Jing Yicheng's eyes flashed with anger, his fingers tapped on the table, and he said word by word, "Speak!"

Xu Chenghao coughed lightly: "What I am willing to give is different from what I take away."

Jing Yicheng: "So you just want to cooperate with him, don't you?"

Xu Chenghao gave him a slightly threatening look, as if to remind him not to reveal the cooperation, and said indifferently: "I only see interests and not others."

Jing Yicheng: "Okay, I'll work with you and give me the peppers!"

Ruan Chenxuan, who had been fighting beside him, his face suddenly sank: "What does Mr. Jing mean? It would be too much to cut Hu in front of me!"

Jing Yicheng didn't look at him at all, just stared at Xu Chenghao and said, "I can tell you responsibly, my strength is stronger than the Ruan Group, and I am your most suitable partner!"

Ruan Chenxuan frowned: "The contract is coming soon, I believe that a person like President Xu who pays attention to credibility should not regret it on the spot!"

Jing Yicheng turned his head and gave him a cold look: "People like you have the guts to say such things."

Ruan Chenxuan sneered: "each other."

The two confronted each other, and the sparks when they faced each other were actually more intense than the sparks between Xu Chenghao and Ruan Chenxuan during the previous negotiation. If it was said that the sword was hidden in the smile before, then now the two are almost ready to fight.

Jing Yicheng is very concerned about the pepper problem. He found the same situation as Xu Chenghao because of the first chili pepper, and because of the three chili pepper charges, he could not be friends with him until now. Standing on the dividing line between confrontation and side by side, he would fall to the dangerous side at any time.

But Ruan Chenxuan was concerned about the contract issue. He is very aware of Jing Yicheng's strength, and naturally also understands that if Jing Yicheng intervenes, then the situation will definitely not be that he has the initiative, and may even undergo earth-shaking changes that are not conducive to the Ruan family, so he must stop and protect it. This represents sincere chili!

- The pepper that makes Xu Chenghao and Jing Yicheng nervous, must be a good thing!

Following this idea, Ruan Chenxuan would never give it to Jing Yicheng even if he was holding ordinary chili peppers!

The two stared at each other for a moment, then suddenly turned to look at Xu Chenghao together.

"you choose!"

"President Xu!"

Xu Chenghao looked at all this in a dazed and dazed way, completely unaware of what they were thinking, and how they ended up like this.

Do you really want to know why the villain is here? Doubt, doubt? !

There are also villains... This contract is related to the Jiang family project. I told you that you also know there are pitfalls, but you still post it! Are you stupid!

No matter how much I complained in my heart, Xu Chenghao was still very happy to see this scene. He said solemnly: "Mr. Ruan, don't be impatient. I will sign the contract. This time, there is nothing to do with Mr. Jing. Mr. Jing should not force it."

Jing Yicheng slammed his fist on the table and said angrily, "You really are..."

"Enough!" Xu Chenghao interrupted him in shock, worried that this madman could shout anything when he was angry, and said coldly, "Mr. Jing, you better see who you are! Who let you in!"

Jing Yicheng: "I can go there wherever I want!"

Xu Chenghao: "To make trouble without reason!"

Jing Yicheng sneered: "I am the rationale myself!"

Xu Chenghao was so angry that he was speechless, unable to reason with the madman at all.

Ruan Chenxuan, who was next to him, curled his lips, and was very happy to see the situation where the two of them were enemies.

The three of them were at a stalemate, when they were suddenly interrupted by an exclamation: "Who the **** is this wicked, he took down the door, he's crazy!"

When Li Nian came back with the document in his hand, he saw the crooked wooden door from a distance: "Mom, is this a kick? What the hell..."

The more he looked, the more surprised Li Nian wanted to say. When he turned around and saw that the three people in the office were staring at him, he immediately said with a squib: "…"

Most afraid of the air suddenly quiet.

Xu Chenghao coughed lightly and took the initiative to break the silence: "Bring the contract here first."

Li Nian honestly handed over the contract, shrinking behind Xu Chenghao and not daring to say a word.

The contract was divided into two parts. Ruan Chenxuan signed it after confirming that there was no problem, and kept them separately. When the last step was completed, Ruan Chenxuan took the contract and Chili looked at Jing Yicheng proudly, got up and left.

Xu Chenghao motioned for Li Nian to send him off, while he sat in the seat and raised his chin to motion Jing Yicheng to sit down, ready to have a good chat with him.

Jing Yicheng was sitting opposite him, and Ruan Chenxuan was so angry that he was black-faced.

Xu Chenghao rested his elbows on the armrest and looked at him with his chin on his back. He said helplessly, "You're too embarrassed to be angry? If Ruan Chenxuan didn't suspect that you might have messed with me."

Jing Yicheng: "Why can't I be angry? The reason why we cooperated at the beginning was because he wanted to attack the Xu Group. Now you suddenly cooperate and it's still twice. You put me there?"

Xu Chenghao was even more helpless: "But you know that the Jiang family's project is a pretense, and my cooperation with him is all to deceive him. The purpose is to suppress his crooked ideas about the Xu family."

"I don't believe it!" Jing Yicheng pointed to the little yellow duck on the table and said, "I don't need to tell you how much you care about chili peppers? I've been hated by you because of three chili peppers. What did you just do? You gave him the chili, which means sincerity! How did you treat me when I cooperated with you? You made our mark!"

Originally, Xu Chenghao wanted to chat with him quite seriously, but in the end he couldn't help but burst into laughter. It's fine if you don't compare it, this comparison to Jing Yicheng is really miserable hahaha.

Jing Yicheng's face turned darker: "Are you still smiling?"

Xu Chenghao: "Hahahahaha."

Jing Yicheng: "…"

Jing Yicheng felt that his temper was getting better and better, and it was really strange that he didn't want to draw a gun after all this.

Xu Chenghao laughed enough before continuing: "I'm still saying that, robbing is different from giving, don't you allow me to beat you up when you rob me? As long as you have Ruan Chenxuan's three-point gentleman, you will not be so miserable! "

"Especially, do you know what you hate the most? I won't say anything about the first two chili peppers, but isn't it too much for you the third time? I know that chili peppers are very important to me and still play tricks, I am now I can be calm and chat with you because I have a good temper, and you still have the face to compare with others here, think about where you are wrong!"

The third pepper is the most difficult chasm between the two of them to cross, and it is also the place where Jing Yicheng makes a loss every time he mentions it and cannot refute it at all.

Jing Yicheng could only admit it: "Okay, that's my fault... But you have to explain to me why you gave him the pepper."

Xu Chenghao thought about his words: "How can I describe it to you... It's just that my chili seed was provided by a friend. As a reward, I have to return the fruit to him."

Jing Yicheng said subconsciously, "Research experiments?"

"Yes." Xu Chenghao continued logically, "So during the period of time he was recovering the results, I had to plant chili peppers to complete the test tasks he gave him, but he would also rest, so during his rest time, chili peppers were If it's not expensive, I can do whatever I want, understand?"

Jing Yicheng nodded: "I understand, but I still don't understand why you gave chili peppers to Ruan Chenxuan, even if it's not valuable, according to your relationship... If you don't hate it, it's not a close gift, right?"

Xu Chenghao took a sip of tea slowly: "Why are you so brooding."

Jing Yicheng said subconsciously, "Because I don't think he's happy."

In the plot, they are mortal enemies, and it is common to see each other unhappy. Xu Chenghao understood it, put down the teacup and explained, "I just can't eat chili because I have a cold. You know what's going on with your throat. I'll give it to him just because he's here."

Jing Yicheng rolled his Adam's apple subconsciously. In fact, his throat was still a little uncomfortable until now.

But he still didn't want to give the pepper to Ruan Chenxuan!

So he insisted: "I have a good voice!"

Xu Chenghao was speechless: "Are you sure you didn't take lozenges in the morning?"

Jing Yicheng: "…"

Xu Chenghao looked at him and sighed helplessly: "...Okay, if there is more time left next time, I'll leave it to you. Hurry up and get busy."

Jing Yicheng: "You said it!"

"I said it." Xu Chenghao waved his hand to signal him to leave quickly. He now has a headache when he sees the other party.

After getting a positive answer, Jing Yicheng was finally satisfied and got up and left the office.

Xu Chenghao sighed, flipped through the documents to make sure they were all right, locked them in the drawer, and took the time to dispose of the documents piled up on the table.

When Li Nian, who had not seen anyone for a long time, reappeared, there were a few people behind him. After shouting "Mr. Xu," he began to repair the door crackling, making Xu Chenghao so noisy that he couldn't work at all.

Many people are powerful, and a few people took ten minutes to restore the crooked door frame to its original position, repair it to its original shape, and then leave quickly and neatly.

Xu Chenghao reminded Li Nian: "The money for repairing the door is counted on Jing Yicheng's head."

Li Nian immediately took out his small notebook and wrote it down: "Okay."

"By the way, Mr. Xu, when I just sent Ruan Chenxuan to leave, he said, 'It turns out that the company needs to punch in and out.' I guess he began to doubt why Jing Yicheng appeared."

Xu Chenghao pointed his finger at the table: "As expected. He just didn't react at first. If he calms down and can't find out that he is not Ruan Chenxuan."

Li Nian: "Then we now...?"

Xu Chenghao: "Just do what the contract is written, don't worry about the rest... The relationship between the two is not good, and it's not bad for this little friction."

Li Nian: "Okay."

Just when the two of them finished talking about this topic, Ruan Chenxuan on the other side was also asking about this matter: "How many floors did you stay in their company?"

The assistant went to print the contract with Li Nian at that time. There was a time and scope of activities. After careful recall, he affirmed: "The fifteenth floor."

Ruan Chenxuan: "Have you noticed something wrong? Did you see how Jing Yicheng got upstairs?"

The assistant tried to recall: "There's nothing wrong, and I didn't see Jing Yicheng... It's normal, and it's not busy at all."

Ruan Chenxuan frowned, and called to ask the person who observed Xu Chenghao recently, but still did not get any strong news.

The more clean it was, the more unbelievable Ruan Chenxuan was. After thinking for a while, he finally sent a message to Uncle Zhang Yun, hoping to get help.

Zhang Yun quickly replied: "I can't disclose his itinerary, but I can tell you that the eldest young master of the Xu family is not a good person, and he has already found his next home."

Ruan Chenxuan's expression suddenly turned ashen, holding the contract in his hand for a while, then suddenly fell to the ground.

It's still too early to say what he said, he has underestimated Xu Chenghao! He was simply blind and saw the wolf dog as a rabbit!

Ruan Chenxuan tried his best to restrain his anger, so he didn't drop his phone on the ground. He first sent a message to Uncle Zhang Yun to express his gratitude, and then he gritted his teeth and sent a message to Xu Chenghao: "Mr. Xu is such a powerful method!"

Xu Chenghao replied: "each other."


The phone still did not escape the fate of being dropped, and the screen shattered when it fell to the ground. Ruan Chenxuan clenched his fists and tried to calm himself down, leaning on his position to sort out everything clearly.

The Jiang family cooperated with the Xu family; he found the Jiang family to cooperate; the Xu family also reached a consensus to cooperate with Jing Yicheng. The most likely reason is that they will deliberately help the Jiang family to appreciate, and finally announce the project to make the Ruan family and the Jiang family lose money together.

But An Rouyu's accident caused him to change his strategy and choose to unite with the Xu family to stabilize his position. Xu Chenghao also began to appear to be working with him to suppress the Jiang family, but in fact he was trying to confuse the two together.

The initiative is in Xu Chenghao's hands from beginning to end! And this man even gave him a trick!

It will be great!

Ruan Chenxuan's back molars are sore.

His position in the Nguyen Group itself is not as stable as Xu Chenghao's. He has no family support, and he has no full shareholding in his hands. Not only that, he also offended the Zhou family because of his divorce.

The rest are Ruan Chenxuan's own choice. He doesn't regret it, but An Rouyu secretly ran to tell Xu Chenghao about the project, which really made him angry and cold.

Without this incident, how could he have sent him to play with Xu Chenghao! Who knows if Xu Chenghao laughs at him for being an idiot every time he signs a contract!

Ruan Chenxuan was so angry that he couldn't speak, leaned on the position and closed his eyes to rest.

There was silence in the car, the driver and assistant watched the passing scene outside the car without squinting, and the atmosphere did not dare to come out.

After a long while, Ruan Chenxuan closed his eyes and said, "Go to Jinyu."

The driver immediately lowered his speed and prepared to turn. Ruan Chenxuan used to go back to the Ruan family's old house. Later, after he was with An Rouyu, he bought a villa and lived here. This was the first time he took the initiative to say that he would go to another house.

He doesn't want to see An Rouyu crying now, and he doesn't want to go back to Ruan's house to listen to his mother's endless nagging and complaints. He needs to be quiet now! Very necessary!

Back at Jin Yu's house, when Ruan Chenxuan threw his coat on the sofa, a red object fell out of his pocket. Ruan Chenxuan paused as he walked upstairs, staring at the red pepper for a long time, then picked it up and put it in his mouth.

This chili is a lesson!

He can't remember today's humiliation until he tastes this lesson!

Ruan Chenxuan frowned and coughed a few times, and his mouth was a little numb from the scorching hot peppers.

He took a deep breath, went to the kitchen refrigerator to find a can of beer and took two sips. The cool and spicy taste suddenly became more sour, and he couldn't wait to feel uncomfortable.

Then someone who eats chili peppers and drinks cold beer on an empty stomach is sad.

the next day.

"You mean Ruan Chenxuan is ill?" Xu Chenghao raised his head in shock and asked, "Did you make me angry yesterday?"

Li Nian couldn't help laughing while arranging the documents: "It's possible... No one was against him except you who stimulated him yesterday."

Xu Chenghao was very unconvinced: "Where did I stimulate him? I texted each other back. I didn't even turn on the taunting mode. If he was so angry, he would have to be careful in the future."

Li Nian laughed: "Hahaha, enough is enough."

Xu Chenghao rolled his eyes at him, put down his pen and thought about whether he really went too far yesterday? No... He thinks that he is very kind, and he only resists when people hit the door, and he never causes trouble! Yep!

He brazenly praised himself in his heart, Xu Chenghao continued to work contentedly, and put Ruan Chenxuan's illness behind him.

On the other side, Jing Yicheng raised his head and glanced at the little yellow duck. After picking up the peppers yesterday, the pot of pepper seedlings turned into a pile of mud. Today, this one has just been successfully raised, and it looks fresh and green.

Jing Yicheng squinted and thought for a while, then sent a message to his assistant. After figuring out the cause of someone's illness, he released a task in a happy mood.

Then Ruan Chenxuan, who was recuperating because of an upset stomach, was cared for by Jing Yicheng—a box of throat lozenges.

Ruan Chenxuan: "…"

More angry!

Jing Yicheng, wait for me!

The author has something to say: Ruan Chenxuan omitted five hundred swear words.