"Eat, didn't you like to eat it before!" Xu Chenghao looked forward with anticipation, and for the first time hoped that he would quickly eat the pepper: "Hurry up and eat it."

Jing Yicheng's Adam's apple rolled. For the first time, he felt that the chili pepper was so hot, and he even began to reflect on himself why he had to eat it raw.

Xu Chenghao was still urging, "This is a very fresh chili that has just been picked, you should eat it directly like before!"

Jing Yicheng held the chili pepper in his hand and was silent for a while, then suddenly said solemnly: "This chili pepper is not easy to come by, I have to cherish it, and can't just eat it."

Xu Chenghao: "Didn't you enjoy what you ate before?"

Jing Yicheng: "It's because I made mistakes in the past, so I should cherish it more now."

Xu Chenghao looked at him in disgust and speechless. He didn't expect that the seemingly sanctimonious villain boss would open his eyes and talk nonsense... It seems that he really doesn't want to eat.

Xu Chenghao sighed: "Okay, I hope you can have such rare peppers in the future."

Jing Yicheng's expression was calm, but he quickly put the pepper in his pocket and said with a smile, "Of course."

Xu Chenghao turned around and left in disappointment, and decided to order him a perverted spicy lunch box tomorrow. He wanted Jing Yicheng to be horrified when he saw the pepper! snort!

After dawdling with Jing Yicheng for a while, it was time to get off work. Xu Chenghao drove home and the first thing he did was to plant seeds and water the little yellow duck again.

At present, the cooling time has passed half, and the second mission will be ushered in the last three days. Xu Chenghao felt that it was useless to leave the seeds, so he simply planted all the remaining seeds in flower pots, even if it failed, it didn't matter.

After doing all this, Xu Chenghao looked at the big flower pot and pondered. The capacity of a large flower pot is limited. It is indeed more than enough for the number of novice guides at the beginning, but it will definitely not be enough as the number of tasks increases.

He really had to build the pepper base...and do it before the numbers really got bigger.

While planning the pepper base in his head, Xu Chenghao inexplicably thought of someone saying that he was the Agricultural Machinery Research Institute with a serious face, and then laughed directly.

If he hadn't had the plot in hand to know his true identity, he might have really believed in his evil. I don't know how shocked and dazed the people from their national research institute will be when they face agricultural machinery in the future...

The more he knows the truth, the more he understands how funny this is. Xu Chenghao sat on the balcony and smirked for a long time, and suddenly remembered that the other party had caused him to lose three chili peppers, and suddenly he sank and wondered why he thought about him. Silly music, boring!

Xu Chenghao suddenly got up and left the balcony, washed and rested, and decided to buy land and build a pepper base tomorrow!

This is undoubtedly a very tedious task, but at the same time, its significance is the most important to Xu Chenghao, so he must personally follow up, otherwise he will not be relieved.

Therefore, Xu Chenghao is even more busy. The only thing that is gratifying is that the project is supported by Jing Yicheng, and the cooperation on Ruan Chenxuan's side is shared by Li Nian, so he is not overwhelmed and can handle everything smoothly.

Every move of all the people in power in the shopping mall is closely watched, because it will determine a certain wind direction and future, so when Xu Chenghao bought the land to build the greenhouse, the people in the circle began to observe secretly, guessing whether the Xu family is not. What a big move.

Ruan Chenxuan caught the news even when he was recovering from illness, frowning at Xu Chenghao's daily video, while thinking about what the other party's intention was.

Moreover, he found that his followers could only film Xu Chenghao's daily life. When something really happened, he couldn't take any shit. For example, the video of the land purchase was not revealed at all. Instead, he was relying on capturing the news in the circle. knew.

If it wasn't intentional, it means that Xu Chenghao must have taken precautions. What he revealed on the outside were things he wanted to be discovered or ignored. He hid the real key information well and never revealed it at all.

Ruan Chenxuan stared at the young man on the video with admiration in his eyes.

Putting aside the grievances, the other party is indeed a very good person, and he is the leader of the younger generation in the circle.

In the past, Ruan Chenxuan was more dominant because of An Rouyu. The other party concealed his means for the sake of love, but when this love disappeared, the other party showed his minions, so that Ruan Chenxuan was ruthlessly unprepared. Bite hard.

...It's a pity that they are enemies, otherwise it must be a very beautiful and worry-free thing to be friends with such a proud person.

Ruan Chenxuan was quiet for two seconds, then pressed the screen off.

It doesn't matter if he is an enemy, he Ruan Chenxuan always relies on himself, even if he doesn't have friends who work together, he can keep going and reach the peak!

Buckle Buckle —

The knock on the door sounded slowly, Ruan Chenxuan opened his eyes and saw a woman he hadn't seen for a few days standing outside the door, looking at him quietly.

An Rouyu's eyes are very beautiful, pure and pure, and when she looks at people with tears, she is charming and moving, like a pure blooming flower waiting for people to love and love.

Ruan Chenxuan looked at her and didn't speak for a while.

The atmosphere was suddenly awkward for some unknown reason. Whoever saw this scene would find it hard to imagine that they were still intimate and passionate lovers a few days ago, and they had been rubbing their ears.

An Rou tugged at the edge of her skirt helplessly, tears fell before she could speak, and sobbed softly, "Chen Xuan, did I do something wrong, why are you suddenly so cold and unwilling to see me..."

The feelings that Ruan Chenxuan had just surged up disappeared in an instant, looking at the crying woman, he felt bored: "Who asked you to come?"

An Rouyu wiped her tears and said, "I came here by myself. I want to take care of you when you are sick...Chen Xuan, if you are sick, don't be rude. I'll take care of you, okay? I really don't worry about you alone. "

Ruan Chenxuan said coldly: "No, I'm going to work tomorrow, I don't need to take care of me."

An Rouyu was even more at a loss, staring at the man on the bed, but she didn't dare to take a step closer to him, she just felt that he was very strange and didn't look like someone who loved her before.

She cried even more fiercely: "I knew you were blaming me... I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't tell Brother Hao about my cooperation, but he has been so kind to me since he was a child, and I owe him so much that I can't bear to see him cheated. And I just want him to stop, I don't mean to hurt you, Chen Xuan, you believe me!"

It's okay not to talk about it. Ruan Chenxuan can remember the two cooperations when he talks about it, and the anger that has been left suddenly erupted, and said angrily: "You owe him to hurt me to make up for it, right?!"

"It's not that I didn't..." An Rouyu cried and retorted: "I didn't want to hurt you, I just wanted him to stop, I want you all to be well."

Ruan Chenxuan: "It's all your thoughts, how do you know that the other party won't hurt me and won't hurt you!"

An Rouyu: "Brother Hao won't, he's just a knife-mouthed tofu-hearted man, he's not such a person!"

Ruan Chenxuan was confused: "Why didn't you choose him when you trusted him so much!"

An Rouyu wiped away her tears and said, "Isn't it because I like you? I just treat him like a big brother!"

Ruan Chenxuan sneered: "Hehe, you think of others as your brother, now they probably forgot who you are, so you just post it up, but you can't say such a thing if you ask for a face!"

An Rouyu couldn't believe it: "How could you say that to me?"

Ruan Chenxuan paused, and seemed to feel that what he said was a little harsh, so he shut up and did not continue to speak.

However, An Rouyu was shocked and cried out, "How can you talk about me like this! How can you treat me like this!"

She cried and turned and ran away, the sound of dangdeng going downstairs spread into the room, hurried and confused. Ruan Chenxuan was silent for two seconds, then suddenly picked up the pillow and slammed it on the ground.

Well done, all of them are well done!

When Xu Chenghao received the phone call from the hostess, his heart was desperate. He didn't understand what he had rejected so clearly and so ruthlessly before, how the other party thought that he could find him again, and he looked like he was crying because he was wronged outside. .

He directly threw the phone to Li Nian, let him solve it, and tried to be quiet.

Li Nian kept crying while listening to the phone: "Why did he say that to me, I don't want to see him anymore, I don't want to go back... Brother Hao, what should I do...", his mind was full of black lines.

He also doesn't want to face this eldest lady, okay?

Li Nian took a deep breath and tried to maintain his professionalism: "Hello, Miss An, Mr. Xu is currently very busy and inconvenient to answer the phone. If you have anything to do, please make an appointment to meet and discuss in detail. Of course, if there are some things that don't matter about the relationship between the children, then there is no need. Come on, you can handle it yourself."

An Rouyu's crying stopped abruptly, and she screamed, "Why is Li Nian you!"

Li Nian rolled his eyes: "I keep the mobile phone when President Xu is busy in meetings. Is there any problem? Oh, even if there is a problem, you are not qualified to say anything. This ex-fiancee, please correct your position!"

But An Rouyu didn't seem to understand, she just screamed, "Give the phone to Brother Hao! I want to talk to Brother Hao! Give him the phone!"

Li Nian gradually lost his patience: "What can I do if I don't give it to you? Miss An, I respect you. This is my professionalism. Don't blame me for swearing if you continue to pester me!"

An Rouyu: "Hehe, I knew it, I knew you didn't want Brother Hao to contact me, do you want to monopolize Brother Hao! You vicious and selfish man!"

Li Nian: "…"

He almost vomited blood because of the flat-out deduction. If Xu Chenghao had not said in advance that he would be a shield, Li Nian might have been really confused, but it's not a bad feeling now.

He pondered for a long time, then suddenly choked his voice and said, "Yes, I just want to occupy him. What can you do! Don't you just have to shout in two voices to demonstrate? I want to laugh at the immature means, and just like this, I want to grab a man from me. , take a **** and take a look at yourself!"

The author has something to say: Li Nian: I have paid too much for this job.

Jing Yicheng: Observing in the dark.jpg