Xu Chenghao, who was sitting beside him, raised his head slowly, his eyes shocked.

Li Nian had an expression of "what to see, I'm not for you", and described with mouth shape: "A raise!!"

Xu Chenghao gave a thumbs up and nodded happily. What is a raise! Just show his brotherly loyalty and double the year-end bonus!

An Rou on the other side of the phone exploded with anger, "You're finally willing to admit it! You shameless man! You are coveting Big Brother Hao, and Big Brother Hao's sudden indifference to me must be because of you. shameless!"

Li Nian hehe: "I'm shameless, and I'm not as shameless as a certain young lady who brought a marriage contract and fell in love. She kicked people and always dragged down her ex-fiancé. Miss An is shameless!"

How could An Rouyu's eloquence be comparable to that of the ace's special assistant, she was blocked so much that she couldn't say a word, and finally hung up the phone crying, and decided to tell Brother Hao how abominable this Li Nian was!

As soon as An Rouyu hung up the phone, the world was instantly clean. Li Nian threw the phone on the table in relief, and suddenly pounced on Xu Chenghao's neck in the next second, roaring, "If I can't find a wife in the future, you will die!"

Xu Chenghao was pressed on the back of the chair and laughed until he broke his voice: "Hahahaha Li Nian, you are so talented, really hahaha, how can I have such a talented friend haha, raise your salary!"

Li Nian: "No amount of salary increases can make up for my reputation. If I can't get married because of this, I will die with you!"

Xu Chenghao laughed until he was speechless: "Hahahahaha."

The two got into a fight, and in the end Xu Chenghao was exhausted, so he could only surrender with a smile: "I will clarify for you, and I will definitely have a lover in the future. After I have a lover, won't our relationship be clarified naturally? Don't? Worry."

Li Nian looked at him hesitantly: "Then when did you have a partner?"

Xu Chenghao thought about the time it would take to grow peppers, and boasted: "I won't consider it in the past five years."

Li Nian: "…"

"I strangle you!!"


Xu Chenghao was laughing like crazy. He knew that the original owner and Li Nian had a very strong relationship, but he didn't expect the other party to really stick a knife for his friend and be so loyal.

He was moved by this relationship and couldn't help laughing, and silently marked it as the second source of happiness in his heart.

After this incident, the boring work seems to be injected into the soul, and the whole day is very happy - after all, the two sources of happiness are in front of him, Xu Chenghao wants to laugh when he sees this, and also wants to laugh when he sees that, Little White Fang spent a day hanging outside.

But soon he became extremely happy and sad - An Rouyu actually blocked people in the underground garage.

Xu Chenghao stopped abruptly, turned back automatically and left directly, he decided to go to the front door and let Li Nian pick him up. If you can't provoke him, you can't hide!

After Xu Chenghao left, Jing Yicheng walked out of the corner to look in the direction he was leaving, and then turned to look at the woman waiting in the underground garage.

He remembered the sparring between Xu Chenghao and Li Nian at work, and what he silently wrote down: Blocking peach blossoms for good friends.

He has to stop the peach blossoms for his good friend...and he can do better than Li Nian!

Thinking about it, Jing Yicheng's eyes instantly became firm, he walked out of the dark corner of the corner and walked straight to An Rouyu: "Miss An, long time no see."

When An Rouyu heard the footsteps, she thought it was Xu Chenghao, but she was overjoyed but her face turned pale when she was frightened by this greeting: "Jing, President Jing."

To ask who An Rouyu is most afraid of, the man standing in front of her is the number one.

Needless to say, Xu Chenghao had taken care of her for more than 20 years. The image of a gentle big brother had deeply penetrated into his heart, and An Rouyu was not afraid at all. Ruan Chenxuan is also, although he often speaks with a cold face as if hurting people like an ice pick, but the sense of security and love the other party gives her cannot be replaced by anyone.

And Jing Yicheng... The countless sick eyes and crazy behavior of the other side made her afraid of him in her heart, and she felt nervous when she saw him, and she didn't even dare to look at him.

She subconsciously put her eyes behind him, but was disappointed to find that the person she was waiting for did not appear. That means I want to be alone with him again...

An Rou Yu Han Mao was about to stand up, "Mr. Jing, why are you here?"

Jing Yicheng looked at her: "What do you think?"

An Rouyu thought about the other party's previous behavior, and subconsciously attributed the reason for his presence here to herself: "Why is Mr. Jing here?"

Jing Yicheng asked without answering: "I also want to know why you are here."

An Rouyu immediately became more convinced that the other party was coming for her... But the future Jing Yicheng was obviously very hurtful and cold to herself. What does this mean? !

An Rouyu felt that she couldn't understand this person's brain circuit, so she pretended to be indifferent: "I don't seem to have anything to do with Mr. Jing when I come here."

Jing Yicheng hooked his lips: "Oh, I don't really want to know."

An Rouyu suddenly choked and looked at him angrily. Don't want to know what you are asking!

Jing Yicheng looked back lightly, the coldness in his black eyes scared An Rouyu back immediately.

Jing Yicheng said, "If you are waiting for Xu Chenghao, don't bother, he has already left."

An Rouyu was surprised: "How is it possible, his car is still here!"

Jing Yicheng glanced at the direction of the car: "He went with Li Nian, believe it or not."

An Rouyu was stunned for a while, then she suddenly gritted her teeth and said, "Li Nian, you bastard!"

She didn't expect the other party to be so rude, completely cutting off all opportunities for her to contact Xu Chenghao, no wonder he dared to talk to her like this, his mind was too sinister!

Jing Yicheng looked at her coldly, the dangerous aura in his eyes made An Rouyu shudder, and quickly said, "Since Brother Hao is not here, then I'll leave first, goodbye!"

After speaking, An Rouyu immediately turned around and left, her pace was very fast, as if she was afraid that the other party would not let her go, or wanted to catch her somewhere.

Fortunately, there was no movement behind her, and finally she left the underground garage safely.

When she took a taxi and left this place, An Rouyu even had a feeling of the rest of her life. She breathed a sigh of relief and thought of Li Nian. She immediately took out her phone and sent Xu Chenghao a message of more than 100 words, hoping that Xu Chenghao would recognize the truth behind him. What kind of person is he!

When Xu Chenghao received the text message, he and Li Nian were still in a traffic jam on the viaduct. He was so bored that he read out the text message eloquently and shared it with Li Nian.

"...Li Nian is not as harmless as he has shown, he is deliberately provoking our relationship! He also called me shameless, he is the most shameless..."

Sitting in the driver's seat, Li Nian said very speechlessly: "Are you scolding me while reading text messages?"

Xu Chenghao smiled: "How is it possible... You are so kind to me, I don't want to."

Li Nian sneered: "Don't be close to me here, you are taking up my off-duty time now. If you don't invite me to a big meal, I will take you down the overpass, believe it or not!"

"Eat, eat, eat whatever you want." Xu Chenghao deleted the text message casually, looked at the slow-moving traffic, and suggested, "It's better to hit the sun if you choose a day. Let's eat what you want now."

Li Nian: "Yes."

After the two agreed, Xu Chenghao just wanted to call to inform his aunt that he didn't need to cook, when he saw another text message with the ding of his mobile phone.

Jing Yicheng: "I'll help you stop the peach blossoms."

Xu Chenghao took a while to react after reading the text message. He sighed helplessly and replied, "Thank you, but you really don't need to learn from Li Nian."

Jing Yicheng: "I'm not learning from him, I'm just learning what makes you happy."

Xu Chenghao: "…"

How can there be so much ambiguity in this sentence?

Xu Chenghao decided to ignore it, and left the news page directly to call his aunt to explain that he didn't have to cook in the afternoon. Afterwards, they had a pleasant dinner with Li Nian.

As for the heroine's text messages... the ghosts care.

Xu Chenghao's lack of reply undoubtedly aggravated An Rouyu's anger. He thought it was Li Nian's fault again, and cursed a few times in his heart, irritable to the point of madness.

She almost forgot the reason why she went to Xu Chenghao. All her attention was taken away by Li Nian.

But just when An Rouyu was about to find someone, perhaps because she got up too hard, her whole head was dizzy as if she was deprived of oxygen, and she fell back on the sofa.

What's the matter...she never has low blood sugar...how can she faint...

An Rouyu regained her senses and suddenly became a little flustered. She was worried that something had happened to her body, so she hurried to the hospital to check her body by taxi.

After half an hour.

An Rouyu took the freshly released medical examination report, her whole body was stunned—she was pregnant.

It's no wonder that she has always been inexplicably temperamental recently, and even collapses and can't control her emotions at all. It's because of this...it's because of this...

An Rouyu was both happy and regretful that she had not paid attention to rest these few days, which had caused her health to deteriorate, and she did not know if the baby was suffering.

By the way, she is going to tell Chen Xuan about this! He will be very happy for sure! This is a brand new beginning for their relationship, and the two of them can leave the past behind and live a good life!

Imagining a bright future, An Rouyu rushed to Jin Yu with the report very happily, and wanted to share her joy with Chen Xuan immediately. As a result, I didn't expect it to be empty - the other party went to work.

Maybe it's because I haven't been to work these days and I've been too busy, so I worked overtime. An Rouyu comforted herself and ran to the Ruan Group, only to bump into Ruan Chenxuan walking out of the company with a woman.

The woman is the popular star Zhuo Meixue. An Rouyu used to like her TV series very much, but now she was stunned when she saw her standing in her own position, holding Ruan Chenxuan's hand and getting into the car.

She didn't even know what to do for a while, she could only watch them leave in the car, her throat was like cotton stuffed with a syllable released.

Ruan Chenxuan... No wonder he was suddenly cold to himself... No wonder he was angry with himself... No wonder... No wonder...

Tears erupted like a flood that burst a dyke, An Rouyu's unstable mood suddenly collapsed, and she squatted on the ground and cried into tears.

She doesn't want to see Ruan Chenxuan again!

The author has something to say: Yes, the original plot classic runs with the ball! The genius son balbabala a few years later…

In short, the heroine of the next chapter will be temporarily offline! Let's clap together!