wooden door of the office was suddenly kicked open, making a loud crashing sound.

The two people in the office looked back at the same time, and saw Jing Yicheng walk in with his hands in his pockets, glanced at the chili in Ruan Chenxuan's hand, and raised a sneer: "What did you say before? Didn't eat chili?"

Xu Chenghao: "..."

Suddenly guilty.

The author has something to say: Jing Yicheng: Exploding in place!

Xu Chenghao: Should I take back what I said earlier, or should I take Chili?

Ruan Chenxuan: Who am I, where am I?