Thinking of this, Xu Chenghao looked at Li Nian with a lot of harmony, just smiled and patted his shoulder, then turned around and continued to work.

The two people are used to talking, and neither one feels wrong. Instead, Jing Yicheng, who has been observing the relationship between two people, frowned and began to doubt every day: Is this really the way of getting along with good friends?

He has always thought that friends are gentlemen, as long as they can understand each other... Now it seems to be completely different from what he thinks, and even more intimate than he imagined.

Jing Yicheng lowered his gaze, stared silently at the meeting and decided to take the initiative.

Xu Chenghao mostly works in a sitting position. Only when he is tired will he get up and look in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows to relieve his sore eyes and rest for a while.

What Jing Yicheng was waiting for was this gap, and when he saw the other party got up, he immediately followed, standing quietly behind the other party, and patted his **** firmly.



Xu Chenghao turned back silently.

Jing Yicheng also stared at him silently.

After being so quiet for two minutes, Xu Chenghao finally couldn't bear it any longer: "What are you looking at! Take your hand away!"

Jing Yicheng didn't move like a mountain: "Why are you angry?"

Xu Chenghao squeezed the coffee cup in his hand and gritted his teeth: "Then I have to ask why you beat me!"

Jing Yicheng: "I'm not hitting you, this is how good friends get along."

"Put @#%&..." Xu Chenghao opened the salty pig's hand with a slap, and took two steps back to distance himself: "Who told you that this is the mode of getting along with good friends?"

Jing Yicheng: "I heard it just now, that's how you and Li Nian get along."

Xu Chenghao: "When did we get along like this?"

Jing Yicheng: "It was just half an hour ago that you guys were still talking about touching your butt."

Xu Chenghao: "???"

God **** touch your ass, can't you hear it's a joke? ! And even if you really touch your butt, it's a joke between friends, none of your business! What are you studying!

The blue veins of Xu Chenghao's hand holding the coffee cup began to tighten, and he really used all his strength to endure the urge to beat someone.

Jing Yicheng sensed something was wrong: "Are you angry?"

Xu Chenghao was too lazy to pay attention to him, he turned around and walked back to his desk, slammed the coffee cup on the table, and then sat silently in his seat holding the little yellow duck and closed his eyes.

He's dying, he needs a little yellow duck to comfort his mental trauma, he thinks he needs to carry an oxygen tank to get along with the villain in the future, otherwise he will be **** to death sooner or later!

Jing Yicheng stood at the desk persistently and asked, "Why are you angry? You and Li Nian can be like this and can't be with me? Or do you not regard me as a friend at all?"

Xu Chenghao: "…"

Xu Chenghao closed his eyes and groped for the little yellow duck's pouting mouth. He really wanted to give him the three kisses from the little yellow duck.

Probably because the little yellow duck really had a miraculous purification effect, Xu Chenghao was quiet for a while and his anger subsided, and suddenly felt that something was not right. He opened his eyes abruptly, and saw that the man who had not received an answer was quietly standing there looking at him, his eyes fixed.

Xu Chenghao subconsciously touched the little yellow duck's pouting mouth again: " just said that I get along with Li Nian like this, are you observing us?"

Jing Yicheng nodded and admitted: "Yes."

Xu Chenghao sat up slowly and hesitated: "You don't know how to get along with people and how to make friends, so you're observing the way I get along with Li Nian, and are you deliberately imitating it?"

Jing Yicheng was silent and did not speak.

Xu Chenghao also propped his chin in thought, feeling as if he had discovered something very important.

There was a lot of space in the plot to describe the villain's loneliness and arrogance, and it was also mentioned that his character was related to his unhappy childhood, so it was very smooth to read, and there was nothing wrong with it.

But once you enter this book world with complete structure and absolute realism, when you are faced with a flesh-and-blood villain, many places that are not described or not clearly written in the plot will all emerge.

The villain has a withdrawn and reserved personality due to the shadow of his childhood, and because the genius Shuanggao was found to be recruited into the research institute to study, he has never had the opportunity to contact his peers and release him. Instead, he is strictly protected. Facing him is not only boring The data is serious adults.

This is undoubtedly aggravating the villain's withdrawn character, and even invisibly he has suffered from a very serious social communication disorder. He closed his true emotions and faced the world aggressively, even reaching the level of A slight degree of misanthropy.

But he hides very well... Because he is very smart, he will imitate others and then apply it to himself to continue to disguise himself, so as to deceive others or even hypnotize himself.

So in the plot, he is young and mature not because he is smart and quiet, but because he imitates the adults around him and protects himself when he has no ability to protect himself. Once he has the strength and no one dares to shake it easily, the various world-weary emotions in his heart will come out like a trapped beast and engulf him unknowingly.

This can explain why his pursuit of the heroine is so strange and extreme - because he is still imitating!

The encounter between him and the heroine was quite dramatic. He was like a poor boy in embarrassment. He was found by a passing eldest lady when he was nesting in the corner. The other party gave him a piece of candy. Treat him with disgust.

This picture must have been very impressive to the villain, so when he came back to find the heroine, he always wanted to be a hero to save the beauty, and wanted to imitate the picture in his mind, making the other party embarrassed and embarrassed, and then he accepted her without disgust.

Xu Chenghao connected all the plots he knew with the other party's performance in getting along, and became more and more certain - the other party did have a very serious social barrier!

This can also explain why the other party makes friends depends on how he and Li Nian get along.

Xu Chenghao rubbed his eyebrows with a headache, regretting that he had said the villain's heart when he lost the first chili pepper! It is estimated that the villain must think that he is the same as him, so he wants to be friends with him.

Sorry, so sorry!

Xu Chenghao changed from rubbing his eyebrows to rubbing his head. He pressed his forehead against the little yellow duck for a while before regaining his energy, and motioned to Jing Yicheng to sit down: "Where did you just talk?"

Jing Yicheng looked at him, and suddenly smiled: "I'm watching you."

These words, coupled with this slightly weird smile, are almost double the lethality. Everything Xu Chenghao wanted to say was blocked, and he frowned at him.

Jing Yicheng said, "You found it."

Xu Chenghao: "…"

Jing Yicheng leaned on the back of the chair and seemed to be in a very good mood: "I knew you understood me."

Xu Chenghao laughed dryly, "You admitted it yourself, I didn't discover it."

Jing Yicheng just curled his lips into a smile, his black eyes were deep and dark, but there was a faint gleam of light.

Xu Chenghao avoided his sight under the guise of putting the little yellow duck on the table, and changed the subject: "You really don't need to observe me and Li Nian, everyone has their own personality, and each pair of friends also has their own personality. The way of getting along, this kind of thing cannot be imitated, if you really want to make friends, you have to rely on yourself.”

"And I have to declare that I'm not the same as you at all, I don't have a...complicated situation like you, and I'm not in the same environment as you. What you think I know about you is actually because I am observant and well-informed. That's it, so you still have to think carefully."

Xu Chenghao considered his words carefully and spoke very cautiously. But he has to say it again, what if the villain finds out that his goods are not right, not the kind of friend he wants to break his legs in anger.

After Jing Yicheng listened to all his words quietly, he only left one sentence: "Just make a friend, don't worry." He got up and left, and went back to the busy area on the other side to work.

He even took everything away in such an understatement!

Xu Chenghao rarely felt the taste of punching cotton with a fist, and he could only hold his forehead and sigh, what the **** did he do! Where is the heroine halo? Why didn't you accept this monster!

Just when Xu Chenghao was holding his head in annoyance, Li Nian, who had been observing from a distance, came over quietly and asked in a low voice, "What did you guys just talk about? Didn't you quarrel? Why do you feel that the atmosphere is not right? What happened? What's the matter?"

Xu Chenghao turned his head and glanced at him expressionlessly, and said indifferently, "Stay away from me!"

Li Nian was stunned: "Huh?"

Xu Chenghao: "The farther away, the better. It's best to stay 20 centimeters away from me before this project ends... No, stay 50 centimeters away from me!"

Li Nian: "???"

The confused Li Nian had no idea what had happened, so he scolded very angrily: "I rely on you, a big pig's hoof, I'll take care of you and you treat me like this? Who used to call me Little Sweet? Now I turn my face. You don't recognize anyone, do you?"

Xu Chenghao: "…"

He turned his head and looked in the direction of Jing Yicheng, and saw that the other party was looking at them, even more open and above because he was discovered.

Xu Chenghao's heart was ashes. At this moment, he not only regretted that he had provoked the villain, he had nothing to say in his heart, wouldn't it be better to knock it twice! I also regret why I used Li Nian as a shield and told him!

He has been digging holes for himself to jump in!

Xu Chenghao found another assistant with a heavy heart and told them to give Jing Yicheng and Li Nian a perverted spicy lunch box when ordering, and his heart was relieved.

Probably because Xu Chenghao was too aggrieved, his spare tire halo effect was triggered again, and Xu Chenghao harvested a red hot pepper before the off-duty time.

Xu Chenghao was very happy about this, he directly took it to Jing Yicheng and encouraged, "Eat it!"

Jing Yicheng: "…"