Xu Chenghao retracted his hand in satisfaction and made a gesture of invitation.

Jing Yicheng glanced at him, picked up a deformed chili pepper and put it in his mouth. When he felt the lethality of the chili pepper burst out in his mouth, he deeply reflected on how stupid he was before, why did he have to eat the chili pepper raw!

When he ate the second chili, Jing Yicheng's tongue was numb, and he clearly felt that he could not take it anymore, so he reached out and picked up the remaining two chili peppers and put them in his pocket. He also said in a grandiose manner: "This chili pepper is indeed very refreshing, and I feel that I am very awake now."

Xu Chenghao said, "I think you can be more sober."

Jing Yicheng: "No, of course you can't eat such a precious thing at one time. I'll eat it next time when I'm not sober."

Xu Chenghao looked at him with distrust in his eyes.

Jing Yicheng didn't explain too much, he sat in his seat and looked at Xu Chenghao calmly. His posture is obviously elegant, but Xu Chenghao can only see that he is a bit of a scoundrel, "I won't eat chili peppers in my pocket"!

Xu Chenghao twitched the corners of his mouth and said with a smile, "Mr. Jing, don't worry, the research has made great progress. I'll let you live a life where you can eat chili every day."

Jing Yicheng: "...that's great."

Xu Chenghao: "I think so too."

The two chatted for a while without smiling, and Li Nian came over and called Xu Chenghao away, saying that he had something to say.

As soon as the people left, Jing Yicheng's suppressed coughing could not be controlled and let it out - it's no wonder that he doesn't choke on raw chili peppers, and it's not bad that he can hold back and not lose face.

The assistant immediately offered warm water and said helplessly, "Boss, you are not used to chili peppers, why didn't you refuse President Xu?"

Jing Yicheng took two sips of water and said calmly, "Habits can always be changed slowly, maybe I can eat them later?"

The assistant was at a loss: "So you changed your living habits for President Xu?"

Jing Yicheng paused when he drank water, and said calmly, "I'm doing it for myself."


Jing Yicheng rubbed the pattern of the teacup in his hand and whispered, "In order to quickly adapt to myself without sugar."

The assistant still didn't understand, so he could only give up the question and instead asked, "Boss, do you still have the lozenges from last time? Would you like me to buy some for you?"

Jing Yicheng's expression became subtle: "Don't be discovered when you buy it."

Assistant: "Huh?"

Jing Yicheng said solemnly, "Especially Ruan Chenxuan!"


So why do men make it difficult for men.

On the other side, Li Nian pushed Xu Chenghao back to the office area, and whispered, "I'm still cooperating now, don't be too stiff."

Xu Chenghao placed the Little Yellow Duck Tootzui flowerpot on the desk and said innocently, "I didn't do anything."

Li Nian: "Nothing, you forced people to eat chili peppers early in the morning?"

Xu Chenghao: "That's because he likes to eat, I didn't force him."

Li Nian: "...Who likes eating chili peppers raw, don't you lose your voice?"

Xu Chenghao: "Jing Yicheng likes to eat raw. He used to rush to eat it, but now I send it to him to eat without letting him thank me!"

Li Nian helped his forehead helplessly: "Do you still hold revenge?"

Li Nian was also there last time about the pepper thing, and he also accompanied Xu Chenghao with a hangover. Don't talk about the embarrassing things about being late. In short, he remembered that Xu Chenghao was very angry.

Sure enough, Xu Chenghao admitted: "Yes! I have such a small mind, so don't provoke me!"

Li Nian reminded: "Then what should you do if you provoke people?"

Xu Chenghao: "Then he will break the contract. I still have liquidated damages to take."

Li Nian: "What if he targets the Xu family?"

Xu Chenghao pondered for a while: "Then I will die with him in the sea of ​​chili peppers!"

Li Nian: "...you two died for love?"

Xu Chenghao: "How do you say it, it's a dead end!"

Li Nian hehe twice, got up and left immediately. He'd better go to work, you poor boy!

Xu Chenghao watched Li Nian leave, picked up his mobile phone and found the photo he had just captured, and sent it to his circle of friends only to be seen by himself, with the caption: The first day of Shi Jing Yicheng. The accompanying picture happened to be a snapshot of Jing Yicheng holding the second pepper and putting it in his mouth.

There is still a long way to go, and comrades still need to work hard!

Xu Chenghao secretly cheered himself up, and by the way, watered the little yellow duck's Tuzui flowerpot, hoping that the little yellow duck could help him!

Whether or not he can complete the task of Jing Yicheng, it depends on him and the little yellow duck!

After the trouble is over, the work is still to work, the busy or still busy. This time, not only Xu Chenghao has multiple jobs, but Jing Yicheng also takes care of the research institute machinery, central management system and projects.

Xu Chenghao felt that, if things went on like this, even Little Yellow Duck wouldn't need to guard against the villain, because the two of them were too busy to sit behind their desks all day and couldn't get in touch with them at all!

But Xu Chenghao will find fun for himself - such as ordering a perverted spicy lunch for the other party when there is no chili! Then take a photo of his frown when he eats the box and send it to the circle of friends only for him to see, with the text: The second day of the spicy death of Jing Yicheng.

Or on the third day, I invited him to eat Sichuan cuisine, and I looked around and saw that the bowl and plate were full of red and bright peppers, and continued to post on the Moments that only I could see it: the third day of the spicy death Jing Ise.

Later, Jing Yicheng's thermos cup turned into a fat sea. The buccal tablet he bites in his mouth every day, and the white fungus stewed Sydney next to him.

But what is very strange is that even so, the other party has never refused to eat chili, and even discovered Xu Chenghao's candid filming behavior and did not stop it.

Seriously, if it weren't for the fact that the other party caused him to lose three chili peppers, it would have been too much, Xu Chenghao might have been moved long ago and wanted to call him a brother!

The villain doesn't matter, it doesn't matter if you're crazy, the point is that the other party's attitude and sincerity determine everything. If he treats people sincerely, Xu Chenghao will certainly not embarrass him... Now the villain is wrong in the first step, causing his anger to break out and still not dispelled.

After being in a daze for a while, the little yellow duck flowerpot in front of me has long produced red peppers, one whole pepper and one deformed. There are two deformities on the balcony.

Xu Chenghao hesitated for a while when he put the peppers in the fresh-keeping box, thinking whether it would be inhumane if he gave the peppers to Jing Yicheng to eat raw.

...he doesn't seem to have a good voice.

If you are ill, you will have to rest and cannot work. In this way, the project will be dragged down, and things at the Chili Base will definitely be delayed.

After looking for an excuse in his heart for a long time, Xu Chenghao finally locked all the peppers in the safe and decided to temporarily bypass Jing Yicheng tomorrow.

- Seeing that he is sincerely begging for forgiveness now!

As a result, Jing Yicheng, who was ready to welcome the arrival of the pepper the next day, was completely empty.

He sat in the seat and looked at the young man who entered the office area, thinking that the other party would come over to give him raw chili peppers as he did three days ago, but he saw that the other party didn't even look at him, he was holding the empty little yellow duck flowerpot and directly Walk over and enter your own office area.

Jing Yicheng frowned slightly, his first reaction was what did he do wrong? ! The second reaction is to wonder if there are no failures or excess peppers this time?

Jing Yicheng didn't care about the condition of his throat at all, but he was more concerned about why the other party suddenly didn't give him peppers. In the end, I couldn't sit still and asked directly.

Xu Chenghao looked up at him in surprise: "You still think about peppers even though your voice is like this?"

Jing Yicheng glanced at the empty little yellow duck flowerpot again and asked, "So this time there is no excess or failure?"

Xu Chenghao slightly averted his eyes and raised his voice.

Jing Yicheng thought this attitude was a bit strange, so he sat down and stared at it carefully: "Are you angry?"

Xu Chenghao: "...No."

Jing Yicheng also felt different, but the sudden change of the other party made him a little uneasy: "What did you hear?"

Xu Chenghao: "...No."

Jing Yicheng frowned. Could it be that he thought too much, and the other party really didn't have any extra peppers for him?

Xu Chenghao waved his hand in front of him: "What are you thinking? Do you still think about not giving you chili?"

Jing Yicheng returned to his senses and said without hesitation, "Yes, doesn't Mr. Xu know that I like eating chili raw the most?"

"Cough cough cough cough." Li Nian, who was passing by, snorted a large sip of coffee, and took Xu Chenghao's paper to wipe his mouth, "I'm sorry, I got choked when I was walking... I'll find someone to clean up the ground immediately." Turn around and leave quickly.

Xu Chenghao sighed helplessly, and gestured, "See? How deadly are you saying this with your almost hoarse voice!"

Jing Yicheng unscrewed the thermos cup he carried with him and took a sip of water: "I'm getting colder and colder and I have a cold."

Xu Chenghao raised his eyebrows: "Say it again!"

Jing Yicheng: "…"

Xu Chenghao gave him a speechless look, then lowered his head and continued to work.

Jing Yicheng sat on the opposite side and watched for a while, his eyes slid from the handsome face of the other party all the way to the slender fingers of the signature, but he didn't see anything wrong.

Could it be that you really think too much? Maybe there are some abnormal spicy lunch boxes waiting for you today?

Jing Yicheng took another gulp of water from the fat sea bubble, and after five minutes of stalemate, he was sure that he couldn't ask anything, so he could only get up and leave - after all, he was also very busy.

As soon as Jing Yicheng left, Li Nian, who disappeared, quickly appeared, sat opposite Xu Chenghao and said, "Mom, this is a lunatic, what kind of voice is waiting for you to toss? No, this is not a lunatic. , it's called masochism!"

Xu Chenghao said slowly: "I said he likes to eat, you still don't believe me."

Li Nian clicked his tongue twice, "The other party is rushing to cooperate with you to send money, let's not talk about it, and still stay here for you to toss. Seriously, if you are a woman, I think he is chasing you! What kind of regret?"

Xu Chenghao nodded his temples without raising his head: "You have to make good memories, we were still rivals in love before, and the cooperation was completely compensated by the other party's guilty conscience for stealing things from me. What kind of pursuit is there, I still love deeply and have no regrets. , you can pull it down."

Li Nian: "Just kidding, I just think Jing Yicheng is a little strange, very strange to you."

Xu Chenghao paused, looked up and said, "What do you think is strange?"

Li Nian was rarely serious, and recalled: "I can't tell, but it feels very different, just how he feels about you and the rest of us are completely different."

Xu Chenghao turned the black pen in his hand and frowned slightly: "That's because he thinks I'm with him, so he feels like a companion."

Li Nian looked at him up and down when he heard the words, nodded in agreement, "Sometimes it's quite crazy."

Xu Chenghao: "…"


The author has something to say: Xu Chenghao: The villain's voice is not good, let him go first.

Jing Yicheng: Why is there no chili anymore? Am I doing something wrong? I can, I have a good voice and that's fine!

Li Nian: stunned.jpg