An Rouyu cried at home all night, and when she called Xu Chenghao, she was told that she couldn't get through. After flipping through the call log, she felt so helpless and isolated for the first time.

At this moment, her heart was desperate and regretful, and she even began to reflect on whether all her actions and choices in the past year were right. If it's right, why did she end up like this...why did she end up alone...

An Rouyu braced her head, and her heart was fiercely competing for the choice that was more important to her life—a child!

She is reluctant not to have children. It will definitely be more difficult or even embarrassing for her to have children.

The first child in her life always has more emotional entanglements and complicated emotions. An Rouyu is reluctant to give up, but at the same time she is worried that she will not be able to give him a better life by keeping him.

Sitting all night long, An Rouyu was so anxious that she couldn't sleep at all, and she even shoved breakfast into her mouth. After she regained her strength, the first person she chose to find was Xu Chenghao!

The An family has never been her safe haven, but more like a devil's nest that bound her. She doesn't even have to think about this kind of thing, and she will definitely not go back and tell the An family.

As for Ruan Chenxuan... She wanted to be the first to tell him, but he was so disappointing, she didn't even want to see him now.

So there is really only brother Hao, the brother Hao who has always stood behind him from childhood to adulthood! Even if he doesn't want to see him now, it's just because of the knife mouth and tofu heart and Li Nian's wickedness. Brother Hao will definitely help him!

With this confidence, An Rouyu took a taxi directly to the place where Xu Chenghao lived.

She looked up at his floor, and before she took the first step, she saw a large shadow suddenly covering the ground, like a beast waiting for an opportunity to prey, and the dangerous aura emanating from her bones was enough to make people instantly recognizable. who is it.

An Rouyu turned her head and met a pair of extremely cold eyes. When the other party swept her face inquiringly, his eyes were like a cold dagger slowly slicing through the skin, making An Rouyu tremble. After a moment: "You... Mr. Jing..."

Jing Yicheng kept in mind the rules of good friends and looked at her very vigilantly: "Why are you here?"

An Rouyu bit her lip: "I, I didn't see Brother Hao yesterday, so I want to talk to him today."

Jing Yicheng continued to ask, "What's the matter?"

An Rouyu avoided: "My personal affairs."

Jing Yicheng frowned immediately, and said impatiently, "You'd better say it yourself, don't wait for me to investigate, the process is different and your ending is different."

An Rouyu immediately grabbed her backpack and took two steps back defensively: "Do I have to know about my private affairs?"

Jing Yicheng just looked at her quietly, as if waiting for her choice.

An Rouyu gritted her teeth: "I'm pregnant!"

Jing Yicheng's face was a little shocked: "The child belongs to Xu Chenghao?!"

"No, no, of course not!" An Rouyu was frightened even more, shyly and anxiously stammered, "I...I didn't tell him...this is... Ruan...Ruan Chenxuan's..."

"Oh..." Jing Yicheng turned his face faster than a book, and regained his composure: "That child is not Xu Chenghao's, why are you looking for him? You should go to the child's father."

An Rouyu was silent for a while, and tears began to flow uncontrollably again: "I, I want to see him, I want to leave..."

Jing Yicheng instantly understood what this meant, and after three seconds of contemplation, he finally decided to implement the rules of good friends—help Xu Chenghao stop the peach blossoms. It is possible that his solution this time will be long-term!

Thinking of this, Jing Yicheng said, "Well, let's make a deal... As long as you promise not to find Xu Chenghao again, I can send you abroad to raise a baby, and Ruan Chenxuan can't find you within three years, how about that?"

An Rouyu felt a little strange for some reason, why should she promise not to find Xu Chenghao? Is he jealous that he came to Xu Chenghao?

Before thinking about this idea carefully, he was interrupted by Jing Yicheng: "You choose, I will send you to go abroad to raise a baby in a deal with me. If I don't deal with me, I will contact Ruan Chenxuan immediately and ask him to pick you up."

An Rouyu's face turned pale in an instant, and she understood that the other party was forcing her to choose the first path.

In fact, she also thought about this idea in her heart, and wanted to leave this circle that made her depressed and breathless, but she didn't have enough money and connections to support this matter, so she could only give up.

Now that this choice was presented to her again, An Rouyu was heartbroken.

She is emotionally broken now, and she is so sad that she doesn't want to see Ruan Chenxuan at all, and she doesn't want to see him being intimate with others. I don't want to see it at all!

So... An Rouyu grabbed the bag in her hand and gritted her teeth, "I'm going abroad!"

Jing Yicheng hooked his lips in satisfaction, raised his hand and snapped his fingers in one direction. The assistant standing not far away immediately trotted forward: "Boss."

Jing Yicheng: "Send her abroad to settle down, wipe her tail and don't let Ruan Chenxuan know."

"Ah?" The assistant has been completely covered up, didn't he say he was ready to give up? Why is this still one step in place to start the golden house hiding? !

Jing Yicheng said in disgust, "Ah what, take it away!"

The assistant's head still didn't react, but he took the initiative to say: "Then Miss An, come with me first... Please."

Before leaving, An Rouyu said in a low voice, "Thank you."

Jing Yicheng glanced at the position upstairs, and said with satisfaction, "It's just a deal that you love and I want."

An Rouyu bit her lip and looked at him deeply before turning around.

She didn't expect that the one who finally helped her was Jing Yicheng, who used to be afraid of it. Even though the way he got along with people was still unpleasant, his heart... seemed to be kind.

At 7:40, Xu Chenghao held the little yellow duck in one hand and a breakfast in the other, and went out to work in a good mood.

He had just called Li Nian, and the other party would arrive in two minutes, so let him go downstairs and wait for him first, and then he can just get in the car - Xu Chenghao's footsteps stopped abruptly, and the smile on his face almost collapsed: "Jing Is this always?"

The luxury car in front of him was very familiar. The door on the side facing Xu Chenghao was open. Jing Yicheng leaned on the back of the seat in a leisurely manner, and reached out his hand to invite: "I'll take you for a ride."

Xu Chenghao looked around and said with a dry smile, "My assistant will be here soon, should Mr. Jing go first?"

Jing Yicheng said calmly, "I blocked the peach blossoms for you this morning, so you treat me like this?"

"Ah? This morning?" Xu Chenghao was confused and hesitated, "What peach blossom?"

"Get in the car if you want to know." Jing Yicheng easily took the initiative: "I think you should be very interested."

Xu Chenghao was quite hesitant, he didn't want to contact the villain, but the villain was the strongest and the news was well informed... Xu Chenghao glanced left and right again, making sure that Li Nian hadn't arrived yet, sighed and got into the car: "Thank you then. Chief Jing."

Jing Yicheng hooked his lips: "You're welcome."

The door slammed shut, Xu Chenghao put the little yellow duck and the lunch box side by side between the two of them, trying his best to put on a serious expression about cooperation: "President Jing, let's talk."

The car started automatically and drove away from the high-end community. Jing Yicheng also recounted what happened this morning. His voice was calm and indifferent, and things that could be explained clearly in three or two sentences were just mentioned by him to the company.

Xu Chenghao listened very seriously, and compared this part with the plot he had mastered in his mind. He was surprised to find that before he knew it, he had already arrived at the most abusive male protagonist's running with the ball plot!

Returning to a genius son in five years is really a routine operation, but I didn't expect that in the plot, the original protagonist took care of the heroine and helped her cover up, but now it has been replaced by Jing Yicheng to help her.

It's so dramatic.

Xu Chenghao pondered the following plot, and began to plan how he should go.

At present, the effect of moving the whole body has begun to show, but the better thing is that the original owner did not break his leg, so he is more fortunate, so he should take every step below, and strive to make himself stronger and more protected. Live your whole body!

When the two arrived at the company, Xu Chenghao always felt as if he had forgotten something, and didn't remember until he saw the lunch box he was carrying: "I seem to have forgotten to notify Li Nian!"

Jing Yicheng looked at the lunch box and said indifferently, "Wouldn't it be alright to let him come back by himself?"

Said that Cao Cao and Cao Cao would arrive, Xu Chenghao's cell phone rang as soon as the voice fell, and it was Li Nian who called: "I said, where are you always, Mr. Xu? I can't see you!"

Xu Chenghao said angrily, "I'm sorry... I've already arrived at the company."

Li Nian: "????"

Xu Chenghao: "Okay, then come to the company, come back and talk if you have something!"

After finishing this paragraph in a fast-paced voice, Xu Chenghao immediately hung up the phone and put up the phone with a guilty conscience. Li Nian must have exploded on the spot, but fortunately, he brought him breakfast this morning at his request, and he should be able to coax him later.

Thinking so, when Xu Chenghao stretched out his hand to pick up the lunch box, he put one hand on it and pressed the lunch box again: "What is this?"

Xu Chenghao's right eyelid jumped, and he said cautiously, "Very light white porridge."



Jing Yicheng turned his head to look at him, and asked again with a louder voice, "Whose?"

Xu Chenghao: "...Li Nian's."

"Really..." Jing Yicheng's fingers clasped the lunch box and slowly dragged it in his direction: "It just happens that I haven't eaten yet, why don't you give it to me? Huh?"

Xu Chenghao: "…"

Jing Yicheng reminded: "I will help you stop the peach blossoms today, and I will send you to work. Are you not willing to give me a piece of white porridge?"

He was short-handed, what else could Xu Chenghao say, he could only let him take away the lunch, and he hugged the little yellow duck and got off the bus.

Five minutes later, Li Nian rushed to the company and was very angry: "Why let me dove!"

Xu Chenghao clasped his fists: "I'm sorry big brother, I didn't mean it either."

Li Nian: "Let's not talk about this first. What about breakfast? Didn't you say that Auntie cooks porridge? I'll have something to eat first and then reason with you. I'm going to starve to death."

Xu Chenghao: "…"

Li Nian: "???"

Xu Chenghao beeped softly: "You wait for a while, I have already sent someone to buy it, and it will be there soon."

Li Nian: "???"

The author has something to say: Li Nian; the big pig's hoof is ungrateful!

Jing Yicheng: Good friends also have to be high and low!